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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Camp update sunday morning, before you come

03-08-2008 09:06

It was raining this morning at the climate camp but has stopped now and the ground dries out really quickly. Nether-the-less it would be wise to bring waterproofs and boots. Police are searching everybody, often several times and as far away as strood station. They continue took take a wide variety of completely innocent items.

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Fire in French Migrant Detention Centre.

02-08-2008 18:04

17h30 today a fire broke out within the migrant detention centre at Mesnil-Amelot. Spokespeople for SOS sans-papiers have said they believe there are injured inside the centre. The same collective had been peacefully protesting France's criminalisation of migrant workers this afternoon between 16h00 and18h30.
Meanwhile migrant acitivists in Belgium have stopped their occupation of a scaffold at Béguinage church this afternoon but sporadic occupations of construction cranes continue.

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Message from Austrian Prisoner Elma

01-08-2008 22:16

Brothers and Sisters, dear Animal Movement, dear Supporters of our cause!

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Secret “War on Terror” Prison on Diego Garcia Confirmed

01-08-2008 21:58

Andy Worthington, author of ‘The Guantánamo Files’, reports on the latest confirmation, from deep within the US administration, that a secret prison existed on the British Overseas Territory of Diego Garcia, despite persistent US and UK denials, and profiles the six “high-value detainees” held there and later transferred to Guantánamo, plus the “ghost prisoner” Mustafa Setmariam Nasar.

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The duty of local councils to consult

01-08-2008 15:39

Local councils have a duty to consult. This is not a nicety, or a nod to local democracy or public participation, it is a legal requirement.

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DC Protests at HLS Customers

01-08-2008 12:25

On Friday, July 18, animal rights advocates celebrated the decision by Raymond James to dump their HLS stock by protesting at the offices of Merck, Sanofi-Aventis, and Novartis, all of which have yet to follow Raymond James's sensible lead. What began as a normal day for the greedy opportunists at Merck, Novartis, and Sanofi Aventis turned into one that they would hope to forget. Compassionate individuals descended upon their offices, protesting their continued use of the animal abusers at Huntingdon Life Sciences. With signs and bullhorns, activists took to the streets.


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photostory of climate camp police raid

01-08-2008 11:27

police vans drive on to site
Yesterday evening over 100 police officers ransacked the Camp for Climate Action site. Items essential to the health and safety of the camp were removed, including pipes for the delivery of fresh water. Two people were arrested and three pepper sprayed while resisting the raid.

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Support AR/SHAC Prisoner Dan Amos

01-08-2008 10:21

Please write to Dan and show him your support:

Daniel Amos (VN7818), HMP Exeter, 30 New North Road, Exeter. EX4 4EX

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About a hunger strike in Germany...

01-08-2008 09:58

A hunger strike will take place in the German prisons from the 1st until the 8th of August. The organisation Iv.I., 'Representation of the interests of the prisoners', is mobilizing for this hunger strike.

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What not to bring to climate camp.

01-08-2008 09:48

The filth are living up to their various names by being total dicks as usual and confiscating (stealing is probably more a accurate term) various items from people attending camp. You might of heard about the raid on the camp yesterday where police took away items such as board games and crayons, along with attempting to deprive the camp of essential materials such as plumbing and construction timber. However, even before the raid the filth were stealing stuff from those arriving.

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Celebrate Fitwatch's 1st Birthday at Climate Camp

01-08-2008 09:40

This year's Climate Camp will also celebrate Fitwatch's first outing to a major protest. Since then we have gone from strength to strength.

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Press Release: Police confiscate climate camp crayons

31-07-2008 23:33

1 August 2008
For Immediate Release

Deeply undermining a previously good working relationship between police and protesters, yesterday evening over 100 police officers ransacked the Camp for Climate Action site. Items essential to the health and safety of the camp were removed, including pipes for the delivery of fresh water.

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New US Eco-Prisoner: Bryan Lefey

31-07-2008 21:52

ELP has learnt that Katherine Christianson and Aaron Ellringer, who have both been accused of ELF actions, appeared in court on Tuesday the 29th of July, where they both pleaded not guilty and were released on bail. Their co-defendent Bryan Rivera aka Bryan Lefey remains imprisoned.

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Big Brothers latest gadgetry now in use at a ‘Fat Cat’ demo near you.

31-07-2008 18:23

A massive and violent insurection erupts in the City of London.
This morning while reporting the antics of some trots outside the Goldman Sachs building in the City of London; I noticed a strange protrusion on the hat of a cycle cop.

At first glance it looked like a trendy new device for holding a spare lipstick. On closer inspection a wire was spotted coming from the back of it. The copper in question was friendly enough and explained that the device had completed its trials and would be rolled out for general use within a couple of months. As well as the head cam there was a second one on his chest in case anyone tried to grab the more obvious one. It was activated by a switch and also stored the 30 seconds of footage prior to its activation.

If all the Police are due to be trained and issued with this gear, does that mean that a certain unit (known for their blue shouldered jackets) will soon be surplus to requirements? Well, if in a couple of months time you spot some familiar faces working as security guards in your local Tescos, you now know why…..

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Update on New AR Prisoner Dan Amos

31-07-2008 16:32

Last night he was held at Christchurch Police Station due to mass overcrowding of all prisons. This afternoon he was taken to HMP Exeter in Devon. It is unknown whether he has arrived there yet, but as soon as we know and we recieve his prison number we will publish it, which means it will then be possible to send letters of support.

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SHAC Press Release: Shareholders Drop, Defendants Plead Guilty

30-07-2008 23:09

July 30th: Another Shareholder Drops HLS, SHAC UK Defendants Plead Guilty

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Cops overreact to black kids playing in Hyde Park

30-07-2008 19:48

Line of police 400 metres long with dogs and vans cleared 200 black teens, a few with water pistols, from hyde park at 6:30. At one point a cop used a taser on one of the teens. Several others were manhandled andthere seemedeto be over 10 arrests.

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Ciba Vision (Novartis) Protest, Southampton

30-07-2008 19:31

On Friday 25th July activists from across the south took full advantage of our six person allowance (Yes six!! aren't we lucky) at Ciba Vision, Novartis, Flanders Road, Hedge End, Nr. Southampton.

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Support Peaceful Campaigner Dan Amos

30-07-2008 19:10

Outside HLS
Dan Amos is a commited vegan shactivist who was arrested and bailed as part of NETCU's Operation Achilles, involving 32 separate police raids and 700 police officers in the UK, The Netherlands and Belgium on May 1st 2007.
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