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Taxi firm displaying BNP poster

05-09-2008 07:56

Action needed against Taxi firm

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Fourth attempt to remove Alliance Ngondiop

05-09-2008 07:00

Alliance Ngondiop
Alliance Ngondiop, a Cameroon national was 'Captured' when reporting to the Immigration service, Wednesday of this week in Loughborough and is currently detained in Yarl's Wood Immigration Removal Centre and due to be forcibly removed from the UK on British Airways flight BA302 on Monday 8th September @ 06:15 from Heathrow Airport London, to Paris, Charles de Gaulle airport, then Air France flight AF940 @ to Douala Cameroon.

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September issue of Resistance

04-09-2008 22:53

WELCOME TO MANCHESTER - Labour Party annual conference.

LOCALS SAY "NEVER AGAIN" TO SCUMFEST - Direct action at the BNP Red White and Blue Festival.

CENTRAL EUROPEAN WORKERS STRIKE BACK - In Iceland, following deaths at power construction site.

UNIONS SLAMMED FOR FAILING LOW PAID WORKERS - Women workers still getting a raw deal.

TAKING BACK OUR PRIDE - 18 years of the Manchester gay pride festival, but money talks too much.

E'ON, F'OFF! - A PLEASANT STROLL TO KINGSNORTH - Report back from the 3rd Camp for Climate Action.

TIME TO TRIM THE FAT (AND GET SOME EXERCISE) - Opposition to Wembley academy school.

SUBVERT - Diary dates in Manchester: Roma solidarity demo (19th) and Stop the War anarchist & no borders bloc (20th).

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The Criminal Cruelty and Corruption of John McCain's Running Mate

04-09-2008 19:48

The arrow Palin shot into the nose of this moose was removed before the picture
John McCain's running mate Sarah Palin received 616 votes in being elected
to her 4635 resident town. She attempted to
ban books. She went on to a criminal record
against Mother Earth and her animals
as Palin served the interests of BP and was elevated by war profiteers, big game hunters,
oil and vote fraud to the governor's chair.

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ARK Academies

04-09-2008 18:35

Articles and a video on youtube have been posted re concerns about ARK Academies; these are available here:
A serious worry is that moves have been made to remove this information from circulation, yet no intention of clearing their name in court. Greatly concerning. This is about children.

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Angry Customers Boycott AT&T After Congress Grants Telecom Immunity

04-09-2008 18:30

As United States Citizens, we have the right to be confident in our government and corporations to honor the Constitution and abide by the law. With the recent passage of HR 6304, welcome to 1984’s Big Brother State!

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Statement from RNC Welcoming Committee, USA (Wed)

04-09-2008 15:57

The RNC Welcoming Committee wants to say thank you to all who have stood with us through these challenging days, to all who have faced the brutal attacks and repressive intimidation of the police, and have still gone back to the streets. Thanks to all who have made calls, sent emails, donated money, and expressed your outrage at these brutal attacks.

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Palestine TOday 090408

04-09-2008 15:44

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center for Thursday September 4, 2008.

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Youth workers say no to pay cuts

04-09-2008 15:26

Youth and community workers for local councils have rejected the employers offer of a below inflation pay "rise" of 2.45%.

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Terrorist - SHAC 7 Trailer

04-09-2008 14:13

The SHAC 7
TERRORIST - SHAC 7 chronicles the journey of a group of grass-roots activists up to and through their trial for Domestic Terrorism. Dark truths about The Patriot Act, the First Amendment, questionable science and political activism all come to light as we live, laugh and fear with the defendants, attorneys, witnesses and law enforcement professionals involved in this precedent setting case.

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GRASS: The Battle For Wembley Park Sports Ground Video

04-09-2008 12:15

Protestor Head Lock
On Monday 4 August 2008 the Grass Roots Alliance for Social Sports (GRASS) was forcibly evicted from the Wembley Park Sports Ground in rough scenes and under sketchy legal grounds.

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Red Pepper Obama Blog Launched

04-09-2008 11:51

Red Pepper have launched a blog on the meaning (or lack thereof, depending on your take) of Barack Obama's presidential candidacy, from the perspective of the global left.

It's online here:

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Innocent Prisoners / The Scandal of Britain's Child Detainees

04-09-2008 11:44

No place for children
Throughout its years in government - from Tony Blair's famous "Education, education, education" speech to the more recent "Every Child Matters" programme - Labour has claimed to champion the needs of the younger generation. For the 2,000 children who are sent to UK immigration detention centres every year, however, these claims ring hollow.

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Germany leads 'clean coal' pilot

04-09-2008 11:34

Beneath the gargantuan grey boiler towers of Schwarze Pumpe power station which pierce the skies of northern Germany, a Lilliputian puzzle of metal boxes and shining canisters is about to mark a moment of industrial history.

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Turning parking into parks... reappropriating urban space for people

04-09-2008 10:41

On the 19th of September, an ordinary parking space will be transformed into a park - one less space for parking a car, one more space for people to relax and enjoy themselves...

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NHS bans legal-action pair from visiting patients

04-09-2008 10:38

Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust has banned two women involved in legal action against it from visiting an elderly family friend in hospital

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Cardiff Council to Flog off Our Cultural Treasures and Books!!

04-09-2008 09:53

""There is nothing else here in Wales as the library in Aberystwyth concentrates more on Welsh texts. Students would have to go to London for their research. If these books disappear from Cardiff, research will grind to a halt"

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camerons vacation

04-09-2008 07:14

to many burgers, i think sir
camarons £21,000 holiday, with loads of burger eating fat cats

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Allow the free repatriation of the Slav-Macedonian political refugees in Greece

04-09-2008 06:50

During the past few weeks, Greek mass media have focused on the letters sent to the Karamanlis government and the international organizations by the ultra-reactionary and nationalist Gruevski – a puppet of American imperialism. However, some very important issues are being systematically hushed up.
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