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UK Newswire Archive

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Scott Ritter: Neocons as Parasites

09-08-2005 19:45

This is the third of Raw Story's series of conversations with former U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter. In the first installment, Ritter spoke about the situations as regards weapons in Iraq, Iran and Russia. In the second, Ritter enumerated what he saw as the failings of the U.S. intelligence operation, calling the CIA 'terminally ill.'

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Peasants on the March to King George/Sheehan to be Arrested

09-08-2005 19:39

It seems that the families of those killed and crippled in Iraq are now considered a threat to National Security.

They LIED and took her son from her, now they will take her freedom too.

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Rebel flowers... fields of resistance - radical art exhibition

09-08-2005 16:51

A photographic exhibition by Jess Hurd charting the rising resistance to neo-liberalism and war across the world.

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Center Parcs ‘Empty Nested’ Family’s Position

09-08-2005 16:24

John Matthews Letter Corporate Sarcasm
“Center Parcs' target market is ABC1 families with young children, young professionals and empty nesters”. On Sunday 7th August 2005, a Center Parcs director was the target for a whole Family, ‘empty nested’ (evicted) by Center Parcs Director, John Matthews.

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Ambient Green Picnic – July 2005

09-08-2005 16:23

where are the crowds?
The Ambient Green Picnic was held in Guildford on Sunday 31 July 2005.

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Intelligence chiefs warn Blair of 'UK insurgency'

09-08-2005 15:49

Intelligence chiefs are warning Tony Blair that Britain faces a full-blown Islamist insurgency, sustained by thousands of young Muslim men with military training now resident in the country.

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August 7: Parliament Square - MAD

09-08-2005 15:19

More video of the demonstration at Parliament Square, August 7.

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Pledge to fight the backlash against Muslims

09-08-2005 14:05

"I will use any opportunity to speak out against racism and hate against Muslims sparked by the London bombings. I will offer support to my Muslim brothers and sisters, regardless of my own faith but only if 100 other people will too."

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The Crisis of the Media and the Fifth Estate

09-08-2005 13:38

"In many coungtries, the media long regarded as a characteristic element of democracy have become the main problem for democracy. Media's association with information has become a problem.. The quality of democracy depends on the quality of democratic debate.."

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Hiroshima @ Nagasaki 60th anniversary commemoration event in Nottingham - Pics 2

09-08-2005 13:37

60th Anniversary vigil in Market Square, Nottingham organised by Nottingham CND and Greenpeace. Local groups holding events all across the country to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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Hiroshima @ Nagasaki 60th anniversary commemoration event in Nottingham - Pics 1

09-08-2005 13:32

60th Anniversary vigil in Market Square, Nottingham organised by Nottingham CND and Greenpeace. Local groups holding events all across the country to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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CIA allowed nuke spy to continue

09-08-2005 13:14

Former Dutch Prime Minister: nuclear proliferation to Libya, Iran and North Korea by the CIA tolerated Pakistani top spy Dr. Kahn.

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Italian prisoners update - call for response

09-08-2005 12:57

support italian anarchist prisoners

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Second anniversary of Caracoles

09-08-2005 12:41

Note on second anniversary of the formation of the Zapatista caracoles in Chiapas, Mexico.

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Blog for Uzbekistan on September 1st

09-08-2005 09:44

Support the worldwide campaign for human rights and democracy in Uzbekistan. Blog in support of targeted sanctions on September 1st.

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London bombers just like BNP

09-08-2005 07:28

Forget Iraq. Forget MI5. Forget the Neo-Cons. The reason why London's Underground was bombed is because Islamists are just like fascists - at least according to Searchlight... so it's time the government censored the internet.

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09-08-2005 01:47

George W. Bush is a Christian Zionist. Is Tony Blair, or is he motivated by greed and power alone?

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This is what democracy looks like?

08-08-2005 23:34

Video of arrests in Parliament Square and Interviews with Brian Haw, Spark, Gerry, Keith Shilson (Middlesex University Student Union President), and Kate.

Sunday 7th August 2005

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justice betrayed ......

08-08-2005 22:57

The rights of a defendant to a fair trial are protected?
These deficiencies are peculiar to the US Miliary Commission, as proceedings brought before International Tribunals, US, British & Australian criminal jurisdictions & Military Courts Martials ensure that the rights of a defendant to a fair trial are protected.

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Straw Bale building in Nottingham!

08-08-2005 21:44

We're building a straw bale structure on allotments in Nottingham 11-14 August. All welcome!
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