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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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The indigenous: between harassment and dispossession

12-03-2011 13:33

Seventeen years after the armed uprising in Chiapas and eleven after the signing of the San Andrés accords on indigenous rights and culture, the situation of indigenous peoples throughout the country is worse than ever. There is literally a war of dispossession against their lands and territories.

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Gaddafi learns the Israeli way

12-03-2011 06:25

Gaddafi reads Bibi
Gaddafi reads "How To Win Wars... The Israeli Way"

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Open Letter from Out East to the organisers of East End Gay Pride

12-03-2011 01:13

In response to 'East End Gay Pride' march from the organizers of Hackney Pride March - OUTEAST

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Activists attacked at Mainshill Opencast as Huge Excavator is Occupied for over

11-03-2011 15:51

a similar "prime mover" on another open cast
On Wednesday morning activists entered Scottish Coal’s Mainshill Open Cast Coal Site in South Lanarkshire to disrupt coaling operations. As two activists managed to reach and scale a huge 260 tonne “prime mover” in the bottom of the pit, one of the two biggest machines on the site, other activists there to support them were brutally attacked by Scottish Coal employees and Trustcare Security.

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8 March- women in Iran under islamic oppression

11-03-2011 09:46

women under islamic oppression
Amnesty International’s submission to the Commission on the Status of Women regarding concerns about the harassment and imprisonment of women, including rights defenders and members of minorities, in Iran

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British ruling elite advance “humanitarian” cover for intervention in Libya

11-03-2011 08:50

Britain’s ruling elite are sharpening their neo-colonial claws once again in the guise of “humanitarian intervention”, this time utilising the suffering of the Libyan masses.

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The Guardian’s hatchet job on Julian Assange #WikiLeaks

10-03-2011 20:22

WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange’s War on Secrecy, by David Leigh and Luke Harding, published by the Guardian newspaper, is now being paraded as the “official” account of WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange. It is in reality a politically-motivated hatchet job aimed at discrediting Assange and facilitating his persecution by the Obama administration and its allies in the UK and Sweden.

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Thousands of Kurdish bodies discovered in dozens of mass graves

10-03-2011 16:27

Over the years of war between Kurdish separatist guerrillas and the Turkish army and police, during the 1980s and 1990s, thousands of Kurds disappeared and were unaccounted for. Now their bodies are turning up in dozens of mass graves in the Kurdish region and in Turkey proper. Kurdish and other human rights groups are pointing the finger at the Turkish armed forces and at the government of the day.

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How The So-Called Guardians Of Free Speech Are Silencing The Messenger

10-03-2011 09:59

As the United States and Britain look for an excuse to invade another oil-rich Arab country, the hypocrisy is familiar. Colonel Gaddafi is “delusional” and “blood-drenched” while the authors of an invasion that killed a million Iraqis, who have kidnapped and tortured in our name, are entirely sane, never blood-drenched and once again the arbiters of “stability”.

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Civil Disobedience for 9/11 Justice at Downing Street II

10-03-2011 08:46

A report from Gareth from London Truth Action on the second civil disobedience for 9/11 Justice at Downing Street. A report of the first action + an interview with Gareth

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Come and meet the TSG in Wimbledon on 10 April

10-03-2011 07:16

On 10 April Wimbledon Police Station has an ‘Open Day’.

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Standing up to Surveillance Conference

09-03-2011 23:24

A Conference hosted by the Network for Police Monitoring.
Sunday 17th April. 10.30am – 5pm.
Venue : Rich Mix 35 – 47 Bethnal Green Road, London, E1 6LA
Entry: Suggested Donation £5 (unwaged) £10 (waged) . This includes tea, coffee and a light lunch.
Prior registration is essential.>/p>

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The Torture of Bradley Manning

09-03-2011 12:49

If you point out that the emperor has no clothes, it seems the empire will make sure you have none either.

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Libya: A Response to the Escalating Situation

08-03-2011 21:05

Demonstrators outside the Libyan Embassy on 5 March
Update on actions in the UK - parliamentary group/ statement by the British Libyan Solidarity Campaign/ demos

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Foreign Office Responds to Letter on Guantánamo Bay

08-03-2011 20:07

To mark the ninth anniversary of Guantánamo Bay on 11 January 2011, we delivered a letter to the Prime Minister calling on the British government to take more action to see Guantánamo close. We have now received a reply...

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Protest against LIb Dem Conference Organisers - Police surveillance actions

07-03-2011 23:11

Overt surveillance measures are being used to intimidate activists organising against the Sheffield Libdem conference.

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29-S: in solidarity with the General Strike in Barcelona

07-03-2011 21:37

Cover of the fanzine
"Last 29th of September we were thousands. Youngsters and adults, students, workers and unemployed, migrants and “locals”, meeting up in the street, empowering the picketers, facing the cops, attacking the symbols of Capital, of misery and luxury… Making our rage to be respected."

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MET Police appoint a public order "Containment Manager"!!

04-03-2011 23:02

MET Police appoint a public order "Containment Manager"!!

According to Police Review, Asistant Commisioner Lynne Owens, [her with the cute smile] is appointed the Containment Manager and will deal with future protest in Central London.

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Libya evacuations: Africans ‘left out’

03-03-2011 12:28

Refugees flee Libya
Africans ‘left out’ in Libya evacuations ....... In the rush to rescue foreigners from Libya, thousands of migrant Africans are being left behind, holed up at home terrified as insurgents mistake them for mercenaries fighting for Muammar Gaddafi’s regime. Rumours that Gaddafi has hired fighters from south of the Sahara to quash a popular revolt against him have made hordes of Africans targets of popular anger, many from poor countries unable to organise their evacuation.

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Death Penalty for Bradley Manning, the Alleged #WikiLeaks Whistleblower?

03-03-2011 10:59

Bradley Manning

Alleged WikiLeaks source Pfc. Bradley Manning, who has been in US custody since last May, after he reportedly told a former hacker that he had passed thousands of classified US military documents and diplomatic cables to WikiLeaks, had 22 new charges filed against him on Tuesday by the US Army, including a capital offense — “aiding the enemy” — for which the government has said it will not seek the death penalty, although, as Wired explained, “under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, the presiding judge ultimately decides what charges to refer to court-martial and whether to impose the death penalty.”

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