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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Verdict on Killing of Tom Hurndall: ISM London Press Release

27-06-2005 15:58

Press Release - 27 June 2005

Regardless of the outcome of today's verdict on the killing of Tom Hurndall, the International Solidarity Movement, London maintains that justice cannot been served while the culture of impunity in the Israeli army remains in tact. Tom was one of hundreds of civilians killed in Rafah alone in the past four years. He was shot whilst trying to get children out of the line of Israeli army gunfire. As he bent down to pick up a young boy, he was shot in the head.

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Chris Ntirandekura - request to stay

27-06-2005 15:54

This is a model letter to the Minister for Immigration requesting that Christian be allowed to stay.

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First Grabs To Control Our DNA

27-06-2005 15:15

Psylon DNA
A small company in Australia has been subjected to gross denials of rights after DNA database technology was stolen from it's company. This one year saga has spawned them to form a new approach to projects of importance to all people.

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Support Demo at Campsfield

27-06-2005 14:47

Another Death in Detention as UK detained Zimbabweans enter 6th day of Hunger St. A young man in Campsfield House detention centre outside Oxford hanged himself in the early hours of this morning.

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italian benefit - update

27-06-2005 09:34

italian prisoners benefit night

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UN links herb smokers to terrorism: propaganda!

27-06-2005 09:10

Just like a rock is linked to an earthquake?
Antonio Maria Costa: "We know that even the occasional marijuana smoker is a link in a much longer and more dangerous chain."

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Outcome of the European Parliament Disability Employment Petition

27-06-2005 09:03

Adding to the lengthy British Human Rights case put in 2003 (re. British Labour Court decision,involving my dismissal at home in England on disability by the British Home Hospital ),I filed a petition re.disability,which was found admissible on the 24.3.2004. It has now been replied to.

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Massacre in Paraguay

27-06-2005 08:44

Brazilean Genetically Modified soy growers protected by the police and military in Paraguay attacked a peasant community in Caaguazu last Friday (24/06/05). They burnt down all the 54 houses and the peasants’ crops. Two men have been killed -- ÁNGEL CRISTALDO and LUÍS TORRES -- there are many people injured and 30 people were arrested amongst them many women and children. They have all been released by now, but have nowhere to go back to…

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27-06-2005 08:29

Canadian Indigenous person John Graham is going to be extradited to the USA to a country with the death penalty for a crime he did not commit.The FBI are accusing him of a murder that occured in 1976.

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Free Radicals mp3: Eyebrows

27-06-2005 05:01

Gloria Edwards - vocals, Nelson Mills III - scat, Ian Varley - electric piano, Marcos Melchor - sax, Chris Anderson - guitar, Theo Bijarro - bass, Nick Cooper - drums

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Dr Who Crew investigate reprts of 'reformed' Daleks...

26-06-2005 23:33

Dr Who Crew meet Daleks at BBC action.
The Dr Who Crew have investigated the recent reports of ‘reformed’ Daleks expressing support for Make Poverty History. These Daleks are agent provocateurs; they cannot be trusted. Supporting MPH only confirms that they are ruthless in their pursuit of total world domination. An account of our investigation follows.

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ID card database infomation in exchange for Trident

26-06-2005 19:47

Under the arrangements that Britain has with the US that allow us access to their nuclear technology in the Trident programme, America has long insisted that it should have access to all our intelligence material. That means the ID database will be automatically available to it.

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Italian Judge orders 13 CIA terrorists arrested

26-06-2005 16:01

Trying to Stop Global Torture Terror by Secret US Death Squads, tomorrow the warrant is followed by a 230 page investigation, a public report with the names and personal details of the accused CIA terrorists and their collaborators of american and foreign nationality.

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Independent - Ministers plan to sell your ID card details to raise cash

26-06-2005 12:40

Fellow defy-id campaigners in Liverpool have been out and about campaigning since early January and have regularly discussed this issue at open meetings for well over six months (meeting every Thursday 6pm at News From Nowhere, Bold Street, Liverpool). Time and time again our worst fears are shown not to be overblown paranoia, here's a story that proves that we constantly need to consider what are the repercussions of government ID card/database scheme, we've obviously got to continue to campaign against 'cornerstone legislation' that when in place will be the building block on which all other oppressive police state (control and containment of population) leglisation and laws will depend on.

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M.Howard on new EU Conv against People Trafficking

26-06-2005 10:54

Tory leader M.Howard replies to constituents enq over view on EU Convention Against Trafficking in Human Beings.

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Ministers plan to sell your ID card details to raise cash

26-06-2005 08:15

Personal details of all 44 million adults living in Britain could be sold to private companies as part of government attempts to arrest spiralling costs for the new national identity card scheme, set to get the go-ahead this week.

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Medical update kurdish hungerstriker

25-06-2005 22:12

The hunger striker Zulkuf Murat Bora on 18/06/2005, 33rd day of his hunger strike was transfered into hospital. His condition is critical, since there is danger of irreversible physical damage.

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Political Asylum for the Kurdish fighter Zulkuf Murat BORA

25-06-2005 21:55

Bahoz has been on hunger strike since the 17th of May. The Greek Minister of Public Order promised to grant him asylum for one year due to “humanitarian reasons”, as long as he gave up his hunger strike and his right to claim political asylum. Bahoz has refused such “humanitarian” help from the State and continues his struggle for political asylum. Since the 19th of June he has stopped taking any sugar or salt in his water. As a result, he is now in the hospital in a very critical condition.

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boycott caterkiller procession. Brighton.

25-06-2005 14:29

Cat statement
20 protesters visit brighton shops to call for a boycott of caterkiller until they stop selling D9 bulldozers to the Israeli military.

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Stonehenge - Summer Solstice 2005 :: Pictures 3 Clearence

25-06-2005 10:48

A jaunt out to another 'Managed Access' to celebrate the Summer Solstice at Stonehenge, at the permission [and conditions] of English Heritage. I had a nice time, met old friends and some wierd and wonderful people, doing wierd and wonderful things. BUT .... it is not as I would have it. I still sadly miss the festival that was / should be there.
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