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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Homophobe Moscow mayor met with demo at City hall,London

28-02-2007 17:12

Moscow's homophobic Mayor Luzhkov was met with a emo outsuide City hall ,London this lunchtime...

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The Campaign Against Prison Slavery

28-02-2007 15:05

The Campaign Against Prison Slavery is a group set up to try to expose the reality of prison labour, how little of it teaches skills that can be used after release and which could help reduce the chances of re-offending.

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The Campaign Against Prison Slavery

28-02-2007 15:00

The Campaign Against Prison Slavery is a group set up to try to expose the reality of prison labour, how little of it teaches skills that can be used after release and which could help reduce the chances of re-offending.

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The Campaign Against Prison Slavery

28-02-2007 14:54

The Campaign Against Prison Slavery is a group set up to try to expose the reality of prison labour, how little of it teaches skills that can be used after release and which could help reduce the chances of re-offending.

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The Campaign Against Prison Slavery

28-02-2007 14:51

The Campaign Against Prison Slavery is a group set up to try to expose the reality of prison labour, how little of it teaches skills that can be used after release and which could help reduce the chances of re-offending.

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AUSTRALIA: Long-delayed “terrorist” hearings to commence in Sydney

28-02-2007 05:33

Home Grown War Criminals
There has been a deafening silence, however, over the fact that Muslim men are being held in similar conditions in Melbourne and Sydney, with the bipartisan agreement of both major political parties.

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BBC Reported WTC-7 Had Collapsed 20 Minutes Before It Fell

28-02-2007 05:23

An astounding video uncovered from the archives today shows the BBC reporting on the collapse of WTC Building 7 over twenty minutes before it fell at 5:20pm on the afternoon of 9/11. The incredible footage shows BBC reporter Jane Standley talking about the collapse of the Salomon Brothers Building while it remains standing in the live shot behind her head.

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Video-chronicle: Demonstration supporting CSO Eskuela Taller and the squatters

28-02-2007 01:48

Last february 24th 1000 people participated in a demonstration for the defense of the CSO Eskuela Taller and the squatters and ocuppied spaces. The mobilization claimed self-organization, self-management, and autonomy as fighting weapons against institutional repression and capitalism.
Video and music produced by La Plataforma.

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Huntingdon Life Sciences fail to seize protestor's assets

28-02-2007 00:47

Huntingdon Life Sciences last week failed once again to seize the assets of a high profile activist recently imprisoned for serious criminal activity and were instead made liable for his costs in defending the proceedings. In this article we ask why the national media totally ignored this story, choosing to focus instead on a non-story about animal rights stalls in London.

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ppc + scroat cinema presents.....

28-02-2007 00:36

outside freedomtheatre 1.2007
a night celebrating resistance of the occupation of palestine, featuring a showing of the film Arnas Children.

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Senior lawyers accuse Australian government of war crimes over Guantánamo

27-02-2007 19:47

War Crimes
The demand for the laying of war crimes charges against Howard, Ruddock and Downer should be taken up by ordinary working people throughout the country. The government’s ongoing treatment of David Hicks, and its defence of the illegal US military commissions, constitute a threat to the democratic and legal rights of every Australian citizen. They demonstrate the real face of the so-called “war on terror” and are a warning of the equally repressive measures being prepared at home against government opponents.

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Opposition grows in Rushmoor to cuts in refuse collection

27-02-2007 17:57

The first month of a six-month trial of fortnightly refuse collection in the Rotten Borough of Rushmoor has led to public outcry, with bin men calling for the 'experiment' to be scrapped.

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Video from Current Nablus Invasion - Day 2

27-02-2007 17:32

This is the second video clip dealing with the military operation "Hot Winter" in Nablus, occupied Palestine.

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mothers 3 day could asesination irak

27-02-2007 12:12

help we can change destination yes live no dead

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Support to 4 NATO train blockaders on trial in Valencia (Spain)

27-02-2007 10:00

On Tuesday march 6th at 10 am four antimilitarist activists will be on
trial for a military train blockade in fall 2004. The public prosecutor
asks for a sentence of one year's imprisonment, while the activist's
lawyer pleads for acquittal. The trial has been postponed already three
times, the last two because of the absence of the witnesses (4 policemen)
for the prosecution without giving any reason.

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Human Rights Forgotten in Nuclear Dispute

27-02-2007 07:41 is a new campaign website has launched its first online petition, calling on the United States and China to persuade North Korea that it must accept food aid and inspections to protect its citizens against starvation and human rights abuses. The people of North Korea suffer a life behind closed borders. More than one in ten experience severe hunger, according UN estimates, while there are reports of frequent political and arbitrary imprisonments.

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An alleged international security expert from the US? CIA?

27-02-2007 04:58

No question in my mind, sorry! I think we need to get Smart! What do you think 99?

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Video from Current Nablus Invasion - Day 1

27-02-2007 03:02

Following you'll find the links to our most recent work on the current military operation (named "Hot Winter") in Nablus, Palestine.

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Time to kick the cops out of our demos!

26-02-2007 20:58

The leaflet below was distributed at Saturday's anti-war demonstration in central London and was well received by most participants of the autonomous block. Please print the attached .pdf and distribute at all relevant events. Let's build a culture of resistance....

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Unlawful bank charges

26-02-2007 17:13

For years, High Street banks have been ripping off their customers with illegal charges. Customers are now demanding payment in full of all the monies taken out of their accounts illegally. Customers could be owed billions of pounds.
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