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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Murdering Cop to Face Murder Charges… The Struggle Continues

19-06-2009 16:26

Six months after the killing of Oscar Grant, on June 4, Judge C. Don Clay ruled, after a preliminary hearing, that former Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) cop Johannes Mehserle will go to trial for murder. This ruling sets the stage, and new stakes, for the battle for justice for Oscar Grant. And the twists and turns of this case as it heads into trial need to be closely watched. People need to continue to speak out, resist and bring the truth about this murder, part of a nationwide epidemic of police murder, to the world.

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Autonomous Block, London: meet-up point for Tamil March Tommorrow, 1pm

19-06-2009 15:45

CALL OUT for all non-Tamils & other solidarity groups to converge tomorrow (Sat 20th June) at Speakers Corner, Marble Arch, 1pm, to join Mass Protest March to Save the Tamils which will leave 1pm for 1.30pm from Hyde Park Corner.

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Dissident Island Radio - TECHNO SPECIAL TONIGHT 9pm

19-06-2009 13:13

Tonight's show features a techno special edition.......

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Iranian Bus Workers’ Statement on the Demonstrations

19-06-2009 13:10

*REMINDER* Emergency Meeting: The Crisis in Iran - Saturday June 20, 2PM, Caxton House,129 St. John’s Way London, N19 3RQ. With Yassamine Mather (exiled Iranian socialist) and Moshe Machover. The meeting has been organised by Iranian exile groups, Green Party, Socialist and Workers groups from the UK through 'Hands Off the People of Iran'. The meeting is about building effective political and practical solidarity.

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Climate activists blockade Peruvian Embassy London

19-06-2009 12:45

Climate change activists have blocked the entrance to the Peruvian Embassy today in protest the country’s killing of indigenous people in the Amazon rainforest.

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Yarl's Wood hunger strike continues

19-06-2009 09:48

After being unable to speak to an Immigration Officer, Juliette Umoru, Lorraine and more than 40 women detained in the Families Section in Yarl’s Wood Detention Centre have decided to maintain the hunger strike until their demands are met.

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Fugitive US 'Green Scare' eco-activist arrested in China

19-06-2009 08:36

It has been reported on Portland IMC that Justin Solondz, one of the alledged Earth Liberation Front arsonists who went underground after FBI raids, has been arrested.

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Activist dying in jail for having evidenced pedophiles' networks in Belgium

19-06-2009 06:46

Some high ranking officials in Belgium and in France protect pedophiles and persecute the activists who try to reveal the extent of the corruption. Since 1995 more than 20 people were murdered (victim-witnesses, investigators, activists, attorneys...). Many others were threatened.

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Sri Lanka tops list of nations driving journalists to exile

18-06-2009 23:54

Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), a New York based media watchdog, in a special reported published Wednesday, said Sri Lanka topped the list of countries that drove the largest number of journalists into exile. "At least 11 Sri Lankan journalists were driven into exile in the past 12 months amid an intensive government crackdown on critical reporters and editors," the report said...

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Both Shifts at Iran Khodro on Strike Now!

18-06-2009 19:57

Workers from Iran Khodro have come out on strike against repression.

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Campaign against the assassination of workers in Venezuela

18-06-2009 19:55

* El Libertario has joined this campaign and we’re trying to divulge this initiative in an attempt to confront the hired killers that are taking the lives of labor activists in this country.

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Anonymous targets Iranian Goverment

18-06-2009 19:28

Hackers and trolls come out in aid of Iran.

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More French Scare Stories

18-06-2009 14:04

In another move designed to increase fear amongst Calaisiens, the local préfet Pierre de Bousquet has prohibited the local sale of petrol and gas canisters for the duration of the Camp. Clearly he thinks No Borders is a terrorist organisation. If so, then why isn't he arresting the camp organisers under the catch-all French Anti-Terrorist law of “criminal association in relation to a terrorist undertaking"? More likely he thinks that by denying campers gas to cook with he will starve them out of town. But then again, if they have no petrol to put in the vehicles they arrived in, how will they get away?

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News and Demonstrations - Iran Today

18-06-2009 09:43

In our continuing bid to help comrades beat the filters in Iran students and workers have asked for those outside of Iran to post the location of demontstrations, the main slogans and some important news across the internet. We ask comrades and supporters to help in this.

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Tamil protest at Parliament Square ends peacefully, struggle continues

18-06-2009 07:26

Tamil Eelam nation flags flying proud
After a rolling 24/7 protest at Parliament Square lasting 75 days, Tamils call end to occupation of Parliament Square.
Supporters vow to "fight on until we have a solution, until our people have the rights to live in their land”

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tamils leave parliament square ahead of mass march

17-06-2009 22:00

simon hughes mp listens to tamils in the square this evening
tamil protesters are leaving parliament square tonight and are calling for support on their march on saturday. a call-out has been put together by members of various supporting organisations, reproduced in article.

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Sat. 20th June, London: Save the Tamils Mass Protest

17-06-2009 21:33

Call for ALL non-Tamil activists & Autonomous Block in London to come out and support this demo!
Mass Protest March This Saturday starts at 1pm from Hyde Park Corner.
March to save the Tamils in Sri Lanka, in the face of naked Sinhalese fascism
- a conservative estimate of 50,000 Tamils, mainly civilians , have been killed this year
- Mass cover-up of war-crimes, use of chemical weapons, mass graves
- 280,000+ civilians who have been displaced by the military offensive against the Tamil Tigers are living in appalling conditions where disease is rife and where there are insufficient medical supplies. Young girls being abducted from the camps, dissenters are disappeared
- Ship carrying medical aid refused entry on June 4th and turned away from Sri Lanka
- Continued ongoing repression of independent media & of government critics
FASCISM IS ALIVE & WELL IN THE 21st CENTURY IN SRI LANKA, while the world stands idly by.

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Yarl's Wood Hunger Strikers Attacked

17-06-2009 14:54

Today migrants support workers were witness to an attack on the Yarl's Wood hunger strikers.

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Mass protest to save the Tamils Sat 20th June

17-06-2009 13:08

Tens of thousands killed this year alone. Over 13,000 disappeared from the internment camps.
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