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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Options for Asylum Seekers?

15-06-2006 23:46

Arriving by boat and dumped off shore
Minister Vanstone talks about 3rd country options for asylum seekers arriving by boat and dumped off shore. Currently there are 230 Iraqi's who have been rounded up from Lombok and Sitibondo camps where they were being "cared" for by IOM. They have been transferred to a building in Jakarta- not hotel where again IOM are "caring" for them. Australia is paying IOM to warehouse these human beings.

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"Our Military is Being Treated as Human Fodder" - Mother of Soldier

15-06-2006 23:39

Police in Eugene, Oregon have arrested 21-year-old Army Specialist Suzanne Swift for refusing to return to fight in Iraq. Swift served in Iraq for a year but decided she could not return and went AWOL. Not only did she feel the war lacked purpose, Swift said her superiors repeatedly sexually harassed her while serving in Iraq. We speak with her mother, Sara Rich.

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a day of seriously disorganised police farce

15-06-2006 23:21

'bliar' and the copy of the magna carta
court appearances for brian haw, barbara tucker and the five jericho protestors. mark barrett's magna carta burning outside downing street. barbara tucker's 29th police 'report', and lots of bungling police.

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About the police raid at the collective farm “Novy Put’”(“New Way”)

15-06-2006 21:26

Russian police reveal the true nature of their ilk worldwide with the deliberate targetting of anarchists at a collective farm in Russia.

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Unexpected Guest Drops in on Iraqi Prime Minister

15-06-2006 17:57

Guess who’s coming to dinner? The President of the United States. But for the U.S. media, this peculiar party crashing by President Bush was a Big Moment, not an embarrassment.

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Police raid Thames narrowboats

15-06-2006 17:55

Police raided narrowboats on the Thames thinking that they had been hijacked by suicide bomber terrorists.

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PRESS-RELEASE: HUNGER STRIKE in protest agains human rights abuses...

15-06-2006 16:22


Government policy is aimed at destroying hope among detainees.
Tonight, we want to show them that there are people out here who care.

Please join the Campaign to Close Campsfield and Oxford Students to
Close Campsfield/Student Action for Refugees (STAR) TONIGHT, Thursday
the 15th of June, for a vigil 21.45-22.30

Meeting for lifts outside the Taylorian Institute on St Giles at 21.20.

Bring musical instruments, candles, jamjars...

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15-06-2006 14:51

The Council have refused Bradford PSC a stall at the Mela on the advice of the Police. They have stated the Mela is a family event but have not given us any reason(s) as to why our stall would be unsuitable or unfamily friendly.

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15-06-2006 13:56

Here is a animated gif of images from yesterdays eviction at Matilda you have to sit and watch enjoy..

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Talk by Alejandro Cerezo Contreras (former Mexican prisoner of conscience)

15-06-2006 11:34

Event being held on
Wednesday 28 June @ 6:30 pm
in the Basement Cafe, Lever Street, Manchester

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Leeds Palestine Solidarity Campaign Film Night

15-06-2006 10:12

Map to the Common Place
Leeds PSC Presents -The Iron Wall- a film by Mohammad Alatar alongside the "Children Under Occupation" art exhibition.

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Israel Occupation Forces' strategy (by Latuff)

15-06-2006 08:08

Israeli Occupation Forces' strategy
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their resistance against U.S. backed Israeli occupation.

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Palestine - Land confiscation

15-06-2006 00:10

You threaten some one until you manage that they do not go to their lands because of the risk to get killed, and then you take possession of their lands with the excuse that they are not visiting them. This is what is being done in Palestine.

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anti-zionist jew demo at parliament square (pics)

14-06-2006 23:19

some pics of the orthodox jews demonstration at parliament square yesterday when israeli premier ehud olmert visited westminster

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Terror network is a myth

14-06-2006 21:26

A great article, although it should be pointed out that the Extremists behind the Bush Regime already had plans for these military adventures before 911 (, and an attack on Afghanistan was already in the staging. The Taliban had offered to hand Bin Laden (who, as a CIA asset, was known as Tim Osman) over, but the US ignored this.

Also, the Government's Conspiracy Theories about the attacks on NY, DC, and London remain, to this day, unproven and uninvestigated. Another issue we're supposed to "take on faith" ...

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Bush's War On Language/A Conversation With Orwell

14-06-2006 20:08

George - First, kick Mr. Bush out. And then get your act together. Force campaign finance reforms. Take the lobby money out of the election process. Allow corporations to match employee donations, but not to donate money directly. Put an independent in the White House. Do it before you and your friends end up at some Concentration Camp.

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Setting the Record Straight on Hamas

14-06-2006 20:05

Like most of the Israeli/American/PNAC/British bogeyman, when you scratch the surface a bit, you find that things are not at all the way they've been intentionally made to appear.

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Daily death in Palestine

14-06-2006 19:51

The following is an account of how a few 'human rights observers' found a boy in a mountain - dead. It might be daily life in Palestine but for most of us it was shocking. I don't think many people are prepared for this kind of stuff

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Daily life (of an human rights observer / activist / you name it)

14-06-2006 19:43

After a few days in Jerusalem, I join a small group of internationals although for now it will be just an introduction.
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