UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Student Climate Project Launch this weekend
27-11-2007 17:43
This weekend (the 30th November to the 2nd December) sees the launch of The Student Climate Project, whose aim is to bring together existing student activists from across the UK to find ways to build a mass student anti-climate change movement.41% of Posties Accept Stitch-Up Deal/Motion Carried
27-11-2007 17:06
64% of those postal workers who voted have accepted the stitch-up 'settlement' offer from Royal Mail bosses. However, there was only a 64% turnout. So after weeks of strike action, lost pay and backstabbing from Communication Workers Union bureaucrats, the original contract proposed by Royal Mail will go through practically unaltered, despite the fact that 59% of posties still refuse to back it.Lobby your MP and Government to represent you!
27-11-2007 15:17
PowerToThePeople - an independent democratic accountability website designed to empower you to hold those in power to account - has updated its 'Lobby your MP and Government to represent you' section. It'll take you just a few minutes to support a number of campaigns.Full article | 2 additions | 7 comments
Second night of riots in Paris suburb
27-11-2007 12:03

Demo agenst extream right at Oxford Union
27-11-2007 08:52

Anti-fascist action on the streets of Oxford
27-11-2007 02:32

Home Office Consultation - Protesting around parliament
26-11-2007 19:51
Recently the Home Office released a consultation paper to gauge the public's feelings around protesting in and around Parliament. This is an opportunity to let our thoughts and feelings be known.Fur Demo in London, Saturday December 1st!
26-11-2007 19:23
'Unlike the rest of the UK where the fur trade has largely been stopped, London, and in particular the area around where the march will will take place, is still a major centre of the fur trade.'Police State
26-11-2007 18:04
A look at how increased security might effect day to day life in LondonNice photos from Nantes student struggles
26-11-2007 14:01
Yes there are four albums of photos of recent events in Nantes, France. Photos of the occupations, barricades, demos, grafitti and moreDutch School Strikes report
26-11-2007 13:27
Thousands of Dutch school pupils walked out of lessons on Friday in wildcat protests organised online against lesson times.Join the Zapatista solidarity demo at Mexican Embassy!
26-11-2007 13:10

To show solidarity with the embattled zapatistas, supporters will demonstrate at the Mexican Embassy in London on Monday 10th December.
Bringing the War on Terrorism Home: Congress Considers How to ‘Disrupt’ Radical
26-11-2007 10:33

Police station attacked in France
26-11-2007 00:43
A police station in Paris has been attacked by angry youths with petrol bombs after two teenagers will killed when hit by a police car. Guns were used in the attack against the Sarcelles police station in the suburbs in northern part of Paris and at least one senior police officer seriously injured. Cars were also torched and police had to call in reinforcements from other parts of the city to secure the police station.If Conservatism Is The Ideology of Freedom, I’m The Queen of England
25-11-2007 17:31
But I’ll tell you what, if conservatism is the ideology of freedom - then I’m the Queen of England. And, one thing you can be sure of is that I’m not the Queen of England. I don’t even have the right parts and pieces, and the only crown I’ve ever worn was given to me forty years ago by some pimply-faced teenager working the cash register at Burger King. Somehow, I don’t think that counts.Totally Immoral - A Day of Action against Total Oil
25-11-2007 15:41

Total Oil: Pull Out of Burma Now - Pictures
25-11-2007 10:22

Campsfield IRC Anniversary demonstration / Saturday 24 November 2007
24-11-2007 19:58

Close all detention centres! Stop all detentions and deportations!
For freedom of movement and the right to stay!