UK Repression Newswire Archive
Picket the Bigots
27-09-2012 18:52
Picket the Bigots protest from 12.30 on Monday 8th October in Victoria Square outside the Campaign for Marriage rally in Birmingham Town Hall.Worldwide Echo In Support Of The Zapatistas
27-09-2012 17:45
Bikes Without Borders: Cycling to Calais
27-09-2012 14:45

Calais: road blockade of port after mass evictions
27-09-2012 14:36

Dozens of indigenous Chiapans flee from paramilitary aggression
27-09-2012 09:01
** The situation in La Dignidad autonomous municipality is grave: Frayba** The firing of shots forced EZLN supporters to take refuge in other communities
Hermann Bellinghausen
Last hope for freedom for innocent prisoner of conscience, blinded by the Mexican state
27-09-2012 08:57
Noam Chomsky Stands With The “Worldwide Echo” Campign For The Zapatistas
27-09-2012 08:46
“Worldwide Echo in Support of the Zapatistas”
September 26, General Strike in Greece
26-09-2012 15:31

Scottish Census case against Barbara Dowling adjourned again
26-09-2012 14:20
The case against peace activist Barbara Dowling on a criminal charge of failing to comply with the 2011 Census was scheduled for Tuesday 25 September but has now been adjourned again until 19 Feb 2013, 10am, at Glasgow Sheriff Court.In Scotland, a large contract for the census was awarded to CACI Ltd, British subsidiary of a US-based defence contractor implicated in serious human rights violations at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq for which it faces no criminal sanctions although some former Abu Ghraib prisoners are bringing a civil lawsuit against the company in the US. Nearly 200,000 households in Scotland failed to return the 2011 Census questionnaire as required by law, many in protest at CACI's involvement, but just five prosecutions have been brought.
Census case against Jane Howarth dismissed
26-09-2012 10:08
In August, the case against Jane Howarth by the Crown Prosecution Service on behalf of the Office for National Statistics over the 2011 Census was dismissed by District Judge Gray on the first day of a two day long trial at Exeter Magistrates Court after a number of pretrial hearings and adjournments in this case that had been ongoing since the beginning of the year. Evidence contained in the prosecution witness statements didn't support the summons and in court the witnesses lied as well as contradicting their own statements.Romney Primary Fraud In 20 US States
25-09-2012 16:31
Because Republicans own or influence several ‘voting machine’ companies such as ESS whose CEO Chuck Hagel counted his own votes to crown himself senator from Republican Nebraska and Dominion, owned by Canadian conservatives (the company which installed Walker as governor of Wisconsin in the recall) and have a much bigger ad machine budget (Karl Rove, Koch Brothers etc.) American readers of Indymedia are asked to work and pray for election monitoring at every step of the process. Many Ron Paul supporters will vote third party for Libertarian Gary Johnson, twice governor of New Mexico, on the ballot in 50 states. He has twice balanced the state budget, calls for immediate withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, a 43% cut in military spending, decriminalization of marijuana (which would reduce border crime) among many other of his principled stands. The following article by Janet Glenn published on describes fraud in 20 US states.
Anonymous: Barrett Brown - Communiqué from Prison 9/20/12
25-09-2012 02:31
"It is hard for me to express how much I appreciate your letter, which is the first I have received here, along with the support I’ve reportedly gotten from others so far...."PHILIPPINES: The ghosts of martial law
25-09-2012 01:25
On September 21, forty years ago, President Ferdinand E. Marcos declared martial law. For almost 13-and-a-half years afterwards, the country suffered terribly from a brutal and corrupt dictatorship. Among the victims of the grave violations of human rights under martial law were the following: 3,257 “salvaged” (summarily executed), 35,000 tortured, and 70,000 incarcerated, as documented by historian Alfred McCoy.The Unlawful Detention of John Bowden
23-09-2012 11:17

Now we are all Persona Non Grata
23-09-2012 10:34
Text by an English comrade who was arrested during the raid on Delta squat.Nine of the arrestees in Delta squat’s eviction were set free on bail after the trial, where they made a collective political statement. All defendants were found guilty for diverse misdemeanor charges, received suspended prison sentences (from 3 months to 16 months) and got 3 years probation. The total monetary amount of their bail was 7,950 euros. Till this day, the tenth defendant is still captive, facing the danger of deportation because of police perjury: a cop testified in court that the comrade had a fake passport (which is not true).
Latest news from Comandante Abel
21-09-2012 19:33
Attacks on the Zapatista communities of Chiapas are increasing.Paramilitary groups are acting with impunity
John Bowden - Time To Get Him OUT!
21-09-2012 15:52

Urgent Request From Alberto Patishtán
21-09-2012 14:19
Urgent request for support for innocent Mexican indigenous political prisoner.CAN ANYONE DELIVER THIS LETTER TO THE MEXICAN EMBASSY ON MONDAY 24TH SEPTEMBER????

Alberto Patishtán loses his sight due to neglect by the Mexican State
21-09-2012 14:15
This innocent Mexican political prisoner has now spent over 12 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. It has now been revealed that he has lost his eyesight due to medical neglect.A motion for his innocence is being presented on Wednesday.
He needs his freedom now.