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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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HITLER SALUTES IN WIGAN @asda #antifa @misscheeky666 @slatukip @slatedl #nazis

19-09-2015 23:04

The National Front failed to leave Wigan with their heads high after local people and Antifa showed them they were not welcome in the Northern town. It didn't take long before ickle Diddyboy started shitting his pants when the time came to leave the pub they were hiding in. As always, as we always see at far right rallies of any kind, there were open salutes to Adolf Hitler, by someone who appeared to be wearing an ASDA staff coat.

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Down With Murder Inc [update]

18-09-2015 08:10

a rewrite of the original article posted on here in 2003

feels more relevant than ever.

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Boris Johnson under pressure to welcome the Dalai Lama

17-09-2015 10:01

Campaigners and Green Assembly Members lobby Mayor over London visit.

Campaign group Free Tibet has challenged Mayor of London Boris Johnson to invite the Dalai Lama to meet him during his trip to London.

The Tibetan spiritual leader and bête noire for the government of China visits the capital this weekend and next week (1)

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Boris Johnson under pressure to welcome the Dalai Lama

17-09-2015 09:59

Campaigners and Green Assembly Members lobby Mayor over London visit.

Campaign group Free Tibet has challenged Mayor of London Boris Johnson to invite the Dalai Lama to meet him during his trip to London.

The Tibetan spiritual leader and bête noire for the government of China visits the capital this weekend and next week (1)

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Oxford Council to shun Dalai Lama?

11-09-2015 10:33

Campaign group Free Tibet has asked Oxford City Council to extend an official welcome to the Dalai Lama when he visits the city on the 14th of September. So far, the council has not responded,leading to fears it is wary of offending the Chinese government.

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RTF International Action Camp 2015: Towards a world without prisons

08-09-2015 09:58

Overview/report-back of the recent Reclaim the Fields International Action Camp in Wrexham, North Wales.

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(A-Radio) ABC Belarus on the release of the prisoners and the upcoming elections

06-09-2015 20:08

On August 22, the Belarusian president Lukashenko signed papers to release all official political prisoners in the country. This includes the three anarchists that were still imprisoned. As Anarchist Radio Berlin (, we talked with Anarchist Black Cross Belarus about their release and the upcoming elections among other things.

For security reasons, this interview has been re-recorded using our own voices.

You'll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here:

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Philippines: Bongbong’s whitewashing of Marcos name anathema to 2016 plans

03-09-2015 12:44

Akbayan took exception to Senator Bongbong Marcos’s statement that there was no downside to being a Marcos should he decide to run for higher office in 2016.

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Office protest targets prison project

01-09-2015 21:11

outside the offices
Campaigners inspired by a Reclaim the Fields action camp demonstrated their opposition to the building of a new mega-prison near Wrexham with a visit to a company involved.

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Angola 3's Robert King at University of Dundee, Sept. 16, Lecture on US Prisons

27-08-2015 16:46

Flyer for Sept 16 event
Dr. Robert H. King of the Angola 3 will give a lecture at the University of Dundee, Scotland, entitled "Struggle and Revolution in the USA's Criminal 'Injustice' System." King's talk will challenge the principles upon which the USA's prison system is founded. The event is on Wednesday, September 16, 2015, at 6pm, Dalhousie Building. Free tickets for this event can be found at
Further info: 01382 385 108

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The Prison: A capitalist industry like any other

26-08-2015 22:43

From Reclaim the Fields Bulletin 10

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Reclaim the Fields International Action Camp Full Programme

26-08-2015 21:38

A full programme of workshops & activities has now been released for the
first three days of the Reclaim the Fields International Action Camp, Wales.

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Tel Aviv sur Seine/Promotion of the bloody Israeli occupation in Palestine

15-08-2015 20:57

Recently, due to a joint cooperation of the Tel Aviv and Paris municipal
government, a section of river bank in Paris was turned into “Tel Aviv sur Seine” , complete with falafel stands and “Israeli nightlife. Of course in order in order to promote Israel. No promotion
of a 48 years occupation power with as ´´falafel´´ the Gaza Blockade and as ´´nightlife´´
bombings of Gaza and shooting of Palestinian children. On the Gaza beach.

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(A-Radio) Interview: Week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners August 2015

12-08-2015 14:46

In the following interview we talk about the "Week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners", who is promoting it and what it is about. For security reasons, this interview has been re-recorded using our own voices.

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Gweithredu yn erbyn yr Heddlu yn yr Eisteddfod / Action Against Police Brutality

08-08-2015 10:36

Eisteddfod Meifod Solidariti efo y sawl sydd wedi cael trais gan yr heddlu. Solidarity with victims of police brutality.

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(A-Radio) Interview: Capitalism and the changes in the UK legal aid system

07-08-2015 14:25

In the following interview the Anarchist Radio Berlin ( made with an UK-based prisoner support activist, we talk about recent changes in judicial law, especially concerning legal aids and the introduction of so-called "court costs", showing clearly an ever more class-based judicial system.

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(A-Radio) Interview: Reclaim the fields, food sovereignity and the prison system

05-08-2015 15:28

In the following interview the Anarchist Radio Berlin ( made with an UK-based organizer from the Reclaim the fields initiative, we talk about the planned international camp in North-Wales, the relationship of food sovereignty and the prison system, and the topic of prison abolition as such.

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Syriza, Podemos, Left Front… May Capital’s Far Left Die!

03-08-2015 14:04

“Communists supposed it… but Syriza surpassed their expectations…”

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ANTIFA ALERTA: NAZIS TARGET REFUGEE DEMO @misscheeky666 @slatukip @edlnews #edl

30-07-2015 10:16


The violent fascist thugs of the EDL are linking up with their Hitler-loving nazis in the National Front this Saturday to intimidate attendees of the refugee solidarity event happening this Saturday in Folkestone. Despite continued denials that the EDL have become a full-blown neo-nazi organisation, they have agreed to participate in a joint protest with Southern branch of the fourteen words National Front to confront Folkestone United campaigners. Antifascists need turn up in numbers to defend Folkestone from violent fascist thugs!
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