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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Catholic Church Torture case in U.S. Supreme Court

08-02-2013 13:12

Catholic torture of a political activist now before U.S. high court. Huminski v. Mercy Gilbert Mecical Center. Court papers reveal an unholy alliance between Sheriff Joseph Arpaio, Federal Judge Frederick Martone (both life-long Catholics) and a Catholic Church hospital network, Dignity Health, and their efforts to silence a critic of the racist sheriff with an attempted murder and torture at a Catholic hospital, Mercy Gilbert Medical Center, Gilbert, Arizona.

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War Resisters' International condemns Pinar Selek's life sentence

08-02-2013 12:20

War Resisters' International, an international network of pacifist and antimilitarist organisations with more than 80 affiliates in 40 countries, condemns the persecution of Pinar Selek.

On 24 January 2013, Pinar Selek, a Turkish feminist antimilitarist campaigner, was given a life sentence by an Istanbul court. The court issued an arrest warrant for Pinar, who is currently living in Strasbourg.

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New anti-eavesdropping app available

08-02-2013 07:08

"The app is already available on both iPhone and Android, and its functionality has recently been broadened to allow users to not only communicate securely but also easily send encrypted files."

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Sir Paul Condon personally thanked undercover cops for saving the BNP HQ

08-02-2013 00:47

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Paul Condon personally thanked undercover Special Demonstration Squad officers for saving the BNP HQ in Welling, at a time when the BNP were at their most violent

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Ban of "psychotronic" weapons is now up to Russia and China

06-02-2013 13:42

After the article demanding the ban of "psychotronic" weapons was referenced on information websites of the United Nations, European Parliament and U.S. government Environment Protection Agency, it is now apparently mainly up to the governments of Russia and China, to decide whether the remote manipulation of human brains will be banned on this planet.

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UKBA raid disrupted by Anti Raids Network

05-02-2013 18:38

February 2nd: UKBA raid West African Restaurant, Old Kent Road, near Elephant and Castle.

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Solidarity campaign for liberated spaces and anarchist comrades worldwide

04-02-2013 21:23

We call for a worldwide campaign of direct actions in solidarity with liberated spaces from the 2nd to the 12th of February 2013.
But we don’t want to stop after a couple of actions, because this is much more than just a reaction to repression. This is a call out to all anarchists and anti-authoritarians to fight now across the world.

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UN report on Kennedy, the right to peaceful assembly, kettling, and much more.

01-02-2013 18:06

Statement by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association at the conclusion of his visit to the United Kingdom

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Mobile fingerprint scanners: what everyone needs to know

01-02-2013 00:32

The rolling out of mobile fingerprint scanner surveillance by the British police will have very serious and widespread implications. Nicked from, this article deals with your rights in the face of an identity check using these devices.

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Spain: Case against anarchist Piotr Silajev dropped!

31-01-2013 18:25

The case against the Russian anarchist and writer Piotr Silajev has been dropped by the Spanish “Audiencia Nacional”, a special court that focuses on organized crime and terrorism. The decision was made in Madrid on the 28th of January 2013.

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Cowardly EDL Try To Disrupt Manchester Anti-fascist Gig @EDL @TheRamanShackle

31-01-2013 03:16

Alas! The end of the EDL is nigh! The priest has been called and the last rites have already been served on this pathetic excuse of a far right football-powered bootboy organisation. Bearing this in mind, a small pod of fascist footsoldiers have insanely decided they want to go out with all guns blazing in a heavily anti-fascist student area of Manchester. They intend to violently disrupt the anti-fascist benefit gig happening on the 9th of February at the Ram and Shackle pub on Wilmslow Road, Manchester. This is a very popular student pub frequented by a solid anti-fascist 95% student audience from Withington and Fallowfield.

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How Far in the Future is the Ban of Psychotronic Weapons

29-01-2013 13:11

Psychotronic weapons are a definitive threat to democracy. They are in the arsenals of NATO and many other states. Though there are no legislatures around the world prohibiting the governments the use of those weapons against their citizens.

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Greece, Heraklion: 1,000 anarchists march in solidarity with squats - photos

27-01-2013 14:30

Heraklion, Crete: approximately 1,000 march in solidarity with squats under attack across Greece

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90% Of World's Countries, 82% Of US States Did Not Execute Prisoners In 2012

25-01-2013 22:23

Only 20 countries and only 9 US states commited government murder of prisoners in 2012.

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Aaron's Army #aaronsw

25-01-2013 17:22

Following is the text of remarks by Carl Malamud at the Internet Archive's Memorial for Aaron Swartz,
January 24, 2013,

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UN calls for judge-led enquiry into the Mark Kennedy/Stone spying operation.

23-01-2013 21:45

Maina Kiai, a Special Rapporteur in the UN for the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly, says he is 'deeply concerned' about use of officers such as Mark Kennedy to infiltrate non-violent groups.

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The Davos Delusion: What You Need to Know

23-01-2013 14:27

Today, British Prime Minister David Cameron joins the great and the good at the annual World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland. Today’s article pulls back the curtain on this secretive hub of neoliberalism.

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SEA uncovers the conspiracy of the Syrian enemies

23-01-2013 12:37

In the current war that takes place in Syria, there are big spaces for the electronic war. One of the activist groups that work in this field named itself by “Syrian Electronic Army” has enabled to hack into many important official sites in each of Qatar, Saudi Arab kingdom and Turkey and to download thousands of secret documents, where Breaking News Network got these documents through mediator after proving the truthness of the reviewed part. An agreement has been done to publish these documents with the Lebanese Newspaper ‘Akhbar’, which got them from the same mediator at the same time.

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Dutch activist Joke Kaviaar sentenced to four months in prison for incitement

22-01-2013 19:17

court hearing January 8th 2013
Today the bench chamber of the court in Haarlem ruled in the case of incitement by speech and word against Joke Kaviaar. The court rejected all of the defense pleas of her lawyer and sentenced Joke to four months in prison. This is less than the six months imprisonment the Public Prosecutor had asked for. Joke Kaviaar will appeal the conviction and announces that she will not let herself be silenced. She will continue to speak out against the Dutch migration policy.
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