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Plymouth mayday Anti Capitalist demo

25-04-2015 00:55


Saturday, May 2 pm at 11:00am

Plymouth Sundial


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Many Reasons McDoanld's To Shut Down 700 Stores This Year...

24-04-2015 20:37

1.5 Million Underpaid Workers
Animal agony, unionbusting, deforestation, human disease, crime, corruption, environmental desecration, energy waste, litter (biggest corporate British litterer).... some reasons McDonald's
faces 139 stores closing in Japan and 700 systemwide this year.

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OBAMA KILLS TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE: Hints of the dark place he is taking us

24-04-2015 19:11

How can you have responsibility with no consequences?

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Forgetting history lessons. Method of Polish Ministers

24-04-2015 11:31

Poland officials eliminate the memory of nation-wide disaster

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EDL and UKIP turn blind eye to white baby rapist gang @slatukip @edlnews

22-04-2015 21:08

A grooming gang abusing babies and streaming their abuse online, who groomed pregnant women to rape their NEWLY BORN BABIES described by the judge as being "one of the most 'vile and depraved' child sex offences the authorities have ever seen, have been absolutely ignored by the EDL, Britain First and UKIP because the horrific nonces are white. .

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Wiping the smug look off the face of capitalism!

22-04-2015 17:52

When a young anti-capitalist leapt on to the desk in front of European Central Bank president Mario Draghi when he was giving a press conference in Frankfurt on April 15, the look on Draghi's face was priceless.

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Ukraine got shattered with counterfeit currency

22-04-2015 13:31

The evidence that Ukraine becomes the source of forged money

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Manchester radical book fair and workshops, all welcome

22-04-2015 13:01

A group unhappy with the gentrification of Manchester and the decline in people who are awkward to the status quo have got together to start the first of what we hope will be an annual event.

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Tower Hamlets- No crime generally! Very strange

22-04-2015 11:39

Tower Hamlets is one of the London Boroughs where the allegedly £28M Moped gang is being pursued by the Police

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Event in Llangollen to remember lifelong peace activist Lib Rowlands-Hughes on centenary of Gallipoli landings (Anzac Day)

21-04-2015 12:49

Saturday 25 April is Anzac Day, and on this centenary of the first Gallipoli landings special commemorations are planned in Australia, New Zealand and in London including government sponsored events designed to bolster support for today's wars rather than mourn the terrible losses in WWI and learn the obvious lessons.

Here in Wales, we have chosen this day to celebrate the life of the great peace campaigner Elisabeth (Lib) Rowlands-Hughes, born right at the end of WWI, who lost an uncle at Gallipoli and three more in WWI: near Gaza and in France: uncles she never knew but remembered all her life and whose deaths she described as "an utter, utter, utter waste." Lib, who died last November aged 96, would have appreciated an event for peace on this anniversary which she would have seen as an invitation not to glorify war but to reflect on its futility.

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The commemoration of the end of World War II in Baltic countries

21-04-2015 11:45

While the 70th anniversary of the end of the WWII is coming closer people engaged in re-writing history and making criminals look like heroes are becoming much more active. Unfortunately, the Baltic states are at the head of that happening.

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A Peace Tree in Oxford

20-04-2015 21:18

On 12th April 2015 we planted a Bombed Kaki Tree Junior of Nagasaki in Barracks Lane Community Garden in East Oxford. This is a descendent of a tree which survived the atomic blast at Nagasaki seventy years ago this year. Such trees are planted around the world as symbols of peace and healing as a part of the Kaki Tree Project.

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Genocide of ‘non-Ukrainians’ on approval of the EU

20-04-2015 11:28

There is a real possibility that Ukraine would no longer be a multiethnic country

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The origins of the Green Party – Eugenics and Euthanasia

18-04-2015 00:31

The Green Party's origins lie with the document 'Blue Print for Survival'; signatory (amongst others) Julian Huxley, eugenicist (selective human breeding), member of the British Eugenics Society, Fellow of the Royal Society.

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Locals Protest Outside Housing Exhibition.

17-04-2015 23:34

The Exhibition in question...
On Thursday April 16th 2015 many local people assembled outside Cambridge Corn Exchange in response to a property exhibition hosted there.

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National Trust Vandalism

17-04-2015 19:41

Freshwater West

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World Bank Announces Package of Aid and Loans to Ebola-Affected Countries

17-04-2015 14:37

The World Bank announces $650 million in new concessional loans and grants for Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia at the start of the Spring IMF and World Bank meetings.

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Memory of Volhynia massacre sacrificed for sake of ‘common European position on

17-04-2015 11:30

Regrettably a large part of Poles have forgotten the experience of the Second World War.

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Tower Hamlets Council may never knowingly lie - so what's up on this impasse?

17-04-2015 10:28

The Local Govt Chronicle website says that there is an impasse over appointing a Tower Hamlets Council Chief Exec. The Council's response from Lutfur Raham appears to dispute that. Labour Cllr Clare Harrison makes another iffy-so-so-

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Tower Hamlets Council may never knowingly lie - so what's up on this impasse?

17-04-2015 10:28

The Local Govt Chronicle website says that there is an impasse over appointing a Tower Hamlets Council Chief Exec. The Council's response from Lutfur Raham appears to dispute that. Labour Cllr Clare Harrison makes another iffy-so-so-
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