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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Against the dictator government of Iran and for freedom,Support student’s strugg

28-11-2005 11:44

Universities in Iran are main battlefields in people’s struggle against religious dictatorship and students are unmistakable forces of this fight. December 7 is, therefore a very important day.

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ID Cards. Resistance is necessary

27-11-2005 21:10

It's time to get ready to refuse. Just say no and stop the state and corporations stealing your identity! There will be no hiding place for who you are, where you are, what you are doing, and who you are doing it with.

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Nottingham Refugee Campaign Group Meeting 14 December

27-11-2005 20:35

Next meeting Wednesday 14 December at the Square Centre Alfred Street, North. All Welcome

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Parents mortgaged home for Indonesian injustice

27-11-2005 20:17

They are issues that go to the heart of this problem
Asked about allegations that bribes were paid to reduce her sentence, he said yesterday: "They are issues that go to the heart of this problem and we are not prepared to talk about them at this point. It's something for Michelle to talk about when she is ready."

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Smash Your TV

27-11-2005 13:37

In the run up to Christmas Smash Your TV urge you to get rid of television sets and enjoy your life.

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Police Threaten to Crush Anti EDO Mass Demo

27-11-2005 06:29

Why we're Marching...
Sussex police have threatened to arrest demonstrators planning to March through Brighton on Dec 10th to protest against EDO MBM, a factory manufacturing electrical components for arms in Mouslecoomb.

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27-11-2005 02:36

Yesterday I published a hort article on something I stumbled accross at an event. Today I have been told to take it down or else.

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Aussie ministers plot to kill dissent

26-11-2005 20:54

To ramp up terror fears and here in Australia
Sure, we should be really angry now, that these terrorists should plot to blow up the Bali mourners! And that should buy hoWARd the coward a free kick to any draconian laws that he now seeks to enforce, based on the communities deep emotions, anguish and fears of another attack?

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Burundians allege UN collusion with Hutu extremist war criminals

26-11-2005 20:53

Burundians have lashed out at the UN office in their country after a Hutu-extremist war crimes suspect, Aloys Nzabampema, was found in possession of illegally-obtained UN Peacekeeper's uniforms

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Leaked al Jazeera Memos: Bush confirming earlier press killings?

26-11-2005 20:46

It is by most - and logically - understood that in the document - which frantically is kept secret - Bush tells British PM Blair that killing and bombing can be done: "We've done it before, and we get away with it." - Bush is suspected of bragging.

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Why is the prime minister so angry: Leslie

26-11-2005 20:45

Disbelief about his daughter's treatment
For those unfamiliar with Bali's Kerobokan jail, she offered a quick verbal tour. Her cell was "infested with cockroaches and had no ventilation and no sunlight".

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Anti-war arrests outside Parliament - pictures and comment

26-11-2005 13:49

Two women remembering the dead
Two women arrested outside Parliament for remembering the dead of the Iraq war

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25-11-2005 20:03

CIA Fronts and Their Airplanes
We describe CIA treatment of prisoners so you can judge for yourself. Each escalation of maltreament reportedly comes ONLY after an inquiry to, and approval from, JOSE RODRIGUEZ, the CIA's Deputy Director of Operations (DDO) at the McLean, VA, headquarters. We describe how the torture works and how agents work it with Mr. Rodriguez (and allegedly with his predecessors, Stephen Kappes and James Pavitt).
The CIA shuttles the prisoners around the world on civilian aircraft, almost all of which the CIA owns. The CIA owns the aircraft through holding companies that have one employee -- a contracted private attorney in the US. A Smithfield, NC, firm, Aero Contractors, operates most of the planes. We show how the CIA aviation office works with private attorneys. The lawyers have no need to know what the planes are used for, and undoubtedly are not told about prisoner transports.

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GADJO DILO film screenign and discussion on traveller prejudice

25-11-2005 17:02


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Anti-War Campaigners Stage Bell-Ringing Ceremony Outside Parliament

25-11-2005 14:03

100,000 Rings: In Remembrance of the Iraqi Civilian and Military Dead

Two women were arrested today while holding a bell-ringing ceremony outside parliament as part of an international peace event, to mark the anniversary of the release of the Lancet study on 29th October 2004 which estimated 100,000 people had died since the beginning of the war in Iraq. Similar ceremonies have and will be occurring in nearly 100 other communities around the United States and United Kingdom.

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Edinburgh Evening News reports that Bypass protesters face eviction day

25-11-2005 13:44

Bypass protesters face eviction day


SHERIFF officers were today preparing to move in to evict bypass protesters living in trees in Dalkeith Park.

The showdown comes after the group, fighting against the felling of trees to make way for a £30 million A68 bypass, refused to leave the treetops despite being served an eviction notice.

An eviction hearing was due to take place at Edinburgh Sheriff Court this morning, with the sheriff officers preparing to move in later in the day.

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Film Fest Review (part one)

25-11-2005 13:39

Freedom is slavery, war is peace, democracy is staying at home or come to the film fest

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EDO High Court latest

25-11-2005 12:11

Judge Walker has been hearing evidence this week that EDO lawyer Timothy Lawson-Cruttenden (TLC) has been acting unlawfully in disclosing confidential police reports and statements to the court.

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The Dark Political Alleys of Torture

25-11-2005 12:03

What makes me worthy not to be tortured in some CIA prison, if I will not stand vehemently opposed to such evil? Will I stand up when it is too late?
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