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London Solidarity in Day of Action for Bradley Manning

20-03-2011 21:59

Solidarity from young people from Wales
A demonstration was held outside the US Embassy in London today in solidarity with Wikileaks whistle-blower Bradley Manning as part of a day of action around the world, including in the US and other parts of the Europe and the UK. Around 80 people attended.

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Dissident Island Radio - Sex Worker Special ready for download

20-03-2011 16:40

For episode 78, the Dissident Island Crew put together something extra hot.. A Sex Worker Special! The show features:

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Cops think they're the real victims of austerity

20-03-2011 09:23

The chairman of the police federation has spoken publicly of his officers' increasing support for austerity protesters. Apparently as they bash us over the head next saturday they'll be with us in spirit. But worst of all, he makes the claim that it is the police who are really the victims of austerity.

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Squatting is to change from being a civil offence to a criminal offence

20-03-2011 01:11

Squatting is to change from being a civil offense to a criminal offense This is the first attack on the most essential tool for the poor to be able to live a life of of the streets, something must be done

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SchNEWS 763: Losing His Wragg

19-03-2011 23:31

Animal rights activists in Cambridge scooped the jackpot this week as they were awarded compensation for a wrongful arrest back in 2009.

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Obama to Qaddafi: Comply with UN resolution or face military action

19-03-2011 21:24

The Guardian, 18 March 2011
"U.S. and coalition vessels and aircrafts attacked Libya’s air defense systems in the opening phase of “Odyssey Dawn” the international operation to establish a no-fly zone, military officials said today.

A coalition of as many as 25 U.S., Canadian, and Italian vessels, including the USS Mount Whitney command vessel, led an attack that included U.S. Tomahawk cruise missiles and aerial jamming, according to a Pentagon official"

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Lockheed Martin and the 2011 UK census

19-03-2011 16:22

Demonstration against Lockheed Martin and 2011 UK census processing


A small demonstration was held outside Victoria station to raise awareness of the fact that the government has paid Lockheed Martin £150m of public money to help run the 2011 census. London, UK, 19/03/2011.

According to information compiled by 'Count me Out', (a collective taking action against the 2011 census as a result of the ties with Lockheed Martin UK) the government awarded the World's second biggest arms company a £150m contract to help run the data processing for the 2011 UK census.

Count me out take the view that "Our government shouldn't be paying an arms company, which fuels conflict and war, huge amounts of money to help run the census."

The company used to have offices in Victoria but they were recently moved to an unknown location.

Perhaps best know in the UK for producing Britain's Trident nuclear weapons, they have also sold weapons to Bahrain which have been used recently against anti-government protesters in line with sweeping protests across the Middle-East.

The census is undertaken by the government every 10 years and is a method of counting people and households in the UK. Under UK law, every household is obliged to fill in the relevant information which can be done online, by post or collected by census agents.

Census day for this year is March 27th.

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the criminalisation of squatting would be a massive own goal

18-03-2011 23:27

So the Tories are going to have another crack at criminalising squatting. This along with their attacks on the welfare state signify a new and disturbing trend - disturbing for them, that is.

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How to break out of a kettle on March 26th

18-03-2011 21:29

How to break out of kettles and prevent kettles forming.

Please distribute on March 26th

It is based upon several well-known guides.

Print out copies and hand them out, and hopefully we'll see more than just an A to B march next saturday!

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UN vote clears way for US-NATO attack on Libya

18-03-2011 10:29

The United Nations Security Council Thursday night approved a resolution that paves the way for the United States and other major imperialist powers to conduct a direct military intervention in Libya under the pretense of a “humanitarian” mission to protect civilian lives.

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Squatting to be criminalised

18-03-2011 09:56

It's been coming, it was in their manifesto, but it appears that the tories are now acting on their promise to criminalise squatting. We need to plan for this early, squatting has been destroyed in other countries across Europe recently by swift gov/cop action. But we have the infrastructure to make them regret picking this fight. Time to start planning.

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Zimbabwe treason defendants need your help

17-03-2011 21:22

Six Zimbabwean activists are facing the death penalty for the heinous crime of watching a video on the Egyptian uprising. They need to raise $12,000 between the 12 of them. This is a lot of money, but far less in Europe than in Africa - perhaps we can help them out? Obviously there's a lot of donate-able causes right now what with Japanese relief efforts, UK cuts activism, etc etc etc. But given the usual shit showing from the corporate media, I just wanted to make sure people know this is happening and how to donate.

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Bahrain: U.S. backs Saudi military intervention, conflict with Iran

17-03-2011 09:11

On March 14 Saudi Arabia and its Gulf Cooperation Council partner the United Arab Emirates deployed 1,000 troops, 500 security personnel and armored troop carriers across the 25-mile King Fahd Causeway to Bahrain to shore up their fellow monarchy after a month of protests against the Al Khalifa dynasty. The following day the Bahraini government declared a three-month state of emergency and authorized the military "to take necessary steps to restore national security." On March 16 government security forces staged a violent crackdown against protesters in the nation's capital with tanks, armored personnel carriers and helicopters, killing at least two people and injuring hundreds.

The U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates visited Bahrain three days before the launch of the Saudi military intervention. The U.S. Fifth Fleet, one of six used by Washington to patrol the world's seas and oceans, is headquartered near Manama, where between 4,000-6,000 American military personnel are stationed. Unlike Tunisia and Egypt, U.S. military partners but not hosts of American bases, Bahrain is vital to U.S. international military and energy strategy.

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Scotland's census - Don't Co-operate!

16-03-2011 16:22

Census forms are dropping through letterboxes in Scotland. Some vital information is missing from them.

read more

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Cops Cough-up Compensation for Animal Rights Cambridge Activists

16-03-2011 14:42

Jason Wragg lost his rag, leading to activist payouts!
Cambs police pay up after last year's illegal arrests.

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CIA planned the overthrow of Gaddafi

16-03-2011 00:25

In trying to conform to Indymedia's strict guidelines to avoid removal of this post, mostly by reason of the source of the material, nevertheless, its worth the read. The sources are translated in Russian and English.

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Irish republicans to hold peace summit with Kurdish and Basque separatists

15-03-2011 23:02

Kurdish activist killed by Turkish Army

Sinn Féin activists to meet members of Sortu and Kurdish BDP in Venice to discuss negotiation tactics and dialogue with state Irish republicans will meet Kurdish and Basque separatists at a summit designed to encourage armed movements to adopt political dialogue and put an end to two conflicts that have cost thousands of lives.

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YouTube/Google want your phone number

15-03-2011 22:54

New rules for posting on YouTube are an invasion of privacy and make anonymous posting much harder.

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Dispatches - Lessons in Hate and Violence - Islam

15-03-2011 22:25

the very small sign of atrocity of religion ,

imagine when these kind of medieval idea rules the societies such as Iran, Pakistan, Somalia ,,etc.

Islamic Schools are gift of God for British culture ;) ,,,

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Barnardos to run child prisons

15-03-2011 15:56

Barnardos in Pease pottage
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