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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Please sign this petition to get justice for the family of Stephen Lawrence

01-07-2013 15:51

We must keep the pressure on before this falls off the mainstream 'news'. We must shine a light on the disgusting way the Lawrence family have been treated by the Met. Only a full public enquiry can do this.

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Protest at German Embassy this Wednesday 1pm!!!

01-07-2013 11:47

Call out! Solidarity with the Non-Citizens in Munich, Germany.

Protest at German Embassy in London:
Wednesday, 3rd of July, 1pm; 23 Belgrave Square, London, SW1X 8PZ

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Undercover Police Officers Licensed to Rape and Discredit UK Citizens

24-06-2013 08:51

Mark Kennedy

UK Police forces have despatched undercover agents into peaceful protest movements, where they have engaged in intimate sexual relationships and even had children with the targets of their espionage, while maintaining their cover. They have also been found smearing the families of murder victims and justice campaigners, and undertaken illegal actions to discredit otherwise peaceful movements. Undercover police exist and it seems they are licensed to do just about anything to suppress our ability to dissent.

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Edward Snowden Charged Under the Espionage Act

23-06-2013 18:28

On June 21, Obama's Justice Department charged Snowden with espionage. It did so ruthlessly, irresponsibly and unconstitutionally. It wrongfully accused him of violating 1917 Espionage Act provisions. It was enacted during WW I. It's long ago outdated. It has no current relevance. It belongs in history's dustbin.

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Dignity for Asylum Seekers: Leeds protest Saturday 29th June 11am

22-06-2013 19:10

Let's protest together for dignity!
A really important & exciting protest is happening just at the end of Refugee Week and we do hope you'll be able to join us.
There are protests happening on the same day across the country.

Dignity for asylum seekers; we want to contribute!
Stop using us as scapegoats, end forced destitution!

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Support Needed: Calais Migrant Food Project 8-21st July

22-06-2013 18:29

Nottingham Migrant Solidarity is a group that aims to offer practical support to migrants on the France/UK border. Hundreds of people face destitution, brutality and harassment every day in Calais and most are fleeing violence and persecution in their home countries. We are a self-organised group who plan to give out free food to migrants in Calais between the 8th and 22nd July. In the months of July and August the charities who usually provide food are closed.This makes it imperative that groups such as ourselves distribute food during this period.

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Tear gas, police spies and the lie of democracy

22-06-2013 11:46

When the police start firing tear gas and rubber bullets at you for having the audacity to protest in the streets, you know you’re not living in a democracy.

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Police provocateur allegedly co-wrote McLibel leaflet & fire-bombed a Debenhams

21-06-2013 18:25

Bob Lambert then... & now
Police agent-provocateur allegedly co-wrote McLibel leaflet & fire-bombed a branch of Debenhams

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Police agent provocateur implicated in McLibel trial.

21-06-2013 16:39

Bob Lambert, alis Bob Robinson, an undercover cop who joined London Greenpeace, co-authored the leaflet which led McDonalds to sue other activists. His Stasi handlers ommitted to tell the court he had done so.

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Sat 22 June: Julian Assange to give anniversary speech at the Ecuadorian Embassy

20-06-2013 23:19

Julian Assange will speak to his supporters at the Ecuadorian Embassy in Knightsbridge, London at 2pm on Sat 22 June.

Marking one year since Ecuador gave refuge to Julian Assange.

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Open Letter to Secretary of State (DWP assumed) and Seetec Romford!

20-06-2013 17:35

Open Letter to SoS DWP and Seetec relating to Mandatory Work Activity. Letter delivered by hand to Seetec Romford.

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Police powers finally kettled by High Court

19-06-2013 10:49

Photographer in action.

For years it has been common practice for protesters held in a kettle (police containment) to be forced to submit to police filming and/or provide their details as a condition of leaving. There have been countless incidents in which protesters who have tried (lawfully) to refuse these demands have been threatened with arrest, or told they could not leave the kettle.

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Call for signatures in support of the Week of Worldwide Action

18-06-2013 20:31


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Calais : open letter from No Border squat

18-06-2013 14:07

A letter to the court from the occupants of an overcrowded squat, housing 50+ people from Sudan, Chad, Somalia, Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Albania and from countries across Europe...

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Calais : squatting court case adjourned

18-06-2013 13:38

Today the court hearing for a squat housing 50+ people from Africa & the Middle East in Calais is adjourned until 2nd July 2013... see call out :

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Celebrate 2years of active solidarity by Bristol Defendant Solidarity

18-06-2013 08:57

Benefit flyer
Bristol Defendant Solidarity (BDS) was formed in the aftermath of the street resistance in Stokes Croft in late April 2011. That resistance occurred when the state acted to defend a newly opened Tesco shop on Cheltenham Rd which had been the focus of widespread community opposition.

Now after 2 years of active solidarity work since its formation, Bristol Defendant Solidarity, with a little help from Kebele Sound Collective, present a benefit night of international radical hip hop, rap and conscious beats.

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Starved of Justice in Iraq: American Prisoner on Hunger Strike

18-06-2013 08:57

This is an article written by Narmeen Al Rubaye about an Iraqi man who remains in prison in Baghdad for the last 10 years who is currently on hunger strike, and whose wife who gained asylum in the UK in 2006 remains with their child separated from him. It includes a letter writing action at the end.

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State violence and the power of anarchy

17-06-2013 11:32

On Sunday June 9 I was calmly discussing anarchism and spirituality with a group of comrades at the Stop G8 convergence centre at 40 Beak Street, London.

Two days later the place was being invaded by a brutal army of uniformed state thugs, determined to extinguish any small glimmer of resistance in the heart of Babylon.
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