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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Is attack on Indymedia a Trap

13-10-2004 19:15

This analysis was published on the Spanish site La Haine. It suggests that to focus on the issue of the Nantes photographs is to fall into a trap leading to endless disruptive debate. [and the Italian angle looks much more promising I myself add]. Indymedia should fight back.

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14 October - Fairford Coaches case at the Court of Appeal

13-10-2004 17:46

Does the High Court uphold the right to protest in the UK? No, in February the courts ruled that Police can prevent a group from attending a demonstration when no one within the group has committed an offence or is actively threatening to do so.

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ACTION ALERT: Urgent Action In Support of Indymedia

13-10-2004 10:56

ACTION ALERT: Urgent Action In Support of Indymedia

"An unacceptable attack on press freedom, free speech and privacy."

On 7 October 2004 two Indymedia Web Servers were seized from the US-owned web hosting company Rackspace operating in London (UK), at the request of the US Justice Department, which apparently acted at the prompting of Italian and Swiss authorities.

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ACTION ALERT: Urgent Action In Support of Indymedia

13-10-2004 09:13

ACTION ALERT: Urgent Action In Support of Indymedia

"An unacceptable attack on press freedom, free speech and privacy."

On 7 October 2004 two Indymedia Web Servers were seized from the US-owned web hosting company Rackspace operating in London (UK), at the request of the US Justice Department, which apparently acted at the prompting of Italian and Swiss authorities.

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More repression: ASCII collective gets evicted in Amsterdam

12-10-2004 23:18

Key quote: "We will keep on struggling for the right to think differently, act differently and compute differently from the way corporations and fascist state governors are trying to impose us. And if necessary we will compile our last lines of sourcecode on the barricades."

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Guineapigs, grave robbers and .net

12-10-2004 21:51 down, concurrent with big press interest

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Reporters without borders: IMC Statement

12-10-2004 15:27

The RSF has issued a statement about the seizure of the IMC servers.

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Pennsylvania Activists Seeking Your Help in London

11-10-2004 17:46

Pennsylvania Abolitionists are looking for your help in protesting the death penalty practices of Pennsylvania in London. Pennsylvania Foreign Direct Investment Co. has an office in London and we are looking to place pressure on foreign firms that invest in Pennsylvania to help abolish the death penalty. Exonerees from death row and activists from PA Abolitioists will be touring Europe for three weeks to help end the barbaric practice of state sponsored killing. On October 18th, we will hold a deonstration in front of the office located at 78 Durham Rd. (SW20OTL).

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Guardian, BBC and Morning Star cover IMC Server Seizures

11-10-2004 11:30

After the UK press lagging behind the rest of the worlds press in reporting the seizure if the Indymedia Servers in London, now they seem to be picking it up. Not for want of people trying to get this made public in the UK. One of the problems was that so few facts about who was behind this have been available.

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IMC servers in EU Parliament

11-10-2004 07:34

Flemish MEP Bart Staes (Green!) will raise the confiscation of the IMC servers on the European Parliament later today.

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Swiss Prosecutor Behind Theft of UK IMC Server Identified

11-10-2004 03:45

An english translation of a Swiss news report which identifies the Swiss prosecutor who requested the seizure of Indymedia's servers. Someone should sue this free-speech-hating thug. The claim that the name and address of the police officers pictured had been posted on Nantes IMC is a flat-out lie. Anyone can check the original article in Google's cache from Nantes IMC and see that no personal information was posted there: only pictures of the undercover Swiss pigs.

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11-10-2004 01:12

Catch-22: Indymedia internet servers in London have been disappeared into U.S. custody, but we don't know where they went or who took them, as the hosting company refuses to tell us. We can't generate any corporate media interest because there are not enough facts available to make a coherent story, but unless we can generate interest we will never be able to put enough pressure on the authorities to get any facts out of them.

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Italy Embassy against deportation

10-10-2004 22:26

"When they deportiert the asylum-seekers, Migranten, activists, more there I did not make none, I am no asylum-seeker, Migrant, Refugees, activist,When they got me, was none more there"
Italy's government has be deported an mass to Libya.The 4 Reich began already
Thusday 12 October at 10 o'clock a.m., we will give this Petition to the Ambassadors of Italy, we need your support please come

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Is Italy Behind the Theft of IMC's Servers in the UK?

10-10-2004 22:04

A translation of a French article on the shutdown and seizure of Indymedia's news servers in the UK. Follow the link to the original article in French.

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badge designs in support of indy

10-10-2004 21:43

some designs for badges if you want

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Declaration of Independence Calton Hill 9th October 2004.

10-10-2004 20:16

Flyer for the day.
This is a 1,600 word report with photos of the Declaration of Independence on Edinburgh's Calton Hill on Saturday October 9th 2004. This was the alternative to the bowing and scraping on the Royal Mile that same day.

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Palestine benefit gig in Swansea

10-10-2004 15:21

Swansea gig to support Palestine refugee camp

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Action You Can Take Re: Indymedia Seizure

10-10-2004 13:57

For anyone who thinks this is worth doing click on the link and give your democratically elected representative a piece of your mind.

Go on, doesn't take a minute and it couldn't be easier.

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QUESTIONS for UK Home Office + UK Government over Server Seizures

10-10-2004 11:53

The seizure of the Indymedia Servers in London raises serious constitutional questions as well as serious questions over the ability of domestic and foreign powers to shut down media outlets while shrouding the operation in a veil of secrecy.

The situation is akin to some legal and informational Guantanamo. Twenty Media Outlets from around the world were shut down with the seizure of two webservers in this country, and there is still several days later no information about who has the servers, where they are, why they were seized, who in fact authorised it, when or if they will be returned, and importantly why this action was taken.

This is bigger than Indymedia, it is a concern for all. Below are some relevant questions that need answering. There are probably many more as well.

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IPS reports Indymedia Server Seizures

10-10-2004 10:38

Inter Press Service News Agency reports on server seizures:
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