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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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LulzSec hacks Arizona border police

24-06-2011 13:54

On Thursday the hacker group LulzSec published on Pirate Bay leaked documents hacked from Arizona's Department of Public Safety. The documents highlight brutality, corruption, and racism in the US state's police forces including those patrolling the deadly US/Mexican border.

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Italy: more arrests in Florence and Milan

23-06-2011 18:38

Raids and arrests against student and anarchist activists in Florence and Milan

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The Need For A "Second Revolution" In Egypt

23-06-2011 17:41

ElBaradei - criticising the government is now a "red line"
On 27th May, Egyptians numbering in the hundreds of thousands demonstrated in Cairo and other cities. They demanded a "second revolution" to complete the democratic aspirations of the first, which removed long-time dictator Hosni Mubarak in February. Since his departure, the army junta has consolidated its rule, bringing in a repressive new constitution, and banning strikes and protests in March. In doing so, the army top brass has revealed itself to be enemies of the common Egyptian, and enemies of - not "guardians of" - the revolution.

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The united actions days in support of Nizhny Novgorod antifascists on June 24-2

23-06-2011 15:35

Artem Bystrov
At the present moment by The Anti-Extremist Center of GUVD (General Directorate of Internal Affairs - SM) in Nizhniy Novgorod Region detectives a criminal case is fabricating against Artem Bystrov, who was arrested on April 26,2011. He is incriminated the article № 213 part 2 (hooliganism committed by a group of persons on preliminary arrangement by hatred or hostility toward a particular social group). Two of suspects yet couldn't be arrested. It is worth noting that victim itself — a nationalist D.Redkin, doesn't have any claims to people arrested on April 26 and refuses to take part in confrontments. The case was filed seven months after the accident. It was filed by pressure at the victim and the witness. The investigation is proceeded with gross violations and falsification of evidence. For example during the rummages the membership cards of non-existing organisation “RASH-Antifa” with photos and serial numbers, evidently made by Center “E”(The Anti-Extremist Center - SM) detectives, were throwen in to the suspects' homes.

Disseminate this information as wide as possible. Organise the solidarity actions!

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Project PM Leaks Dirt on Romas/COIN Classified US Intelligence Mass Surveillance

23-06-2011 11:05

Magpii stands for 'Magnify Personal Identifying Information'

According to a Project PM announcement, here are some of the 'classified intelligence' details about Romas/COIN (Odyssey) with capabilities to monitor and automatically analyze millions of conversations, and then secretly store a wide range of personal data. It appears as if even Apple, Google, and Disney's Pixar were trying to be brought aboard to help out in this mass surveillance apparatus.

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Launch of Jailhouse Lawyers by Mumia Abu-Jamal

23-06-2011 09:33

Jailhouse Lawyers book cover
From death row in Pennsylvania: a new book in the UK, Jailhouse Lawyers by Mumia Abu-Jamal, will be launched in London, Manchester and Liverpool Jun 30th-July 2nd. Award-winning journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal introduces us to fellow prisoners who litigate against their jailers, risking punishment or even death, to win justice for themselves and other prisoners.

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Twelve animal rights activists arrested in man hunt in Spain

23-06-2011 08:28

Call out for solidarity action
by the Spanish police, in a series of raids sanctioned by the judge from the Magistrate's court, Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain. Arrests and house searches of activists from the organisations Igualdad Animal/Animal Equality and Equanimal took place in the regions of Madrid, Asturias, Vizcaya and Galicia. The detained activists were then taken to Santiago de Compostela court, where they were accused of offences against the environment, public disorder, and criminal association.

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What NATO Is Doing In Libya

22-06-2011 20:43

Libyen - Kriegsterror der NATO
"Just a day after admitting killing 9 civilians in an airstrike, NATO has been accused by the Libyan authorities of causing at least another 15 deaths.
"NATO confirmed they had carried out another bombing, but has not responded to the allegations of civilian casualties.
"An RT crew in Tripoli has shot some shocking footage of bodies mutilated in NATO bombings."
M O R E: ... ...

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Blockade of Heathrow detention centre to stop Iraq deportation flight

21-06-2011 16:30

Anti-deportation campaigners are blockading Colnbrook and Harmondsworth detention centres in a last-minute attempt to stop the forcible deportation of Iraqi refugees to Baghdad on a specially chartered flight scheduled to leave London this evening.

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We Rebel With Our Dancing And Singing (June 15th)

21-06-2011 15:11

(a personal account of what happened on June 15th at Syntagma sq in Athens)

Today, in Syntagma Square, the people have exceeded themselves. Facing the violence of the MAT [=riot police force], of tear gas and molotov cocktails, they responded with drums, dancing and singing.

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Wave of demolitions in the Jordan Valley, Palestine

21-06-2011 13:08



For further information and pictures contact: or Emma Potter 00972 (0)595510814

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Oxford City Council - Chipping away at Democracy with a Sledgehammer

21-06-2011 12:35

Wed 22 June at 4:50pm Oxford Town Hall, St Aldates, Oxford.

Labour councillors have again tried to shut down public views/democracy by preventing public speaking at City Executive Board meetings. At 5pm (prompt)on Wednesday 22 June at the Town Hall, 128 public questions which have been submitted, will be asked!

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Rise of reactionaries

21-06-2011 12:06

Sectarianisim in the North Of Eire, EDL on the streets of England. Ever noticed that in times of economic strife there is always a group who wish to "blame" another section of society, whether it be religious hatred(Catholic/Muslim) economic, or other excuses which detract from the real problem; Government. It is by these divide and rule tactics that they regain strength and power, weakening the masses and our movements. No to loyalisim,no to the EDL/Casuals united. These are lackeys af the state, street thugs. Time for resistance, reclaim the streets!!

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Emergency picket of the Italian Embassy, Wednesday 22/06/11 20 June, 2011

20-06-2011 20:57

A demonstration is to be held outside the Italian Embassy, London this Wednesday afternoon in response to what the organisers of the protest have labelled ‘an outrageous attack on the human rights of not just so-called legal and illegal immigrants, but all European and non-European citizens’.

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Brian Haw (1949-2011)

20-06-2011 14:20

'The most honest man in Westminster' has died, aged sixty-two
A decade of protest ended over the weekend, when Brian Haw lost his battle against lung cancer. Often described as 'the most honest man in Westminster', Haw had been the symbolic focus of public opposition to the so-called 'war on terror'. As his continuing presence outside Parliament embarrassed the British ruling class, he also became embroiled in legal battles, as successive governments clamped down on freedom of expression. It is a sad fact that as Haw lay dying, the UK was involved in yet another war for oil - this time in Libya - on top of the occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq.

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PC Harwood in court for first hearing - Monday 20 June

20-06-2011 12:33

PC Simon Harwood, the officer charged with manslaughter for Ian's death, appeared in City of Westminster Magistrates Court for the first time today.
It was primarily administrative to refer the case to a Crown Court. Defendant's are not expected to enter a plea at this stage. No date is set for a trial yet.

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Emergency picket of Italian Embassy and meeting

20-06-2011 10:06

The Italian government is passing the most repressive and racist 'emergency decrees' in the name of an 'emergency' that does not exist, regarding migration from the Middle Ease in uprising.
Roma and irregular migrants are being round up and taken to deportation centres where all right have been suspended.

Over 1800 recorded deaths since the beginning of the year in attempts to cross the Mediterranean.

Protest, protest, protest!

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NATO`s Global War Experience

19-06-2011 22:49

Italo-Turkish War of 1911-1912
NATO Incorporates Libyan Experience For Global War Template ........ As the West’s war against Libya has entered its fourth month and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization has flown more than 11,000 missions, including 4,300 strike sorties, over the small nation, the world’s only military bloc is already integrating lessons learned from the conflict into its international model of military intervention based on earlier wars in the Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq. What NATO refers to as Operation Unified Protector has provided the Alliance the framework in which to continue recruiting Partnership for Peace adjuncts like Sweden and Malta, Istanbul Cooperation Initiative affiliates Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates and Mediterranean Dialogue partnership members Jordan and Morocco into the bloc’s worldwide warfighting network. ......... Italo-Turkish War of 1911-1912 ...........

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Open letter of anarchist Christos Tsakalos from the prisons of Koridallos

19-06-2011 14:47

Open letter of anarchist Christos Tsakalos

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Nizhny Novgorod criminal case

18-06-2011 21:04

On October 2010 there was a fight in the center of Nizhniy Novgorod, in the result of it a nationalist Redkin D. was knifed in his arm. The wound was not serious and he didn't apply to police. But this accident became known to the Anti-extremist Center at General Directorate of Internal Affairs in Nizhniy Novgorod region detectives who earlier had used Redkin to inititate extremist proceedings.
On March 2011 he was taken to center “E” where he was “pressed” (i.e. he was tortured and threatened – SM ) and made to sign a statement with offenders' surnames written in it.
“I was made to sign a statement. When I told that I don't know who was it, the center “E” detectives told me who to blame. Though I knew those people who were offered to me as the offenders and I knew that it weren't they, I was forced by “E” detectives to declare exactly those people who weren't fault in the fact”, tells D. Redkin – the victim-nationalist.

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