UK Social Struggles Newswire Archive
Filmscreening in Edinburgh about a pirate radio station
25-02-2004 12:24

Join us for the Edinburgh premiere of "Bedroom Radio", Fri March 5th @ 7.30 and 9pm in Nicol Edwards, 29-35 Niddry Street, Edinburgh.
Filmed over a period of 18 months, Bedroom Radio is a story of Pirate radio broadcasting, Love, Life, and Death on a different Scottish frequency.
Update on five jailed Israeli conscripts
24-02-2004 21:32
Update on five jailed Israeli conscripts and Yoni Ben ArtziWomen of Palestine - guest speakers Hadeel Qazzaz and Karma Nabulsi
24-02-2004 21:19

Progressive Radio Station Shut Down by Free Traders
24-02-2004 20:41
Radio for Peace International (RFPI) one of the few world wide progressive short wave voices broadcasting to rural and third world communities has been evicted by the UN’s University for Peace (U-Peace) in Cost Rica.Our War Too - Gay Heroes, and Gay Necessities
24-02-2004 19:14
A Gay Praise of the War Against TerrorEviction Delayed at Occupied Social Centre (Fortess Road)
24-02-2004 13:10
Tuesday 24th February: This morning the planned eviction of the occupied social centre at 93 Fortess Road in Kentish Town, London, was stalled by the presence of around seventy supporters.Police@social center
24-02-2004 04:36
at 1.20 am - the first visit of the policeGlasgow Social Centre Benefit Night
24-02-2004 01:55
G L A S G O W A U T O N O M O U S P R O J E C T Presents:-A night of music, films, food and fun at the Vale pub in Glasgow, this Thursday from eight.
Welcome to IsraHell (by Latuff)
24-02-2004 01:04

Police repression in The Hague shining example for peace agreements everywhere
23-02-2004 20:00
A report on how The Hague Mayor Wim Deetman managed to separate Palestinians and Israelis, prevent violent clashes between them and turned the day when the whole world was watching international law at work into a blueprint for all future negotiated repression. A true man of peace.Protests in Argentinia: 107 Strassen blockaded
23-02-2004 18:30

Additionally several demonstartions took place, and a rally at the government.
The underlying causes were the new laws made for increasing flexibility at work, cutting down of the social and benefit system, repression and else...
Here some pictures. More reports under Argentina Indymedia.

Hopefully, a translation will be finished soon.
Report back on Anti Wall demonstation at the Hague.
23-02-2004 17:55
Report back on this afternoon's demonstration called by Pengon/Anti Apartheid Wall campaign and the Dutch Coalition against the Wall.Just another day in Palestine
23-02-2004 16:57

AUT strike on Wednesday
23-02-2004 10:20
The association of university teachers (the union of accademic or non academic university staff) is going to strike this week. The dispute relates to pay cuts and the breakdown of the national salary negotiations.Argentinian film screening
23-02-2004 09:40
Sheffield Indymedia is showing a series of short films about the struggles at the Argentinian Brukman textiles factory in Abbeyfield Park House, Burngreave at 1930, Wednesday 25 February. One of the film-makers will also be attending.South Korea: Migrant Workers Protest (updated)
23-02-2004 04:04

Live Audio& Video streaming @ Hague hearing on Palestinian Wall.
22-02-2004 21:41
International Court of Justice: Live video coverage of Court hearings on the Internet Press Release, International Court of Justice, February 19th, 2004THE HAGUE, 19 February 2004. The public hearings before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), principal judicial organ of the United Nations, to be held from 23 to 25 February 2004 in the case concerning the Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (request for advisory opinion), will be broadcast live and in full on the Court's official website (
Argentinean films on labour struggles in Oxford
22-02-2004 17:05
Monday 23 February, 8 pmMerton graduate complex TV Room (entrance on Holywell Street, opposite New College)
Ana Fraile, Argentinean filmmaker, will be showing a series of short films on
the Struggles at the Brukman Textile factory in Argentina.