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Obama and 9/11

08-02-2009 22:53

Imagine yourself within the mind of Barack Obama, the first African American president of the United States of America. You are a man who knows how 'the system' works. This knowledge has been accrued at hard struggle, and by a remarkable and unique ability to adapt to any environment because you spent a lifetime as an exotic specimen in every environment, from Kansas to Kenya -- both African and American, Muslim and Christian, black and white. But you always displayed your native nobility -- tribal nobility on your father's side; nobility of spirit on your mother's -- and you were, with rare exceptions, accepted on your own terms. You were born under the sign of Leo, the lion, the natural leader; and your intelligence was honed with great discipline, under the influence of strong women.

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Eco-rangers murdered, in danger in DRC, Africa

08-02-2009 20:58

Nasty 'theocrats' attack anyone in their way!
Gorillas', wildlife and innocent civilians are massacred.
But you can help.
Support Wildlife Direct and NOW!

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On Mount Gerizim, thinking about Gaza, timeless occupations and endless ethnic c

08-02-2009 20:44

Over the December period, Israel started shelling Gaza in a major offensive against the civilian population who individually paid the price with massive fatalities, dismembered limbs and phosphorous burns penetrating skin to bone.
Sharp blades of all sizes and shapes, lethal slivers raining down slicing and piecing, amputating; arms from bodies, heads from necks...
Gazans were prevented from leaving the strip, trapped inside as the knives and fire rained down.
In Nablus people clung to their TV screens, eyes spread- eagled wide, unable to work as the seemingly endless deformities of destruction paraded night after night.

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Animal Count, Sponsored Walk

08-02-2009 20:04

Participants of Animals Count Sponsored Walk - resized to 560pxl
Animals Count raise £5,000 to enter the European Parliament elections on 4th June.

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Email David Miliband about Binyam Mohamed

08-02-2009 19:46

UK an US intelligence want Binyam Mohamed dead in Guantanamo because they don't want the facts of his torture made known.

Email David Miliband:

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Books not Bombs, A Rally for Gaza, University of Nottingham : Pics 2

08-02-2009 18:08

On Friday 6th Feb, a massive rally took place on the University of Nottingham main campus. Meeting at 2pm on Portland Hill, the rally aimed at expressing solidairty with the victims of the recent conflict and the population of Gaza and to launch an initiative entitled “Books not Bombs” that aims at getting the University of Nottingham to donate educational equipment to children and students living in Gaza.

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Books not Bombs, A Rally for Gaza, University of Nottingham : Pics 1

08-02-2009 18:01

On Friday 6th Feb, a massive rally took place on the University of Nottingham main campus. Meeting at 2pm on Portland Hill, the rally aimed at expressing solidairty with the victims of the recent conflict and the population of Gaza and to launch an initiative entitled “Books not Bombs” that aims at getting the University of Nottingham to donate educational equipment to children and students living in Gaza.

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RBS- please Darling, can we have some more

08-02-2009 17:09

The begging by poverty stricken bankers at RBS for extra cash to pay for their high class whores and caviar and foie gras canapes seems to have paid off. Chancellor Darling and Supreme Leader Brown have agreed that there is a real need for these poor unfortunate bankers to get a bonus from the state owned bank.

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Obama the imperialist

08-02-2009 17:07

The first Democratic president in the modern era to be elected on an anti-war ticket is also, to the relief of neocons and the liberal belligerati, a hawk. Committed to escalation in Afghanistan, his foreign policy selections also indicate bellicosity towards Sudan and Iran. During his first week in office he sanctioned two missile attacks in Pakistan, killing 22 people, including women and children. And his stance on Gaza is remarkably close to that of the outgoing administration. The question now is how Obama will convince his supporters to back that stance. Bush could rely on a core constituency whose commitment to peace and human rights is, at the very least, questionable. Obama has no such luxury. In making his case, he will need the support of those "liberal hawks" who gave Bush such vocal support.

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Greek banks downgraded!

08-02-2009 17:04

Three of the top Greek banks have been downgraded by the economic agency Moody’s, after losing 70 per cent of their share price in the Athens Stock Exchange during 2008.

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Pure rubbish: Christopher Booker prize

08-02-2009 16:53

Christopher Booker prize 2009 offered for producing clap-trap about climate change.

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Climate change So what legacy will we leave behind?

08-02-2009 16:43

I wrote the following article and I would like to have it get a little more exposure than just a letter to the editor in the local newspaper. The problem with the global warming theory is that it can cloud one's vision from a real threat, global cooling. And in so doing can cause great harm to this country.

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yet more surveillance

08-02-2009 16:04

Welcome to the brave new world of the CIU (Confidential intelligence unit) as reported in the mail online -

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Gender, Race and Class: an anti-capitalist feminist event - SOAS, Sat 14 Feb!

08-02-2009 16:01

Details for the anti-capitalis feminist event to be held in London on St Valentine's Day #'09.

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Full Disclosure or Damage Control

08-02-2009 15:38

Last week a High Court ruling confirmed Binyam Mohamed was tortured whilst in the custody of the US in the full knowledge and cooperation of the Blair government. Mohamed has claimed that he was beaten, scalded and subjected to sleep deprivation, starvation and other forms of extreme mental and physical torture. Furthermore, British authorities were aware of the extent of the torture that Mohammed was subjected to making them complicit in his unlawful detention and abuse.

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Keeping up pressure on BBC

08-02-2009 15:26

The BBC seems to be ignoring the constant harrassment of Gaza farmers.

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Freedom Fighters, Terrorists or Schlemiels?

08-02-2009 15:26

Condi Rice: “What we’re seeing here, in a sense, is the growing birth pangs of a new Middle East.”

Jon Stewart: “Birth pangs? Yes, I believe today’s contraction took out a city block.”

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Another Study Exposes Bio-Fuel Scam - Corn Dog Update

08-02-2009 15:20

A couple days ago, I published a piece listing 14 studies that have exposed the high costs of the ethanol scam. But I overlooked two points: A new study by Cornell University’s David Pimentel, and the latest numbers showing the amount of corn ethanol distilling capacity that has been idled due to negative margins.

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Obama and the Empire

08-02-2009 15:03

I've said all along that whatever good changes might occur in regard to non-foreign policy issues, such as what's already taken place concerning the environment and abortion, the Obama administration will not produce any significantly worthwhile change in US foreign policy; little done in this area will reduce the level of misery that the American Empire regularly brings down upon humanity. And to the extent that Barack Obama is willing to clearly reveal what he believes about anything controversial, he appears to believe in the empire.

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Sheriff Arpaio parades shackled undocumented immigrants through town square

08-02-2009 14:44

Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County Arizona continues his human rights violations. This video shows disturbing images of Americas worst sheriff and modern day Bull Connor abusing his power. Arpaio paraded 200 shackled individuals suspected of being in this country undocumented as a form of transportation from one jail to another. The inmates new place of captivity is "tent city".
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