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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Israeli police have questioned President Moshe Katsav over allegations of sexual

24-08-2006 18:44

What do people expect from criminal Extremists?

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Mexico Approaches the Combustion Point

24-08-2006 18:43

Mexico - and indeed, most of S. America - shows the world how to deal with absolute political corruption. Our domesticated activists should be taking detailed notes right now, in those countries being led by illegitimate Regimes who openly commit War Crimes, like Britain, the US, etc.

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Threat from Sussex Police to Smash EDO

24-08-2006 18:34

e mail received re 16th december march over edo's complicity in war crimes in lebanon, palestine, iraq and afghanistan

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The enviromental cost of Israel's lunacy. August 24th. Photo report

24-08-2006 18:13

This beach would usually be packed at this time of year. Every lifeguard station would be operational and the sand would be obscured by tens of thousands of sunbathers and local families. This was the hub of Beirut’s growing tourist industry. Now the bars along the sea front are as deserted as the beach itself. It is closed to the public for reasons of safety. Only press and volunteer clear-up teams are allowed in. Last night CNN ran a highly biased documentary about the effect of the war on Israel’s tourist industry. What about Lebanon? Tourism was the fastest growing part of this little country’s economy. Unlike Israel there is no American money to plug the gap left in people’s livelihoods. The damage to the income of the coastal towns and cities is high; the environmental damage is nothing short of a catastrophe

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Asylum Seeker - between Life and Death

24-08-2006 15:41

An asylum seeker's story...

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Cambridge eye witness to Israeli anti-war movement

24-08-2006 13:15

Cambridge activist Genevieve Passamonte was in Israel at the height of the war against Lebanon and Gaza I spoke to her recently about what she saw of the movement against the war and the wall.

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The Lasting Dangers of Unexploded Israeli Cluster Bombs

23-08-2006 23:11

Special Democracy Now! Report from Southern Lebanon: Ana Nogueira Investigates the Lasting Dangers of Unexploded Israeli Cluster Bombs.

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Israel's 'Moral High Ground' /War Crimes Identified

23-08-2006 19:50

The Olmert Extremists, aligned with American Neo-Fascists and Zionists, represent the greatest threat to the world today.

In pursuing their indefensible policies of Aggression and Mass Destruction, the Zionist Extremists have shown the world just who the Terrorists really are ...

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Israel Violates Cease-Fire Again/Olmert Faces Backl/Neo-Fascists Bang War Drums

23-08-2006 19:48

Remember that the ONLY people currently pushing for war are the criminal, Extremist Regimes which are currently controlled by Zionist Extremists. These people pose the biggest threat to you and your loved ones than any other so-called "terrorist" group. Remember that they've been ordered to refrain from military actions, unless they consult the UN - and support their accusations with evidence - before proceeding.

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Stop the Oxford Lab – Direct action

23-08-2006 15:14

a cross post from another message board about direct action against the oxford animal lab on Sept 9th.

From some people calling themselves the....veganarchists

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Crying Wolf: Terror Alerts based on Fabricated Intelligence

23-08-2006 10:54

While the foiled UK terror plot announced by Home Secretary John Reid has served to temporarily distract public attention from the ongoing atrocities committed in the Middle East war, it has also triggered a wave of public skepticism which could potentially lead to the downfall of Prime Minister Tony Blair. This skepticism is in part based on the pattern of repeated terror warnings over several years.

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The situation tonight in Oaxaca, Mexico

23-08-2006 03:40

In Oaxaca now as many possibly already know, the climate is of total ungovernability, the city has been completely taken, there are pickets and occupations of many government offices where already nobody works, whole streets are barricades with the participation of busand taxis drivers who have put their units into the blockades.

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PHILIPPINES: Impeachment killers, murderers of justice!

23-08-2006 01:12

Impeachment killers, murderers of justice!
“Murderers of justice! This is what Congressmen who will vote for the dismissal of the impeachment complaint against Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA) will be remembered as.”, said AKBAYAN (Citizens Action Party) President Ronald Llamas today on the information that the House Committee on Justice will terminate the impeachment proceedings today.

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BNP's canoe fundraiser sinks without trace...

22-08-2006 15:32

...and a BNP member misses the bus!

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Video of Hands off Lebanon demo, Brighton 19th August

22-08-2006 11:37

A video of Hands off Lebanon demo, Brighton 19th August 2006

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Solidarity for Marco Camenisch: Eco-Anarchist Prisoner

22-08-2006 09:48

Swiss cultural centre vandalised in solidarity with Marco
Marco Camenisch was born in Switzerland in 1952. In the late seventies, Marco, as a militant of the movement against nuclear power plants, was engaged in many struggles to fight the local Swiss nuclear mafia. Direct action was the base of such struggles; cutting down pylons, sabotage against power stations, attacks against the people involved in nuclear mafia.

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Alarming rise of Children’s ID databases and biometrics in schools

21-08-2006 23:47

Video Iris-scanning - one example of biometrics used in schools
On top of ID cards and the move to NHS electronic records, another major government plan with a potential for hideous invasion of privacy and loss of personal freedom comes out of the Children Act (2004). The new Act allows the setting up of incredibly invasive databases by the Secretary of State and/or children's services authorities in England. At the same time pupils and parents are getting more vocal and organised in their protests against the alarming rate of introduction of biometric systems in schools. These have included fingerprinting (and even iris scanning) of children for school dinners, attendance registers, and use of libraries or ‘learning resource centres’.

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21-08-2006 21:18

Anti-war activists blocked entrance to the Foreign Office for two hours Monday morning in a protest against British foreign policy.

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Cave Dwelling Muslim Behind Liquid Bomb Non-Plot

21-08-2006 17:11

Never mind that “liquid bombs” are fantastical nonsense, or there is no evidence those arrested—more accurately, disappeared—in Britain plotted to blow up planes (no bombs, no airline tickets, no passports), the corporate media, having established the now widely believed Brothers Grimm story of Muslim perfidy by way of household chemicals, has moved to the next level.

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quick early report on foreign office blockade this morning

21-08-2006 08:56

clowns, samba and lebanese dancers took part in a blockade of the foreign office in king charles street this morning. their theme was 'bringing the war home" and they were hoping to disrupt the workings of the war machine for a while
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