UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
The Winner Stands Alone by Paulo Coelho
14-04-2009 14:12
The Winner Stands Alone, the latest novel by Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho, is a savage indictment of the shallow world of consumerism and fashion and what it is doing to our souls.Ian Tomlinson CCTV evidence
14-04-2009 11:25
Previous police denials of CCTV evidence may be lies, sorry if this old news or been posted elsewhere.(Taken from Karoo internet news page.)
9/11: Time for a Second Look: David Ray Griffin - 14th April at 7pm
13-04-2009 22:03

"9/11 Time for a Second Look"
Tuesday 14th April 2009 at 7pm
City University, Angel, London
(more details below)
Gaza action continues
13-04-2009 20:15

Linda's Rader's civil rights were violated by the CDFA.
13-04-2009 18:43
Civil Rights of property owners are being violated by the California Department of Agriculture in a small town in the Ojai Valley in Southern California.'A Wake for BP', (ExCel 16.4.09; British Museum 6.5.09)
12-04-2009 23:32

10.30am, 16.4.09 **
Oil goliath BP, already forced to postpone its centenary party at the
British Museum on April 1st, (also known as Fossil Fools Day[1]), has
rescheduled the event for May 6th. Art Not Oil[2], the group behind the
original demonstration against its ‘tarnished centenary’, will be throwing
‘A Wake for BP’ as guests arrive at the British Museum between 6pm and 7pm
on the new date.
Reel News Return To Birmingham
12-04-2009 22:04

Following Reel News' event at the Spotted Dog earlier this year with a
very enjoyable screening and discussion (see photos below), they are returning
30th April with the latest films from protests and direct actions.
g 20 meltdown protest demonstration bank of england london
12-04-2009 20:41
put people first - g20 meltdown protest demonstration londonSHAC Time For Action 4 Out Now!
12-04-2009 14:35

The DVD also contains all of the previous Time for Action movies, as well as undercover footage from inside HLS from 1997 - 2008, and the Channel Four documentary that launched the campaign.
Massive Prison Riot in UK this week
12-04-2009 12:36
For the first time in a long time, a massive prison riot broke out in a British Prison involving 400 fucked-off prisoners. It seems like people are beginning to fight back on this island. About time... Unfortunately the riot has now been repressed.discussion on g20, visteon, strasbourg
12-04-2009 12:08
autonomist / ultra-left and anarchistic analysis stringIdentify the Police Officers involved in Ian Tomlinson's killing
12-04-2009 11:41

If the police officers who witnessed the assault on Ian Tomlinson will not come forward voluntarily, then we ourselves must drag them into the public arena
Screenshots of the attack by police on Ian Tomlinson, just before his death.
Mexican Animal Liberationists Arrested - Solidarity Needed!
12-04-2009 11:07
On Thursday 5 February at around 3.30pm thirteen comrades were arrested in an annual anti-bullfighting protest in Mexico City. During the protest there was a confrontation with the police and some vehicles were damaged.The Art of Perverting Justice and Racism by White Australia: Documentary
12-04-2009 05:15
The Art of Perverting Justice and Racism by White Australia: DocumentaryHow the Australian judiciary and the Australian High Court conspire to pervert justice, dispense with the rule of law, and using the police to harass and victimise australians
Kangaroocourt Australia Mockumentary
Kangaroocourt Australia
aint no Jade Goodie - just a brother from another mother
11-04-2009 20:30
CONFUSIN’ MY MIND – IT’S A SIGN OF THE TIMESIs life all just a game – has the world gone insane?
Some folks think i’m mad cause i refuse to be sad
I refuse to accapt that this life is a lie...
I refuse to accept that this life is just a lie
That children don’t matter – ain’t there no family ties?
United we stand and divided we fall
We must all stand together – no more backs to the wall
Emergency Protest In London 11th April Please Come
11-04-2009 02:03

Direct Action; Netherlands, Mexico & Australia
10-04-2009 21:47
Controversial Senate elections planned in Haiti
10-04-2009 20:12

Collective and Individual Trauma after g20 shock
10-04-2009 11:11
I wanted to share some resources to help heal after the police brutality on the streets and at the convergence centres. Also a call to those who were there (or have had negative feelings if your were not there but stuff came up) to take good care of each other, ask for help and someone to listen.