UK Repression Newswire Archive
Police Intimidation Fails Against Dixie's Vintage Fur Protesters
07-02-2011 23:11

Activist: “What were we accused of saying?”
PC Paul Adams: “They sell fur!”
Exposed: police spy in Worthing
07-02-2011 19:36
A POLICE spy pretending to be an environmental campaigner targeted the Save Titnore Woods! campaign in its early years, The Porkbolter can exclusively reveal.Vigil for Shaker Aamer(last British resident in Gitmo): Saturday 5 Feb
07-02-2011 18:47

Egyptian police targeted protesters via social media
07-02-2011 13:43
Egyptian police used the very instrument that sparked the recent anti-government rebellion, social media, to catch its youthful organizers, according to a published report.On the Murder of David Kato, the Ugandan Gay Rights Campaigner
07-02-2011 13:24
African states must protect the rights of their citizens to freedom and dignity. Homosexuals must not be denied these rights.'Less Lethal Weapons' mean more repression
07-02-2011 11:43

Dissident Island interviews Corporate Watch on the subject of 'less lethal weapons'.
Leeds in Crisis event - 'What if there was a new movement and we weren't invited
07-02-2011 09:23

why? Is what we’ve done in the past still useful today? And what
can be done now that couldn’t have been done last year?
Wednesday 16 February 7.30pm - LEEDS IN CRISIS
"We're Not Going Anywhere": Voices from Tahrir Square on the Day of the Martyrs
07-02-2011 00:09

This is part of a series of post from CairoRising
CairoRising post first hand reports from an anarchist perspective from the Cairo uprising, in solidarity with the direct action of the people of Egypt against state repression.
Drawing together grassroots and alternative media coverage from the Egyptian rebellion and creating a forum for calls to global solidarity.
You can follow our reports via our blog -

Civil Disobedience at Downing Street for 9/11 Justice
06-02-2011 21:55

Gareth reports:
On Monday 31st January 2011, in solidarity with Jon Gold’s action outside the White House, I took a ‘911 Truth’ sign to Downing Street – the British Prime Minister lives at No. 10 – and sat down outside the gates. Within seconds I was approached by a policeman carrying a machine gun who demanded I immediately move, a request with which I respectfully declined to comply with. After ten minutes I was approached by two Ministry of Defence policemen who issued the same request. We talked a little about 9/11. Moments later a police van pulled up and four police officers got out – I was also surprised to see a further four Ministry of Defence policeman approaching to see what was going on. After explaining that I was respectfully going to decline all further requests to move on I found myself being dragged from where I was sitting, put into the police van, and driven away to Charing Cross Police Station
I was released later the next evening having been detained for 30 hours. I’m glad I took a good book!
300 Migrant Hunger Strikers - Common Day of Action
06-02-2011 11:04

Support the 300 migrant hunger strikers in Greece!
Call for a Common Day of Action – 11th February 2011
Tahrir Square - Autonomy from Dictatorship
06-02-2011 00:12

This is part of a series of post from CairoRising
CairoRising post first hand reports from an anarchist perspective from the Cairo uprising, in solidarity with the direct action of the people of Egypt against state repression.
Drawing together grassroots and alternative media coverage from the Egyptian rebellion and creating a forum for calls to global solidarity.
You can follow our reports via our blog -

Do The Nihil - riots in germany
05-02-2011 19:43
After evicting an old legalized squat (tricky and not legally by blocking the residents' lawyer off the house) there were riots in Berlin, Hamburg and Copenhagen for minimum 2 days and militant actions, gatherings and small rallies all over GermanyRoundup of Internationals in Cairo
04-02-2011 19:57
This is part of a series of posts from European anarchists who wanted to send reports of the Egyptian uprising and pool calls for international action in solidarity with the rebellion.Stroud Views & Burblings Issue 3: Housing Special
04-02-2011 18:58

500 issues are now printed and ready to be handed out. Let us know if you can help distribute them or if you are friendly with a local pub that might take a bundle
Mark Cassidy undercover 1995 - 2000
04-02-2011 18:52
This article recently appeared in Big Issue in the North.It's about infiltration of anti-fascist / anti-racist activity in Hackney from 1995 - 2000.
"Police, who are you really working for?", Mozaz, 13/01/2011
04-02-2011 17:01
My headline is an excerpt from a prophetic commentary written by Mozaz on the current state of things which was actually titled "The Truth is sometimes self-evident", published on 13th January 2010. Original article where this comment was posted:
The question in the title brings to mind the recent uncovering of a number of undercover cops in the scene, the murder of Ian Tomlinson & subsequent cover-up predominantly as a result of the compromise of his initial post-mortem conducted by the inept stooge Freddy Patel as ordered by City of London coroner Paul Matthews, police collusion with the US led war machine in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq in 2003 with the unprecendented enforced convoying of anti-war protestors from RAF Fairford back to London, long-running allegations of agent provocateur activities amongst the black bloc (video evidence in Genoa 2001), similar tactics being used by the state in Egypt, and these allegations of attacks by black balaclava-wearing men on students and members of Press TV at the student demo on 11 Dec 2011 [go to Utube and type in words "Press TV" & "London Student Demo", watch 2 mins-in interview with Press TV cameraman Adam Apostol].
I could also have titled this posting "Cops Suck Arse".
Reports from the Cairo rebellion
04-02-2011 16:32
Cairo rising post first hand reports from an anarchist perspective from the Cairo uprising, in solidarity with the direct action of the people of Egypt against state repression.Drawing together grassroots and alternative media coverage from the Egyptian rebellion and creating a forum for calls to global solidarity.
London - 4 Days of Action announced 4 Julian Assange & Bradley Manning 4, 5, 7, 8
04-02-2011 10:55

Four Days of Action announced for Julian Assange and Bradley Manning 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th February.
Cyber, anti-war and human rights activists will today descend on the Australian High Commission and on Monday/Tuesday on the Woolwich magistrates court, while on Saturday there will be a public meeting in Harringay, north London.
Another Trident Ploughshares woman jailed, for 14 days
04-02-2011 09:28
Please send letters and cards of solidarity to:Sylvia Boyes
HMP New Hall
Dial Wood, Flockton
West Yorkshire WF4 4XX
Quaker Woman Imprisoned over Anti-Trident Protests
Sixty-seven year old Sylvia Boyes, a Quaker from Keighley, appeared on Thursday (3 Feb) at Bingley Magistrates Court. She was sentenced to 14 days in New Hall Prison for refusing to pay fines arising from a series of protests against Trident in and around Faslane Naval Base in Scotland during the summer of 2009.
Calais update: people urgently needed!
04-02-2011 01:26