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Spodden Valley asbestos controversy: North West MEP gives frank opinions to BBC

27-09-2005 13:53

2 hour meeting in Brussels... (Den Dover MEP, Centre)
North West England MEP Den Dover was recently interviewed by Allan Beswick on the BBC GMR Breakfast Show. They spoke at length about many of the issues facing the controversial planning application to build over 600 homes and a children’s nursery on the site of what was once the world’s largest asbestos textile factory- Turner Brothers Asbestos- in the Spodden Valley, Rochdale, UK

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Spodden Valley: Asbestos and the environment - More cross-party support...

27-09-2005 13:45

Den Dover MEP with Conservative Rochdale councillors visit the Spodden Valley...
Following a recent visit to the Spodden Valley by Lib Dem MEP Chris Davies and a future planed visit by Labour MPs and MEPs. Words of support also came from UKIP MEP John Whittaker. This weekend saw members of the Conservative Party also express concerns over health & safety and the environment in the Spodden Valley, Rochdale, UK. Bithplace of the world's modern asbestos industry and home to what was the world's largest asbestos textile factory:

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Cindy Sheehan solidarity camp, 2nd October, Grosvenor Square

27-09-2005 13:10

Dear Friends,

We'd like to invite you to join us for our one-day solidarity camp, Sunday 2 October, 11 am - 5 pm, Grosvenor Square, London.

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Spodden Valley asbestos: Indymedia coverage mentioned in European Parliament

27-09-2005 12:43

Speaking in the European Parliament...
INDYMEDIA and other internet news archives have been mentioned in the European Parliament’s recent conference on asbestos that discussed a planning application to build 600+ homes and a children's nursery on the site of what was the world's largest asbestos textile factory- Spodden Valley, Rochdale in North West England..

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Zarqawi's war whoops

27-09-2005 11:59

Iraqis lived through another round of bloodletting this week as controversy swirls around Zarqawi's alleged call to fight the Shia people of Iraq, reports Nermeen Al-Mufti from Baghdad

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Former MI5 Shayler Speaks out at peace demo

27-09-2005 10:54

Giulio Sica speaks to former MI5 officer David Shayler at the London peace and liberty demonstration, 24 September, 2005.

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Christianity and Direct Action - 30th September - 2nd October

27-09-2005 10:49

We call upon those interested in taking prayer based Non-Violent Direct Action for a more just and a more enjoyable world to join us at our gathering in London. After our experiences at the G8, we want to seek some direction for ourselves, and to continue to take action which challenges both injustice and the notion that Christians either don't care or simply aren't prepared to act.

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Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space

27-09-2005 10:49

The Bush administration is expected to announce a national space policy that will give the Pentagon the green light to move toward deployment of offensive weapons in space.

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Blair scuppers corruption inquiry in exchange for arms deal with Saudi Royals.

27-09-2005 09:37

With the independence of our judiciary already severely compromised, Criminal Blair takes it one step further, threatening to scupper a fraud investigation to help out his friends at BAE.

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Filiberto Ojeda Rios Puerto Rico Independence Leader murdered

27-09-2005 07:21

Filiberto supporters
Filiberto Ojeda Rios (b.1933-d.2005) Puerto Rico Independence Leader murdered. United States Government Assassinates Leader of Puerto Rican Independence.

Global and Puerto Rico IndyMedia : say "Comrade Filiberto, your death will be avenged."

"To all comrades. The yanky government has assassinated Comrade Filiberto Ojeda, who has been living clandestinely for the last 15 years, and who has been the leader of the armed struggle for the liberation of Puerto Rico. We ask that you highlight in the different IMC's the pain of the Puerto Rican people, who have massed on the street to unanimously request the end of the colonialism that is destroying our island (country)."

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27-09-2005 05:41

Whether born/e of passivity or apathy, the world’s populations are tolerating, as never before, gross ineptitude, incompetence and criminality from their governments. Comparisons could be made with infamous regimes of the past that maintained their illegitimate rule by deploying draconian social policies and manipulating information. However, today, information is easily accessed through various sources not controlled by mainstream media or governments yet apathy in the face of deliberate deception and criminal government prevails.

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Techie and terrorist behavioural profiles are the same

27-09-2005 01:55

‘LONDON (Reuters): - A London underground train station was evacuated and part of a main east-west line closed in a security alert on Thursday, three weeks after suicide bombers killed 52 people on the transport network, police said. A Transport Police spokeswoman said Southwark station was closed and Jubilee Line services suspended between Waterloo and Canary Wharf in the east London business district.’

This Reuters story was written while the police were detaining me in Southwark tube station and the bomb squad was checking my rucksack. When they were through, the two explosive specialists walked out of the tube station smiling and commenting ‘nice laptop’. The officers offered apologies on behalf of the Metropolitan Police. Then they arrested me.

Sari Horwitz writes, a few days after my arrest, in the Washington Post:

‘After the July 7 attacks on the London transit system by suicide bombers, the international police chiefs organization produced a detailed training guide for dealing with suicide bombers [that] recommends [...] an officer needs to use lethal force to stop someone who fits a certain behavioral profile.’

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Labour warned against spinning anti-poverty record (post IMF/WB G8 deal)

27-09-2005 01:47

WDM Press release
Monday, 26 September 2005

Labour warned against spinning anti-poverty record

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Tasmanian activists return to Weld Valley

27-09-2005 01:45

Activists have established a tree-sit village in Southern Tasmania's (Australia) threatened Lower Weld valley. The innovative protest is halting a proposed road that will provide access to 22 coupes of high conservation value forest bordering the Tasmanian World Heritage Area.

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(audio) Mindwalk 14: Ten Billion Points of Light

27-09-2005 01:20

This episode features an anti-war speech by Journalist John Pilger recorded September 24 in London. Our favorite child sit-com star Dickie Richards hits the campaign trail as on the Republican ticket. A few semi-rude tunes from when I was a kid. Also a silly goofball poem by Jack Kerouac read by Juliana Hatfield.

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Don't hate the media, blog the media

27-09-2005 00:59

Over the space of a few years the culture of blogging has spread rapidly to such a degree that the new media form appears to enjoy a readership to compete with the traditional media forms such as the daily paper...

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Another 59 G8 Cases dropped

27-09-2005 00:30

The Crown Office said proceedings against 59 people were discontinued, with 240 cases still outstanding.

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29/10/05- Every Day is Halloween at Covance!

27-09-2005 00:23

Details for the Halloween demo at Covance Laboratories

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Israeli Anarchist Anti-Occupation Activist Speaks In London

27-09-2005 00:10

This Thursday, 29th September
Israeli Anarchist Activist Speaks in London
8pm at The Red Rose, 129 Seven Sisters Rd

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Sheehan Arrested During Anti-War Protest

26-09-2005 23:11

From the Guardian today.
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