UK Repression Newswire Archive
Personal Account from Bolivia
11-06-2005 14:45
Personal account of current events in BoliviaVideo of the Chilean “Demonstration Against the Exclusion” on May 21th
11-06-2005 05:45

Turkey: conference on Armenians cancelled
10-06-2005 16:56
The Platform for Rights and Freedoms in Turkey has issued a statement describing how an academic conference on Armenians in the late Ottoman Empire was cancelled owing to state pressure, with the justice minister calling the organisers "traitors". The statement examines the current state of freedoms in the country, seeing them as more apparent than real.banner-painting at rampARTs saturday pm for monday's US EMBASSY TERRORIST DEMO!
10-06-2005 15:15
come and tell bush what you really think! banner-painting from 1pm at the rampARTs (17 rampart st, off commerical rd e1, nearest tubes whitechapel and aldgate east)The Charmed Life of a Mass Murderer: Posada Carriles and Bush's Anti-Terror Hoax
10-06-2005 13:56
background to monday's demo outside the US embassy, 4pm to 7pm:
High Noon in Brighton police showdown
10-06-2005 09:42
Suusex police vow to make sure 'ordinary residents and shoppers' don't have their day 'disrupted' by a demonstration in Brighton against local arms dealers EDO/MBM. The demo meets at The Level at noon.Insurance condition on G8 march
09-06-2005 20:16
A G8 protest rally near the Gleneagles Hotel will only go ahead if insurance cover for up to £5m is put in place, say Perth and Kinross councillorsDEFY-ID picket at Frank Field's surgery this Friday!
09-06-2005 19:19
This Friday June 10th Liverpool DEFY-ID are going to picket Frank Field's (he voted for ID card bill last time round) constituency surgery at Birkenhead Town Hall at 5pm.Please come along and show your opposition to this alarming POLICE STATE legislation.
09-06-2005 17:55
On June 11th, following a rally on the Level, Brighton peace campaigners will march to John St Police Station and demand that Sussex Police investigate local arms dealers EDO MBM for complicity in war crimes. A bundle of evidence demonstrating EDO’s involvement in the illegal war in Iraq will be supplied. SMASH EDO invites press and anyone who is against the arms trade and for freedom of speech to join them on this national demonstration.
Is this our most dangerous Newspaper?
09-06-2005 08:48

No real alternative media in USA, please help!!
08-06-2005 20:46
I have irrefutable information which has a direct bearing on the militarism, sexism and general dysfunction endemic to american society. This information, if given widespread distribution in the USA, might have the power to undermine bush's plans for world domination.Sandra Bakutz acquitted
08-06-2005 18:54

Palistinian Protest Against work of the wall in Ramadeen in Hebron
08-06-2005 17:21

Anti-G8 Event in Brighton: How the Cops See Crowds
08-06-2005 16:16
Anti-G8 Event. Please publicise widely>>>>Petition against the extradition of Inigo Makazaga
08-06-2005 16:08

08-06-2005 15:38
"This is how we find the dead. We enter any mahallja and ask, "Where are your dead?" "Right here, round the corner," the locals say. Or "Next street", or "Over there."Poland fails EU human rights obligations
08-06-2005 12:12
“In the name of the values of democratic Europe, we make an urgent appeal to you: See to it that the “Warszawa Parade for Equal Rights” can take place and that the basic rights of free opinion, speech and assembly won't be violated.”JACKSON TRIAL Or Inquisition
08-06-2005 10:00

Sheffield G8 in Yorkshire Post
08-06-2005 01:29
An article from yesterday's Yorkshire Post on the protest bans in Sheffield.Sheffield G8 Policing plans
07-06-2005 22:41
The details of the repression planned for Sheffield have been released...