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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Zapatista Supporters Attacked in Retaliation for Building an Autonomous School

29-09-2010 12:52

One of the Zapatistas' most notable achievements has been the creation of an autonomous education system, designed to meet the needs of the people in the communities. Now 170 people from two indigenous communities have been evicted and are homeless on the mountain, because they would not destroy their autonomous school.

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The Mexican government is losing control

29-09-2010 08:38

The Mexican government is losing control Brown Berets and their drug cartel taking over

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Brown Berets and their political goals

29-09-2010 08:31

Brown Berets and their political goals

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Appeal letter from Sakin's son, Help us to stop stoning my mother!

28-09-2010 21:46

Sakin's son and daughter
Sept 27, 2010: Sajjad’s Appeal in the Face of Regime’s Ongoing Campaign to Execute His Mother, Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani

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Did Obama really say that?

28-09-2010 14:59

Cindy Sheehan
One thing the Obama regime has shown me is that the Democrats are also the Party of No: NO peace, NO justice, NO relevant healthcare reform, NO improvement in education, NO civil liberties, NO economic justice, NO environmental sustainability, NO jobs, NO anything that is positive for those who were made weaker after 9/11.

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Justice Dept. Assinations and Drone Attacks

28-09-2010 13:24

"Between our area and Waziristan is an 8 hour journey. The drone attack happened at night time and we all knew about it by the following morning. People who had witnessed the attack had come to tell us and described what they saw of the remnants and damage in the aftermath. They said the attack was so severe that they could not even distinguish the bodies from one another- even the bones of the people were completely blown apart. The dead were completely unrecognisable. My brother in law’s coffin was tightly sealed and we were not allowed to open it to view anything. We had the coffin with us for 30 minutes before it was taken away for burial."

"In fact the papers filed by the Justice Department attempting to quash the case argue that the court system should have absolutely no oversight over the administration’s sudden, bizarre claim that it can assassinate any American citizen it wants on the basis of national security, arguing that such issues are “for the executive branch of the government to decide rather than the courts.”

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Solidarity Needed for Belarusian Anarchists

28-09-2010 13:02

Urgent solidarity actions needed in support of Belarusian anarchists who are facing widespread repression, harassment and detention without charge.

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More police violence in Philadelphia: Justice for Askia Sabur!

28-09-2010 03:30

March for Askia Sabur in West Philadelphia, USA
Askia Sabur is a 29-year-old African man who was savagely beaten by a mob of black cops in West Philly in front of a Chinese restaraunt on 55th St. and Landsdowne Ave. On Friday, September 17, organizations such as the New Black Panther Party, MOVE, Poor Righteous Party of the Black Nation, the Uhuru Solidarity Movement and the International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM) marched with the African community and the family of Askia Sabur on the 19th police district, demanding justice for Askia and the entire black community.

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UG#518 - The Mendacity of Hype (Psywar and The Truth Emergency)

27-09-2010 15:48

This week, we look at what Peter Phillips of Project Censored terms a "truth emergency", the routine way in which deceitful messages are fabricated and distributed en masse by the corporate media. We start with his presentation to the May 2010 Understanding Deep Politics conference in Santa Cruz. We conclude with an audio adaptation of Scott Noble's effort to combat this tide of misinformation, the video Psywar, about the history of propaganda and psychological war. Focusing on psyops as tools of the class war, Noam Chomsky, Michael Parenti, Howard Zinn and other speakers tell the story of the origins of truth misrepresentation as an industry, and we look at its role in the US military and political establishments.

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Planning to support Irish Travellers facing eviction Meeting Tuesday 7pm @ LARC

27-09-2010 09:06

There will be a meeting Tuesday 28 September, 7pm, LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel, London, E1 1ES, to organise to support Dale Farm residents through the eviction. This could involve setting up a camp at Dale Farm once eviction becomes imminent.

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Child abusers

27-09-2010 00:39

a six year old girls abused by who claim to be anarchists

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Obama signs legislation to make supplements and alternative remedies illegal

26-09-2010 20:12

Right through the back door, while everyone was focused on the gulf oil spill, Barack Obama gave his signature to legislation permitting the U.S. Government to outlaw supplements and alternative health treatments.

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Is HAARP again at work in Venezuela?

26-09-2010 18:08

From Severe Drought to to Nationwide Floods:
Is HAARP again at work in Venezuela?

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Green Granny Life Sentence?

26-09-2010 17:53

Betty Krawczyk is at least 81. She has a long history of standing up to logging in the woods, or massive construction through the last urban green. She has been arrested many times. Now Canadian prosecutors call for a LIFE SENTENCE for her non-violent protests. No criminal code was broken. No jury ever heard her story. Travesty of justice in British Columbia, Canada.

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Shadows of Doubt

26-09-2010 17:42

A conspiracy to create doubt about climate change, documented by Dr. Naomi Oreskes in "Merchants of Doubt".

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Pentagon spells hope: DREAM act will extend poverty draft to immigrant youth

26-09-2010 08:21

Proponents of the DREAM Act claim it will enable countless deserving immigrant youth to pursue higher education. In reality, the movement for immigrant rights is being pimped by the Pentagon, which desperately needs access to young immigrants to replenish its ranks.

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Fight Britain's racist immigration laws! Close Communications House!

26-09-2010 07:54

Tuesday 28 September • 5-6pm outside Communications House Immigration Reporting Centre
Old Street
London, EC1V 9BR

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Excellent interview with American SHAC prisoner, Josh Harper

25-09-2010 23:59

A wonderful interview with SHAC 7 defendant and former prisoner Josh Harper is now available at

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The CTC once again betrays Cuban workers

24-09-2010 22:47

// Joint Communiqué MLC-GALSIC (Cuban Libertarian Movement – Support Group for Libertarians and Independent Sindicalists of Cuba)

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BP: The Unfinished Crimes and Plunder of Anglo-American Imperialism

24-09-2010 18:35

In the light of British Petroleum’s grotesque crime, as yet unfinished, against humanity in the Gulf of Mexico, it is well to recall briefly BP’s no less hideous crime perpetrated in its earlier incarnation as the Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC) and, later, the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC).

Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadeq’s discourse at the UN Security Council session in October 1951 was one of the most tragic utterances of a country that was being raped and pillaged and striving to retain its dignity:

"It went without saying that as long as the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company had a monopoly over this source of national wealth, the government and people of Iran could not enjoy political independence. Despite its business façade, this company is to be considered as the modern counterpart of the old British East India Company, which in a short span of time extended its control over India. The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company had an annual income exceeding that of the Iranian government; its foreign trade was larger than ours; it intervened actively in the internal affairs of the country, and grossly interfered in our elections to the Majlis and the formation of cabinets, and thus conducting themselves in a manner calculated to wring the greatest profits from resources which it owned and controlled. By a complex conspiratorial network within the country, by widespread corruption of government ministries, and the illegal support to native journalists and politicians, it had in fact created a State within a State. Little by little it sapped the independence of the Iranian nation."

Even as the Iran of today and its democratically elected government face the threat of physical liquidation by the combined forces of Zionism and imperialism, the struggles and aspirations of this great humanist and architect of freedom will remain, to all who strive for justice and decency, forever green.
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