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Freedom to Protest and the Repeal of SOCPA

05-05-2008 14:53

After the Government announced its intention to repeal sections 132-38 of SOCPA, It seems another consultation on our freedom to assemble and protest is on its way. The House of Commons Joint Committee on Human Rights has just launched a ‘Call for Evidence’ in order ‘to enquire into the human rights issues arising from policing and protest’ [1].

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Palestine Today 050508

05-05-2008 14:43

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Thursday May 5th 2008.

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Maoist China foreign policy: 1970s and 1980s

05-05-2008 13:55

Maoist China foreign policy: 1970s and 1980s
The Mandate of Heaven (Excerpt). A detailed account of Maoist Chinese foreign policy is beyond the scope of this article, but some examples will illustrate the central thesis: that China’s foreign policy is in no way different from that of other world powers. The Three-Worlds Theory was used to justify Chinese alliances with right-wing reactionary governments during the 1970s and 1980s.

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The Legacy of 1968 - The Indymedia Story TONIGHT!

05-05-2008 13:45

Tonight at the Roxy Bar & Screen, a Monday Love Party Special

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Bike not bombs at carnival against the arms trade

05-05-2008 13:14

Bike not Bombs against EDO MBM at National Demo against the arms-trade

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A study to end War/Injustice in Lebanon and the world

05-05-2008 12:39

Two weeks ago, a group of Human Rights Activists launched a new study called: "the Council Of Citizens".
This study claims it has found a solution to all kinds of problems related to injustice and misuse of power including wars...
We ask you to read this study and promote it...

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London mayoral elections: Labour’s neo-cons and the left apologists for Livingst

05-05-2008 12:27

Writing in the Guardian, Seumas Milne argued, “A defeat for Livingstone would not just be a blow to the broadly defined left, working-class Londoners, women, ethnic minorities and greens. It would represent a wider defeat for progressive politics, in Britain and beyond.”

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Welcome Mr Barnbrook!

05-05-2008 10:31

Please give a warm and civilised welcome to our esteemed London Assembly member....

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Mayday Celebrations - Space Hijackers

05-05-2008 06:59

A short video of the Mayday Street party

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Testimony of Serge N Fosso

05-05-2008 06:54

Kicked of Brussels Airline for protesting against removal of Ebenizer Folefack Sontsa,

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Ebenizer Folefack Sontsa

05-05-2008 06:51

Born Cameroon 1976, Murdered 1st May 2008 by Belgium's inhumane immigration laws

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New Research into the Death of Bees

05-05-2008 06:28

The disappearance of the bees and other pollinators is the most crucial environmental question which we face. Here is a summary of the most recent German research into this question.

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Open Letter To My Fellow Apes Regarding Civilization

05-05-2008 03:53

Will we destroy all that informs us of who we really are?

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May Day Strike Against the War Shuts Down All U.S. West Coast Ports

05-05-2008 02:54

On May 1, every port on the West Coast of the United States was shut down to demand an end to the U.S. war and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. The historic May Day walkout by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) is the first time ever that an American union has struck against a U.S. war. The union ranks defied the rulings of an arbitrator, who twice ordered them to go to work. They overcame the capitulations of the ILWU leadership, which didn't want the work stoppage in the first place, tried to water it down and cowered before the threats of legal action while waving the flag. The employers' Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) declared the May 1 port shutdown an "illegal strike." But after all the huffing and puffing from the bosses' mouthpieces, the dock workers pointed the way to defeating the imperialist war by mobilizing working-class power. In the end, it was more than a work stoppage. The dock workers' May Day strike against the war was a first step, a show of what it will take to bring down the warmongers in Washington. Their "symbolic" action was felt all the way to Iraq, where dock workers in two ports stopped work in solidarity with the ILWU. But it was only a beginning. What is needed is not only industrial action but a political offensive against the Democrats and Republicans, the partner parties of American imperialism, to build a class-struggle workers party.

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Direct Action + 13 countries = plenty of damage

05-05-2008 00:08

30th April - 4th May

Featuring; Austria, Italy, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Mexico, Sweden, Norway, USA & UK.

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Call out for Cardiff Mayday 2009

04-05-2008 23:17

Calan Mai is the 1st May - On this day Mayday rallies, marches & cultural events happen all around the world, there is scarcely a capital city in Europe without a MayDay parade, Cardiff is notable for not holding a regular event. Indeed there has not been a proper marking of Mayday in Wales since Social Forum Cymru 06 in Aberystwyth.

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Bush seeks 70 billion dollars for Iraq, Afghan war (by Latuff)

04-05-2008 23:16

Bush seeks 70 billion dollars for Iraq, Afghan war
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

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Peace Laureate appeals to Japan to hold on to Article 9

04-05-2008 23:02

Mairead Corrigan Maguire in a speech in Tokyo has asked Japan not to reject its Peace Constitution and Article 9

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Irish Redress Board Condemns Innocent Men

04-05-2008 23:00

Draconian Irish law is seen and felt at its worst when members of the public become victims of false allegations made against them at the Residential Institutions Redress Board,Dublin,Ireland.
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