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This Week in Palestine, Week 48

28-11-2008 18:01

This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for November 22 through 28, 2008.

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Fury as Wirral Council Slashes Public Facilities

28-11-2008 17:24

Protesters showed their anger at a Wirral Council meeting last night, as the cabinet approved massive cuts to local library and recreation services.

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ZANU- Labour

28-11-2008 17:22

Two days after ZANU-Labours case against a journalist for ´suspicion of aiding and abetting misconduct in a public office´ collapses a member of the Shadow Cabinet is arrested by 9 anti-terrorism officers for the same offence. What exactly is going on here?

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Foie gras and fur back in York

28-11-2008 17:13

Mairs Deli, Churchill hotel - foie gras
Sarah Coggles - fur

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High crimes and breach of parliamentary privilege

28-11-2008 16:51

Yesterday Damian Green a senior opposition politician was arrested and held for nine hours.

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Kingston Student Union bans the military

28-11-2008 16:09

At yesterday's Student Union AGM, Kingston University students voted to "ban Military Forces from Promoting on Campus".

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'Smart' CCTV in Portsmouth

28-11-2008 15:49

Portsmouth introduces CCTV cameras that can 'identify' suspicious behaviour and alert their operators

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Agustín goes by you

28-11-2008 15:05

Never hubié branches dear to write this note, this jodida note, that fills to us of pain

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Pix-&-Vidz of E.ON F.OFF, Pall Mall, London - 28 Nov 08

28-11-2008 15:02

A0. Take the Power Back!
Greenwash Guerillas London Brigade, Detection Platoon #1, pay a protest-oriented visit to the London Office of filthy climate criminal corporation E.ON UK to confront a Short-Sighted Fat Cat and PR Pushers plugging 'Clean Coal' bullplop.

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Labour’s secret plans for tax hikes and spending cuts revealed

28-11-2008 14:26

Leaked documents reveal that the Labour government contemplated raising Value Added Tax (VAT) to 18.5 percent in Chancellor Alistair Darling’s pre-budget announcement. In the end, Darling’s report cut VAT to 15 percent.

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watch out

28-11-2008 14:08

watch out

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Police State

28-11-2008 14:05

So now its official- we are living in a Police State. A Conservative MP has been arrested by 9 "anti-terrorism" officers at his constitutency home in connection with Home Office leaks. This is unprecedented. The AR folks were right all along. Still perhaps MPs can only blame themselves since they´ve voted through the end of official UK democracy

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Mumbai carnage: world unity urged to punish culprits

28-11-2008 13:45

Jinnah's great grandson Ness Wadia with his wife actress Preity Zinta.
Pakistanis are openly acknowledging their country's rogue I.S.I. was responsible for the ayhem in Mumbia that left 120 people dead. The maverick Baluch ethnic group calls for world unity to defeat "the monster."

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Palestine Benefit Gig today

28-11-2008 13:33

International Solidarity Movement Benefit

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Greenhouse Development Rights

28-11-2008 13:25

We continue our lead in to this year’s UN Climate Change Talks in Poznan Poland with a look at a proposal that seeks to break the current deadlock and lead to a fair deal that delivers both climate safety and protects the poor. We speak to Tom Athanasiou, director of EcoEquity and co-author of the Greenhouse Development Rights framework.

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Surveillance Security State- Arrest of Shadow Cabinet MP

28-11-2008 13:15

Reports are coming in from official news sources that Damien Green,a leading member of the Opposition Bench has been arrested in connection with the "leaking" of documents which might be in the public interest.

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How free UK journalists are when working in UAE?

28-11-2008 12:46

An article published in the Guardian by Frank Kane, Sunday 23 November 2008 titled A bridge over the journalistic gulf in the Emirates triggered my pain, and opened my old wound wide open. I worked in a media establishment in UAE for 8 years, and it is is a well known fact that Journalism in the United Arab Emirates is water proof strictly controlled by the government. Why would a British journalist defend this state agenda and its preaches of human rights? what about his ethics?

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When is a tool not a tool?

28-11-2008 12:09

A Nottingham resident is bailed to return to Medway magistrates’ court 10am on the 10th. December for committal to crown court to face trial for possession of bicycle tools.

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Salem Marchen (Nazi march in Sweden) by Latuff

28-11-2008 09:57

The Salem March
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

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The Problem With...Civilization

28-11-2008 09:33

Civilization or civilisation n. an advanced stage or system of human social development
(Concise Oxford English Dictionary)

Something BETTER than civilization is awaiting us.
(Daniel Quinn, Beyond Civilization)
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