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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Oaxaca: Illegal Detentions and Torture

25-11-2006 18:47


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Marcos: “We Are On the Eve of Either a Great Uprising or a Civil War”

25-11-2006 17:31

Calderón Will Begin to Fall from the Day He Takes Office, Warns the Rebel Leader

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FLYER: Oaxaca Resources

25-11-2006 09:43

Here is a flyer which can be printed, copied and distributed as an organizing resource. It is available in color, black and white, rotated, jpg and pdf. Oaxaca Indymedia, Centro de Medios Libres, Narco News, Oaxaca Revolt, Indybay's Americas page and El Enemigo Común are the resources printed on the flyer, as well as an email address,, which can be used to join the Oaxaca solidarity alert list.

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SOCPA ban on cycle sound systems.

25-11-2006 05:12

While cycling up Whitehall last night with Critical Mass, a cycle cop pulled up alongside and said I wasn't allowed to play my sound system in Whitehall. I asked if he was going to arrest me and he said no but I would be liable to arrest if I did it again.

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Critical Mass Cyclists Arrested (Leeds)

24-11-2006 21:49

Leeds Critical Mass ends with two cyclists being assaulted by police and driven away to station.

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Eviction threat: help needed in Copenhagen

24-11-2006 21:31

CALL FOR HELP (circulate widely):

This is a call for help to defend a squatted social centre in Copenhagen which has been running for a long time. There is more about its long history here:

The original call (below in an edited/spelling checked version) can be found here:

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Voices From Detention

24-11-2006 16:59

Barbed Wire Britain, a network to end refugee and migrant detention, has produced a second volume of testimonies from immigration detainees, Voices From Detention II.

Amidst the political and media clamour about how many asylum seekers have been or need be deported, the voices of the system's victims are necessarily stifled. Would-be refugees are mere statistics, objects in a disgusting Dutch auction as to which political brand can wash whitest. And this why such a collection is an important tool in the struggle for rights and justice.

The volume is a collection of accounts by detainees in Tinsley House, Campsfield House, Rochester (HMP), Liverpool (HMP), Belmarsh (HMP), Lindholme, Harmondsworth, Yarlswood, Dungavel, Dover and Haslar. These are people for whom the unthinkable has happened. They have been imprisoned in the UK without charge, without conviction, without time limit. They have been imprisoned by the UK government, which boasts its democratic institutions.

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G20: A first communiqué from two uncitizens of Arterial Bloc

24-11-2006 15:28

Video a space outside - anti-G20 convergence space
There have been many calls for Arterial Bloc to come forward and ‘justify’ their tactics during the [November 2006 Melbourne] G20 protests. The following statement is not a justification of specific actions; it is an exploration of politics. This statement has not been written for or on behalf of the Bloc; it has been written from within the Bloc. None of us can be leaders or spokespeople for each other. [this deserves a wider audience]

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torture of Necati Zontul- an update and forthcoming documentary

24-11-2006 12:15

a travesty of justice - the turkey turns
published below, a letter to the Greek Prime Minister from Tim Wilson who works in Oxford with his partner, torture victim Necati Zontul. Their second film, "A TRAVESTY OF JUSTICE" is now in production and charts the failure and bias of the Greek Courts. Yesterday, the Government's apology to Greek activist Avgoustino Dimitrou, important though it is, demonstrates that there is one law for Greeks and another for foreigners. Necati has waited 6 years fro an apology and has received none. Neither has he been offered compensation, or a statement of non-recurrence. Instead, he has been denied access to court and seen 3 of his assailants acquitted. It is time that the racist agenda is challenged, and the mindless corruption and cronyism that sees convicted men still in uniform years after their trial, must stop -before more innocent foreigners are hurt in Greece.

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Collective statement of solidarity with the social struggle in Oaxaca, Mexico

24-11-2006 10:53

Social struggle in Oaxaca
Nottingham anarchists and Indymedia activists send their message of support for the struggle of the Mexican people against corruption, poverty, suppression of free speech, for their autonomy and wish to live in peace.

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SOCPA - brian's 2000 days

24-11-2006 00:41

2000 days
brian haw and some of his supporters marked his 2000th day of protest in parliament square this evening with some food and drink and some well-chosen words.

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Protest Litvinkeno's murder at the Russian embassy in London, 1pm Saturday

23-11-2006 23:27

Alexander Litvinenko died this evening at University College Hospital, in Central London. A vocal critic of Russia's corrupt and murderous President, Vladimir Putin, Litvinenko is believed to have been poisoned by Russian agents on Putin's orders. The British government must not sweep this quietly under the carpet. Justice for Litvinenko!

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Photos: Brian Haw's, 2,000th day protesting outside Parliament.

23-11-2006 22:21

Brian Haw (23.11.06)
Brian Haw's 2,000th day protesting outside Parliament, London, UK. (23.11.06)

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23-11-2006 19:34

Challenge to legality of taxes and fines
Royal Courts of Justice – 10.00 24th November
Marylebone Magistrates Court – 10.00 1st December

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Join the UAF Blackpool protest against the BNP conference

23-11-2006 13:15

Final reminder: UAF protest against BNP conference in Blackpool, Saturday 25 November

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Polish youth needs your help!

23-11-2006 09:46

Polish minister of education, Roman Giertych, a leader of fascist party League of Polish Families (LPR), takes up a general assault on youth rights and liberties.

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SOAS Apologises to Nasser Amin

22-11-2006 23:59

Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) Statement on Nasser Amin's victory against SOAS over the right to free speech for Muslim students

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22-11-2006 21:00

so many people with video cameras and cameras and they did'n't notice the banner

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fingerprinting - the future is already here

22-11-2006 17:33

apologies for linking mainstream media stuff here, but i thought it may be of interest to see these two recent bbc website articles and their comments section on fingerprinting technology and the argument over rights.

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Urgent Action: Help save the life of brave journalist

22-11-2006 16:54

Colombian journalist FREDY MUÑOZ ALTAMIRANDA has been arrested by Colombia's notorious secret police after participating in a workshop organised by one of the BBC's US correspondents.
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