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the police raids and the kids riot (Hamburg, may 9th, 2007)

10-05-2007 09:21

Riots in Hamburg after a demonstration against the police repression in Germany.

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Al Jazeera on Shell and Ireland case

10-05-2007 00:28

Here is a link to a new film for Al Jazeera about the farmers in Mayo who are fighting Shell's plans to build a gas pipe over the land.

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Action Alerta: Bliar To Bid Farewell Tomorrow

09-05-2007 20:26

Remember that leaked memo saying that there was a plan to allow War Criminal Bliar to step down honourably, as opposed to being fired and brought to stand trial? This is the fruit of those plots.

Let's throw them a curveball.


This is, after all, a War Criminal, who lied the nation into a war!!

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Edinburgh Protest against G8 Repression - Friday

09-05-2007 19:50

German Police have carried out roughly 40 raids across Germany or social centres and homes as well as taking out the alternative internet provider This is all done as part of a security operation surrounding the G8 summit due to take place within a month in Northern Germany.

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A Channel Four Farce?

09-05-2007 17:01

In what appears to be a throw back to the black-and-white minstrel shows, where playing the "natives", people would blacken their faces and dance around on stage to "entertain" their audience, it appears that the British station Channel Four may be following suite.

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" End of Line! " for Tron in the U.S.A ?

09-05-2007 16:56

Master Control 'Patriot Act' Program (looks like Bush a bit?)
U.S gov wants to ban the film; ' Tron ' !

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Hunger strike at Yarl's Wood Prison - 8 May 2007

09-05-2007 16:48

On Tuesday 8 May 2007, barely five days after a hunger strike by the women at Yarl's Wood gaol, in Bedfordshire, another hunger strike began at about 11.00am this morning. According to detainees held inside the prison, over 100 people including children are refusing food. The detainees are refusing to enter their rooms and are staying out in the gardens. The racist authorities are ignoring them as usual, hoping the protest dies down. the protest is against the conditions of the detention: 'we are not criminals, we have not killed anybody, yet we are being held here... this place is a prison really... the kids are scared of the police when they come in... no one can sleep, we are all stressed...' said one of the detainees.

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Demo in Support Of John Bowden

09-05-2007 16:09

Demo outside The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh
Friday May 25th 2.00pm

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Demonstration Friday 11 6pm London: Against The G8 and Police Repression

09-05-2007 14:36

This morning (Wednesday May 9th) police raided about 40 buildings in Germany, including several social centres and private homes in Berlin and Hamburg, as well as the alternative web provider . Police forces searched the "Rote Flora" in Hamburg as well as parts of the "Bethanien" in Berlin. Both places are planning to be decentralised convergence centres for the G8 protests of early June.

We want to show solidarity with the German movement and express our right to protest against the upcoming G8 in June. We want to defy police repression and show we are not intimidated by it!

Friday May 11, 6pm
Kempinski Courthouse Hotel
19-21 Great Marlborough St, London, W1F 7HT

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Summary of today's police raids in Germany

09-05-2007 10:56

Flora raid in Hamburg
According to mainstream media, over 800 policemen were involved in raiding 40 left-wing political objects with the support of 20 public prosecutors.

Whilst German television channels reported live from the razzias in the big cities, according to the populist press farms in Schleswig-Holstein, Brandenburg and Niedersachsen were also affected.

Several reasons were given so far for the raids, which nevertheless seemed to centre on and affect mainly infrastructure and logistics around the protests against the G8 summit.

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Raid of "Rote Flora" G8 Convergence Centre in Hamburg

09-05-2007 09:12

Several main hubs of political projects associated with the forthcoming G8 protests have been raided by the police in Germany.
Amongst them a social centre in Hamburg, which will open in three weeks as the first convergence centre in Germany.

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Raids of G8 Convergence Centre in Hamburg and Social Centre in Berlin

09-05-2007 08:43

Several project and flats in hamburg and berlin are being raided at the moment.
In hamburg 4 flats, one office and the the Rote Flora, where the Convergence Center begins in 3 weeks are being raided.
In Berlin it is the Mehringhof, mad, bethanien project (libertad office and Glocal anti g8 office) , fusion, kanalb (radio and media project), (tech collective and alternative internet hoster) ect ect ect.

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Iraqi infant mortality soars by 150 percent—a damning revelation of US war crime

09-05-2007 07:38

US-backed sanctions killed 500,000 Iraqi children
“A child in the poorest fifth of a population is more than twice as likely to die compared to a child from the richest fifth,” the study finds. “Eliminating health-care inequities—and bringing mortality rates among the poorest 80 percent of the population down to those prevailing among the richest 20 percent—would prevent about 4 million of the 10 million deaths each year.”

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Solidarity with anarchist Gabriel Pombo da Silva

09-05-2007 07:18

Urgent appeal to send protest letters to the prison of Aachen against the continuing isolation of Gabriel Pombo da Silva

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John Bowden - A statement from Brighton ABC

09-05-2007 00:18

John Bowden villified before parole hearing (25/04/07)

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Are Gangsters Forcing Child Slaves to Work Illegally in London?

08-05-2007 16:44

Abolish Child Slavery - Free the Child Slaves
Extraordinary allegations that child slaves are being smuggled into Britain by gangs of armed robbers who steal Big Issue magazines from the street vendors at knife point, and then force terrified children to sell them on the streets of London are being investigated by the BBC.
The accusations that international criminals involved with people smuggling and child slavery may have been behind the attacks, were made on the Indymedia UK website by readers commenting on a story about the arrest of a young lady on 27 April 2007.

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Bollocks 2 Blair petition for Downing Street

08-05-2007 15:55

What a load of bollocks! - so say the British

or as the Canadians would say...

What a crock of shite!

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Lincoln bin revolt

08-05-2007 15:27

Lincoln was a rock solid Labour stronghold. The Tories captured Lincoln when they promised a return to weekly refuse collection.

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2nd night of riots in FRANCE

08-05-2007 12:34

France after right-wing candidate Sarkozy won the presidential elections. Yesterday night barricades were built in Paris, Nantes, Lyon, Tolouse, about 800 cars burned in the cities (some as barricades), 74 police men were severly hurt, 564 protesters are detained.

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G8 summit / Utrecht(NL): last bicycle caravanist finally released after over 48

08-05-2007 12:31

After a surprising and completely unwarrented arrest of around 100 bicycle activists and members of the "Gr8chaoskaravaan" western european anti G8 bike caravan on Saturday, the last arrestee was finally released last night. Arrestees report of police violence and ill arrest conditions. Legal consequences for both activists and police.
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