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Send in the Clowns: CIRCA saves the day! YAY! ;) a piece of activism history;

08-05-2007 09:46

Send in the clowns:
A montage of events as they unfolded (hint: see the DVD for the live action! It is great!)

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Mobilisation against detention camps in Northern greece

08-05-2007 08:46

Greek activists against borders plan interventions in the war zone against migraants that is Evros

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Kirklees BNP Humiliated-Again!!

08-05-2007 07:58

David Exley BNP councillor for Heckmondwike and North Kirklees organiser recently predicted in the media that the BNP would win 7 seats in this years council elections.

This came as no real surprise as Dippy Dave always predicts a 7 seat haul and as in previous times Dippy Dave was very wide of the mark.

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New campaign on Chechnya

08-05-2007 06:36 launched its second campaign this week, calling on Russia and the international community to provide people in Chechnya with economic and psychical security.

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“God’s Energy” - DOD / “Denied”:

08-05-2007 06:07

In contrast, IEC/Electric fusion devices are smaller, significantly more economical, non radioactive, have had working prototypes producing 10 kv of energy, much more likely to be a viable option, and could come to reality in about 5 - 6 years from appropriation of 200 million dollars (less than the cost of one day of economic support for the Middle East oil wars without a single loss of life - 1/90th of what has been spent on D-T fusion).

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Strangers into Citizens, Refugee Rights March, London

07-05-2007 22:16

Video Rush of the Refugee Rights March from Westminster Cathedral to Trafalgar Square, 07 May 2007.

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EDO MBM court case 8/5/7 call for support of protester

07-05-2007 22:09


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Compact G8 Info for the UK

07-05-2007 21:59

As I felt there is a lack of (practical) information on how to participate in this years G8 protests, I have designed this little info thingy, originally for the Essex Uni area but usefull for everybody.

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Chesterfield Mayday 2007

07-05-2007 21:35

The Mayday march and rally in Chesterfield always takes place on the Bank Holiday Monday and there was a good turnout as usual.

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Arctic Ice Melting 3x Faster Than Predictions

07-05-2007 21:25

A study published in the current issue of
Geophysical Research Letters reveals that
"the actual rate at which summer sea ice
had shrunk per decade during the past 50
years was more than three times faster than
an average of 18 of the most highly regarded
climate simulations."(1)

This is another in a growing number of reports
that are showing that the globe is warming
at an accelerated pace, not in the gradual
steady incline that was expected by the

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Tamils arrested in Australia under Howard’s draconian “anti-terrorism” laws

07-05-2007 21:25

Bogus “war on terror”
Once more, unsubstantiated allegations of “terrorism” are being used for outright attacks on basic political, legal and civil rights. These developments highlight the extraordinary scope for Australian governments to use the so-called anti-terrorist laws to exploit the bogus “war on terror” launched by Washington to target anyone considered a threat to Australian domestic or foreign policy.

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Interview with John Bowden

07-05-2007 21:16

An old interview with John Bowden from Schnews

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Family block at faslane 19th and 20th May

07-05-2007 20:48

There will be a family blockade as part of the faslane 365 action on the 19th and 20th of May.The main blockade will be on the 20th of May

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Strangers into Citizens March to Trafalgar Square Monday May 7th

07-05-2007 20:02

Two out of three (66%) British people believe undocumented migrants who have been in the UK for more than four years and who work and pay taxes should be allowed to stay and not be called illegal. Two-thirds (67%) also believe asylum seekers should be allowed to work.

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Amnesty for migratnts without papers - 1

07-05-2007 19:58

Thousands joined the Strangers into Citizens March Monday May 7th 2007

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G8 Bike Caravan Action Nijmegen

07-05-2007 17:19

Today a bicycle demo against the G8 was held in Nijmegen, Holland..

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Oxford Park and Ride Strikers

07-05-2007 16:22

Striking security guards at three of Oxford’s park-and-ride sites have stepped up their industrial action in the dispute over staff numbers on late shifts.

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Appeal for funds to make a balanced 7/7 documentary DVD

07-05-2007 16:08

Nafeez Ahmed - The London Bombings: An Independent Inquiry
52 people died on 7th July 2005 in four major explosions on London's public transport system. Britain's New Labour government has blocked all attempts to investigate the attacks of that day citing 'national security' as the reason why the public should not know what happened. Any official enquiry into 7/7 looks likely to be carried out by people appointed by the Prime Minister and not independent at all.

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Dismissed for disclosing misconduct

07-05-2007 15:36

An academic has been dismissed from the School of Computing and IT
at the University of Wolverhampton on the grounds of Gross
Misconduct following the use of email and an online blog devoted to
bullying in academia to express criticisms and complaints towards
management and policies within the University.

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Ignored by the left…

07-05-2007 15:03

Why are extremely vulnerable sick and disabled people being ignored by progressive forces of all kinds?
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