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Nonces, Abusers, Rapists and rape-apologists in the Far-Right

02-04-2014 18:21

A pdf of Nonces, Abusers, Rapists and rape-apologists in the Far-Right

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100th Anniversary WW1: Critique Conference on Imperialism & War London 11/12 Apr

02-04-2014 12:12

Fri. - Sat.11 & 12 April, Thai Theatre, New Academic Building, London School of Economics, WC2A 3LJ (Holborn tube)

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The Philippines-Bangsamoro Agreement

02-04-2014 07:56

The Bangsamoro Agreement: A Step towards Re-imagining and Rebuilding the Philippine Nation

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Vegan And Vegetarian Champions Ask LeBron James To Join Them

01-04-2014 21:41

Roger Bannister British vegetarian 1st to run 4 minute mile
champion vegan and vegetarian athletes of the world ask LeBron James to cancel his fast food ad

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BBC says sorry over lax Data Protection for sources - another own goal!

01-04-2014 16:29

The BBC itself has admitted during today (Tuesday 01 April 2014) to being sorry over the disclosure in the last 48 hours that the BBC'sd own lax management had allowed sources' data to be disclsoed to the supposed subject of last night's Panaroma episide abouut London's Tower Hamlets Borough Council.

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Day of Protest against ATOS & DWP. Report from Wrexham

01-04-2014 12:33

Protest at Wrexham Jobcentre, home of ATOS work capability assessments

Today, 1 April, has been called as a further day of action against ATOS and the Department for Work and Pensions. I decided to lend my support to the call for an end to the notorious work capability assessments that force disabled people to seek jobs that don't exist, and to the genocidal government policy of cutting off benefits and leaving claimants without the means of survival.

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Colombian government denounced for violation of human rights

31-03-2014 22:49

The continuing serious violations of human rights, the lack of guarantees to political and social opposition and the lack of international standards of the Colombian government were denounced yet again and continued to generate great concern among international NGOs and the participants who made up the 25th session of the Human Rights Council UN in Geneva, Switzerland

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Waking up to Fracking and Associated Evils in Wrexham and Everywhere

31-03-2014 15:24

First view of the Farndon test drilling site across the fields

Fracking and its associated evils hadn't exactly escaped my attention, but it's only these past two weeks - with test drilling for coal bed methane happening 10 miles from my home - that I've made time to find out more and join in the resistance. This article is a summary of a few things I've learned, plus links, hopefully useful for anyone else in a similar position. I know it's not comprehensive - use it as a starting point. There are numerous extreme energy sites and potential sites around the country that all need our attention and resistance.

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Calais : Defend the Squats, Defend Ourselves, Defend the 62

31-03-2014 13:20

This is a text about the fascist demo organized in Calais the 13th of April 2014, and in the same time the call out for the antidemo.

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North East EDL, Infidels and anti-fascist demonstrate in Millfield, Sunderland

30-03-2014 23:14

Anti-fascists protest
The North East Infidels, EDL and various other far-right groups came together to protest once again in Millfield, Sunderland.

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Pushing Toward The Final War

30-03-2014 17:36

Does Obama realize that he is leading the US and its puppet states to war with Russia and China, or is Obama being manipulated into this disaster by his neoconservative speech writers and government officials? World War 1 (and World War 2) was the result of the ambitions and mistakes of a very small number of people. Only one head of state was actually involved–the President of France. In The genesis Of The World War, Harry Elmer Barnes shows that World War 1 was the product of 4 or 5 people. Three stand out: Raymond Poincare`, President of France, Sergei Sazonov, Russian Foreign Minister, and Alexander Izvolski, Russian Ambassador to France.

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Eco-Warriors Accuse Enfield Council of Corruption at Middlesex University

30-03-2014 17:16

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. - Lord Acton.
As if to symbolise the destruction of the earth itself, day by day the 400-year-old oak trees in the ancient woodlands at Middlesex university at Cat Hill Cockfosters Enfield north London, have been cut down while the eco-warriors support the blockade at the front gates by elderly local residents to protest against the blatant theft of their educational and environmental heritage by the crooked property developers London and Quadrant and the equally corrupt Enfield council.

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Spring into Action for World Peace

29-03-2014 18:05

Spring forward with Scottish CND

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UG#678 - The New Pearl Harbor 2 (Amerithrax, The Pentagon and Shanksville)

29-03-2014 13:48

Before we continue our title piece, another 9-11 related piece from 2009. Author/film makers Bob Coen and Eric Nadler describe their researches into Amerithrax and the multi-billion dollar germ "defense" warfare industry. In our second hour, we continue with The New Pearl Harbor on the Pentagon and Shanksville events. We conclude with two 9/11 Commission members calling foul.

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Demonstrators Storm Spanish Embassy in London in Solidarity with Sub-saharan Migrants

28-03-2014 18:35

the banners with same message in english and spanish
As had been previously announced on, on Friday the 28th of March a group of 12 to 15 protesters went to the Spanish consulate in London’s West End to protest the recent murders of dozens of Sub-saharan African migrants trying to enter the Spanish colonial enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla on the North Coast of Morocco. The Spanish Guardia Civil were responsible for these murders, according to eye witnesses.

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The External Cost of Spying

28-03-2014 14:35

Not only is the spying perpetrated by the failing nation states of the so-called "West" and their accomplices the worst crime in Earth history, a collective suicide of all its perpetrators and a monstrous waste of indispensable resources and possibilities, it also is a stain on the record of the planetary biogenesis as the following will elaborate. Even if no external observer is systematically paying attention, and even when that attention is not penetrative but respectful to all limits of internal affairs, the diagnosis whether a technologically significant biogenesis is plagued by this pest can reliably be made from its intentionally visible emissions alone. Since the external attention is unknown by definition, it cannot be appeased by any propaganda, and the full integrity of the scientific method is assured. This analysis shows what an external perception of Earthly life would have to expect as the result of spying, and what these findings were to result in for its decisions about its handling of our planet.

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'POP UP' Syrian Refugee Camp

28-03-2014 00:40

'POP UP' Syria Refugee Camp
9 Million displaced Syrian's must not be forgotten.

Show solidarity to the Syrian people and support the 'POP UP' Syrian Refugee Camp.

No need to bring tent as already organized.
Bring good energy, banners, placards, tea,coffee. Check weatherforcast for brolly alert!

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A Mothers Day Benefit gig for Afghan mothers.

27-03-2014 20:43

Sunday March 30th. 8.00pm - 10.30pm
The Grosvenor
Sidney rd, Stockwell
London SW9 0TP
£5.00 / £4.00 concs

With Kate Smurthwaite, Sh!t Theatre, Elf Lyons & 1 more act tbc

Kate Smurthwaite will perform her award winning Edinburgh show: "The News At Kate: My Professional Opinion". Its a real honour to be welcoming her back to the Grosvenor.

Shit Theatre need no introduction as they've gone down an absolute storm when they've played here before. They'll be performing their show "Women's hour".

Elf Lyons completes the line up. "Lyons needs no work on her stage presence, she’s already got that honed to a fine art [...] quirky, funny and bold – certainly one to watch"

This will be a benefit gig for the Organisation Promoting Afghan Women's Capabilities (OPAWC) who have been empowering Afghan women since the 1980s.

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Oppose Cuts, Don't Pay Council Tax!

27-03-2014 18:55

Thanks to people who sent messages of support to me in prison and the way forward.

I was sentenced to 28 days in prison for refusing to pay Council Tax as a protest against the public spending cuts which, incidentally, are affecting both inmates and staff inside the prisons.  Both groups gave me a warm welcome. A special thanks to my cellmate prisoner Steve Williams who looked after me.  After 14 days I have been released. Thanks to all who sent me messages of support.

In Nottingham City at present there are over 20,000 people in areas with Council Tax payments, around one in six of those eligible.  It is much the same in other areas.  Already there is a financial crisis in local government and the more of us who refuse to pay up the worse it will become.

More of us should refuse to pay so as to force the Coalition Government to respond.  Twenty five years ago millions of people refusing to pay Poll Tax forced a change in government policy and we can do the same again. You don't have to go to prison.  It's taken Nottingham City Council a year to get me inside.  By not paying until you are threatened with commital to prison will strangle the cashflow to the Labour councillor parasites.

It is high time for us to move from the defensive to the offensive in the fight against the cuts. People must face up to the fact that if you do anything which really hurts the capitalist state then it will hit back at you.  All the time we stick to useless protests such as petitions and passive demos the ca[italist class and their state functionaries don't care a toss.  It is also true that in any real fightback it will be the poorest, most disadvantaged people who will be hit hardest.  It has ever been such.  No pain, no gain.


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Massive protest at NATO conference Bucherest Romania

27-03-2014 12:07

Right now a battle between police and protestors going on in Bucherest.
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