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436,000 Liverpool Residents Snub May Day March

04-05-2008 00:44

Video Video
Imagine a May Day march with no chants, no demands, and very few banners. Who'd want to go to that? What if the keynote speaker was a parasitic class collaborator, who had recently sold out tens of thousands of workers? Would that inspire anyone? Not really.

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Something smells different in Cuba

04-05-2008 00:03

ººº With respect to the situation in Cuba these past few weeks, the Cuban Libertarian Movement – MLC (affinity group of Cuban anarchists in exile) speaks up to answer the unknowns and the challenges facing Cuban society. Ours is the voice of uncompromising commitment to freedom, equality and solidarity that has always been the sound of the Cuban anarchists.

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Big Game, Small Fry, Zimbabwean elephants and suing IMC Antwerp.

03-05-2008 22:01

not exactly John from the telly series "Lost" but wants to mean biz all the same
At first the writ served on behalf of Flemish businessman Geert Vroman & his company SPRL/BVBA Vroman seems to be yet another example of hyperbole and pique. A local businessman accuses a non-heirarchial volunteer collective engaged in progressive media and open publishing of invasion of privacy and demands damage compensation at 10,000 euro (7,820stg) for every hour an article has been on the newswire by serving a writ on a member of the team, Emmanuel Paulus. The article in question is merely a translation from English material available elsewhere on the internet supporting a petition against big game hunting which Vroman was revealed to organise thanks to a Flemish TV and Radio corporation program broadcast on March 9th, 2008. You don't need to be familiar with the European sector peers of the English "Carter Rucks" firm to spot the spoor of a big bully. But tracking the background might lead you to suspect an additional agenda of "West Vlandaaren" extreme nationalism in silencing an indymedia collective whose coverage of Vorman's Big game parties in Zimbabwe (complete with bagged elephants apparently) fell short of details published in the commercial Flemish press.

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Naomi Klein fundraiser for the Iraqi federation of Oil Unions and HOIO

03-05-2008 21:27

Naomi Klein, award winning journalist and author of the renowned anti-globalisation manual No Logo, will be in London at Friends Meeting House on 19 May for the launch of the paperback edition of her latest book, Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism.

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Shell AGM Demo

03-05-2008 21:14

Hands Off Iraqi Oil are planning a demo outside the Shell AGM at The Barbican Centre, Silk Street, EC2Y on Tuesday May 20th 9am - Be there! Shell are angling for long-term contracts for some of the biggest fields in Iraq - Kirkuk in the North, the Akkas Gas field in Anbar (no doubt using mercenaries to protect their operations there) and the Khalifiya field with BHP Billiton in the south. Our friends from the Rossport campaign will be coming to. Stop Shell, for our planet, and against war and occupation in Iraq and beyond....

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New video from Nahr al-Bared Camp

03-05-2008 20:43

The anarchist video collective "a-films" announces its latest short film (10 min.) from the destroyed Nahr al-Bared Refugee Camp in Lebanon called "Traces of Collective Dispossession".

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Free the Animals of Westlea Animal Prison

03-05-2008 20:35

Western Animal Rights Network (WARN) have ste up a protest camp outside Westlea Animal Rescue, a charity exposed on BBC's Inside Out programme for animal neglect and financial mismanagement.

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Extradition to Sweden thwarted - a further invitation hoped for.

03-05-2008 19:32

Vine and fig tree planter not to be extradited to Sweden.
(Peas get frozen and yet they also can be useful - all happens when it will).

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Object to the BNPs "festival"

03-05-2008 18:29

The deadline for objections to the BNPs "Red White & Blue" summer festival is THURS MAY 7TH. Everyone is encouraged to object to a license being granted to this fascist rally, being held in rural Derbyshire from 15-17 August.

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03-05-2008 18:19

Free Dr. Binayak Sen
1.00pm -3.00pm, Tuesday 13 May 2008
Indian High Commission, The Aldwych, London WC1
(nearest tube: Holborn)

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Free Binayak Sen Film Festival

03-05-2008 18:13

Resist the silent Emergency
14 May 2008 will mark one year of imprisonment for Dr Binayak Sen, the well-known public health and civil rights activist, arrested on false charges of ‘assisting’ the Maoist insurgency in Chattisgarh.

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Appeal to observe one year of Dr. Binayak Sen’s unjust detention

03-05-2008 18:06

Resist the silent Emergency
On May 13th/14th, 2008 Dr. Binayak Sen, an activist with a lifelong commitment to the issues of community health and human rights, will complete his first year of unjust imprisonment at the Raipur Central jail in Chhattisgarh. Organizations across the globe will be holding events on the evening of May 13th, 2008 to mark one year of his imprisonment. We appeal to your organization to hold rallies, candlelight vigils or lectures against his unconstitutional detention. Please let us know at freebsen@gmail. com if your organization would endorse this appeal.

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Bush/Cheney-Israeli Disinformation Campaign about Iran Directed Against the Unit

03-05-2008 16:50

The Bush administration and Israeli government appear to be operating a joint disinformation campaign, whose objective is to establish a media based alternative reality from which to accuse Syria/Iran of developing nuclear weapons with help from North Korea, by using a real event combined with planted stories establishing a defining narrative. This accusation in turn is augmented with stories about Iranian sponsored "Special Groups killing US troops in Iraq" and purported naval incidents the Persian Gulf, creating self-reinforcing, media based crisis.

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Human Rights Abuses & The Demonisation of 'The Enemy' in Secret Britain

03-05-2008 16:35

For the many Muslims incarcerated in legal limbo in the UK and their terrified families and friends, darkness began to fall almost as soon as the first news about the events of September 11th and World Trade Centre broke, initiating America's latest incarnation of its 'War on Terror'. The shadow hasn't lifted since.

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UN suspends aid to Gaza for lack of fuel (by Latuff)

03-05-2008 16:25

Gaza blockade: IsraHell suggested that the United Nations complain to Hamas
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of the brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed IsraHell's state terror.

High resolution version for printing purposes here:

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Election Fraud in the news again . . . . but its those that aint that are worst

03-05-2008 15:26

From the accepted profession of old western cold war operators in the 1950s (- see most accepted history, plus "COUP", the old 1960s textbook on the subject ) rigging elections has gotten a bad name, as "dictators" legitimise themselves with what others claim are stitched up polls . . . . but surely, if the experiences of those old operators is accepted ( where did they get to, eh ?) - its the criminal semi-coups - selecting the susceptible, easy-to-blackmail, or "pre-spun" people from EACH party thats the problem the world should worry about most - on the basis of how much the influencers of their opinions - or those they might appoint - could shake bungs out of the assortment of slushfunds, "commissions", etc in todays world of shutting down fraud enquiries "in the national interest", or complicity for the sake of the "defence of the realm" - it aint that much of a surprise that people might think they could get away with it, at least long enough to leave a few other people to take the rap. . . . or suffer the effects of the escape of poison from the drains of the new "supersafe" citycentre testing lab . . . . etc

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London Olympics terror threat used to vastly increase surveillance powers

03-05-2008 15:17

The threat of terrorism at the 2012 London Olympics is being hyped up in order to justify a vast increase in the surveillance powers of the British state.

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Brian and Barbara attacked in Parliament Square

03-05-2008 15:06

The attacks took place late last night with police and CCTV looking on.

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Streets A Beach - The Indymedia Story

03-05-2008 14:55

1968 at Roxy Bar & Screen
Ever wondered just how indymedia started? or where it came from?

Free Event - Monday 5th May

As part of a season of events exploring the political and cultural legacies of 1968, this free Monday Love Special at the Roxy Bar & Screen will present the history of indymedia,
from the hills of Chiapas to Reclaim The Streets, Genoa and the G8
with guest attendant and Master of Ceremonies, MC Lee Harris, footsoulja of '68

Live music, DJ's and anarchy till 1am
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