UK Repression Newswire Archive
Incinerator Expansion - exhibition about Eastcroft
15-06-2007 17:11
See what all the fuss is about. This counts as 'consultation' for their 'new' plans to expand the Incinerator (yes, again) - come and see for yourself how much mis-information and blatent half-truths they expect you to swallow.No Risk - No Fun - G8 film night @ LARC Tuesday 19th June
15-06-2007 14:52

Michael Heseltine is exposed as an idiot for plugging Ken Livingstone's lies
15-06-2007 10:10
The BBC Radio 4 Today programme broadcast a solemnly pronounced news item about Margaret Thatcher’s 'deputy Prime Minister' Michael Heseltine calling for a system of local government in Britain that can only be described as the mass mayorisation of big cities. Heseltine made a particular point of calling for British cities to ape the USA and get a mayor in every excusable placeMartin Webster has another go at the BNP's Nick Griffin
15-06-2007 00:46
Allegations of theft, lies and asbestosis gags from the far-right's Martin WebsterG8: Schwerin, Caterpillar and Snatch squads
14-06-2007 22:49

Cambridge Students Act to Break the Chains of Modern Slavery in the UK
14-06-2007 16:15
Great St Mary’s to be wrapped in a huge paper chain petition: Mon 18th June in protest against people trafficking and slavery in the UK.Conditions worsen at UK asylum-seeker detention centres
14-06-2007 14:09
Britain’s Immigration Removal Centres have become notorious due to the desperate conditions facing immigrants and asylum-seekers detained there.German police raid eleven premises on suspicion of “terrorism”
14-06-2007 14:06
Only days after the end of the G8 summit, German police conducted new raids against left-wing and anarchist organisations in northern Germany. Early on Wednesday morning the federal prosecutor’s office and police carried out surprise searches of a total of 11 premises in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein.Disarm DSEi Public Meeting @ ULU London 30th June
14-06-2007 10:19

Room 2C, University of London Union, Malet Street, WC1E 7HY
Tube : Euston, Euston Sq., Warren St., Goodge St. or Russell Sq.
Bus : 10, 18, 24, 29 , 30, 59 , 68, 73, 91, 134, 168, 188, 205, 253, 390 or 476
It is likely there will be police photographers outside the meeting, don't be intimidated. You might choose to wear a scarf in this warm weather.
Southwark council banning dogs!!1
13-06-2007 23:29
On 19 June at a meeting in Peckham Town Hall at 7pm Southwark Council will try an introduce a rulling that all dogs be kept on leads in public places including parks.German G8 Police: Lies, Propaganda and Provocation (report)
13-06-2007 11:44
Below are a few examples of the lies and propaganda spun by the police during the G8 protests in Germany, as well as direct evidence that the police were at times using infiltrators to try and create conditions to justify further repression.There are for sure many more examples of this during the last two weeks or so and civil liberties monitoring groups are investigating other incidents. It should also be said that while the media were able to report what appeared to be a tolerant attitude to the blockades at the East Gate, in other places sit down protestors were water cannoned, pepper sprayed and beaten. Also the police tried to provoke violence at various different protests and actions, arrested people for nothing more than having the wrong clothing on them, and failed to give medical assistance to injured people in a number of incidents. Police have also been criticised for using water canon at close quarters against peaceful blockaders resulting in several serious eye injuries, including a man from Liverpool who has lost the use of his eye after it was dislodged. Further criticism has come regarding the use of the military against protestors including the army on the A19 autobahn and the use of Panavia Tornado jets in low fly reconnaissance / intimidation runs over protest camp sites.
Other tactics used by the police included mass unrpovoked arrests, closure of transport systems to prevent people reaching legal assembly points and systematic feeding of misinformation to the media - details of which below:
Shaker Aamer: A South London Man in Guantanamo
13-06-2007 11:11

A Call for His Release
Memon Centre, 3 Weir Road, Balham, London, SW12 0LT.
A conference to mark 2000 days of the existence of Guantanamo Bay and the ongoing imprisonment of Shaker and others
Video of Prisoner Solidarity March, 08/06/07
12-06-2007 23:29

2nd International Day of Solidarity With John Bowden
12-06-2007 14:35

mass eviction threat for ancient african tribe
12-06-2007 00:20
The Hadzabe, a hunter gather tribe in Tanzinia, Africa, are believed to be the second-oldest people on Earth - but of course that is not saving them from being threatened with eviction and extinction.Is asking the wrong kind of question now "anti-social behaviour"?
11-06-2007 22:26
It has been confirmed that on Friday 8th June a number of peaceful animal rights activists were physically and forcefully ejected from Cheltenham town hall for asking the 'wrong kind of questions' at a talk given by the Oxford university vivisector Tipu Aziz.Calling Activists involved in the struggle against sexual orientation oppression
11-06-2007 21:03
I'm launching a Swansea based campaign aimed at raising awareness of the plight of qweer/LGBT persons in Poland, Russian and Eastern Europe. I am calling on anyone who has been involved in the grass-roots struggle to speak at our launch invent in September.08/07/2007: International Shell to Sea block and shutdown
11-06-2007 20:25

Rushmoor lies on fortnightly waste collection
11-06-2007 17:18
Several thousand households in the Rotten Borough of Rushmoor have been involuntary guinea pigs in a six-month trial of fortnightly waste collection. The trial will soon end. No one trusts the corrupt council to fairly evaluate the trial.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Press Release: Liverpool Demonstrator Nearly Blinded by G8 Police
11-06-2007 14:51
A British demonstrator at the G8 summit was badly injured by German police water cannon on Thursday 7th June.