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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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FASCIST police dictatorship in Greece NOW!

09-12-2009 06:06

This message of urgency has also been sent to indymedia athens, but it seems that the site may have been hijacked by the greek police and it is obviously censored. The message is in Greek and I urge greek persons or persons who know greek to translate it into English first, so it can be translated into other languages too. FOR A WORLDWIDE MOVEMENT OF SOLIDARITY THAT WILL SMASH THE NEW GREEK JUNTA.

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Urgent: Rebellion in Congo

08-12-2009 07:21

Belgian Paratroopers to crush rising Congo rebellion?

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Can Police or BBC Count?

07-12-2009 00:30

Shrunk to 550 pixels as requested
I thought inflation was pretty low at the moment, perhaps the Police don't realise this?

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11 January 2010: Demonstrate to mark EIGHT years of Guantánamo, London

06-12-2009 19:04

President Obama has conceded that Guantánamo Bay will NOT close by 22 January 2010, breaking yet another promise and leaving over 200 prisoners in perpetual limbo. Prison conditions have not improved and in the past eight years, there has been only one conviction on a lesser charge. Join as we call for the closure of Guantánamo Bay to arbitrary detention, no to torture, freedom and justice for all...take a long lunch break and come and join us.

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Live from Occupied Athens: A timeline of tonight’s events

06-12-2009 17:39

the timeline is constantly updated on Occupied London

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Celtic FC VS Hapoel Tel Aviv Palestine Protest Success At Football/Soccer Match

06-12-2009 17:35

This article explains the success of the joint palestine solidarity protest organised by the STUC (Scottish Trade Union Congress) and SPSC (Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign) against the negative mainstream media spin during the Glasgow Celtic football club versus Hapoel Tel Aviv football/soccer match.

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EDL: soldiers of the state?

06-12-2009 10:58

The Observer today quotes someone on the Nottingham conflict who they describe as "a 43-year-old member of the EDL, a serving soldier who did not want to be named".

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Announcement of the Occupied Theatre School in Thessaloniki (Greece)

06-12-2009 04:33

There is a way out of this system which destroys our life, a system whose only function is to reproduce and to manage the corruption that is originally created by it. The way out can be found to each one separately and to everyone together. As long as we can still listen to the message coming out from the insurrection of December 2008.

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05-12-2009 21:26

Approximately 150-160 people have been detained as a means of terrorisation whilst also preventing and deterring others from participating in demonstrations marking the anniversary of the murder of a 15 year old youth in Athens. As a result the Polytechnic University of Athens has been Occupied and actions called.

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Calais today: repression has escalated to unprecedented levels

05-12-2009 19:26

Arrests have increased dramatically since the end of November, as well as raids on squats and jungles.

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To defend the right of social protest!

05-12-2009 19:00

* From Venezuela, a group of social organizations and human rights, students and academic groups as well as different individuals, launch this call for a campaign to defend the right to protest, which today is being systematically violated by the government of Hugo Chávez. This document was originally published in Spanish in El Libertario newspaper, # 57 (

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Anarchist Prisoner News

05-12-2009 00:39

7.5 years to anarchist comrade Elias Nikolaou! (Greece)
Jurgen and Paolo are free! (Belgium)
Solidarity with Mindaugus Lenartavicius - Smash RBS (UK)
Arrests in Milan and Verona (Italy)
Solidarity with Toby (Germany)

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German anarchists 'declare war on state'

04-12-2009 19:39

ANARCHIST attacks on police stations and political offices in Berlin and Hamburg over Thursday night were a “declaration of war” on the state, the head of the German Police Union (DPoIG) has claimed.

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SHAC loose ASBO appeal but fight on....

04-12-2009 18:36

Three of four appeals rejected by the appeal court.

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Celtic Hapoel Tel Aviv Game Celtic Cheer Palestine

04-12-2009 16:47

Provided below is an honest depiction of what happened during the protests at the celtic hapoel tel aviv football match, unlike what is been depicted in the major news organisations.

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Solidarity with Mindaugus Lenartavicius - Smash RBS

04-12-2009 10:31

URGENT - If anyone comes across or knows Mindaugus' prison details could they forward them to ABC Brighton. Thanks.

This article below includes a re-post of a mainstream media article for the purpose of spreading what little info is known about the situation of Mindaugus.

Solidarity with all those under repression and fighting back.

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Report of protest for Palestine at Celtic vs Hapoel Tel Aviv with photos

04-12-2009 05:08

A 1,500 word account of the protest for the Palestinians at the Celtic v Hapoel Tel Aviv Europa League football match in Glasgow on Wednesday night. 18 photos are included.

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March 11, 2004 in Madrid: Was it really an Islamist attack?

03-12-2009 22:42

Headlines from the Spanish daily « El Pais » on March 12, 2004
A series of bombings plunged Madrid into mourning five years ago. The Spanish legal system concluded that this operation, attributed first to ETA and then to Al Qaeda, was Islamist inspired, though not linked with international networks. The Spanish press, led by the newspaper El Mundo, today is calling into question that conclusion, which was of obvious political character. As in the cases of the September 11th attacks in the U.S., or those in Bali, Casablanca and London, we will take a look at an analysis of the issue.

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UK paralympian to be deported to Nigeria on 11th December

03-12-2009 21:37

Vincent Onwubiko is currently in Brixton prison awaiting deportation on 11th December. He has represented the UK at the Paralympics, is married to a British woman and has an 11-year-old daughter born in Britain.

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Neo-fascist Jobbik try to gain foothold in UK

03-12-2009 18:31

Paramilitaries come to the UK
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