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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Mexican Labour Activist Attacked

21-01-2004 16:43

Martin Barrios, Coordinator of the Human and Labour Rights Commission of the Tehuacan Valley was attacked and brutally beaten by an unknown assailant. Info and call for action.

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Global Union Denounces Workers' Rights Violations in the US

21-01-2004 15:43

If you think you and your fellow workers have a tough time in Britain, spare a thought for the workers in the US. Many rights taken for granted in Europe have never been granted by law to workers there.

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(abuse) MI5 online chatroom at 2pm today

21-01-2004 11:15

click on the link-

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Fairford Coach Video #2 (video of 22 March 2003)

21-01-2004 04:57

You may have seen the previous video from coach 3. Here's the other video from coaches 1 and 2. Very dramatic footage of the police searches and detention. This is followed by some footage of the police roughness that followed the passengers escape in Shepard's Bush. This 17 MB *.MOV file features 12 minutes of dramatic moments on the coaches.

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Anti-2004 Olympic Terrorism

20-01-2004 17:24

Olympic Games 2004

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Riot Police Storm Indigenous Town in Mexico Leaving Two Dead, ...

19-01-2004 19:06

Wed Jan 14, 9:04 PM ET -- Mexican riot police (thugs and murders)
Dissidents battled police Wednesday in a small town south of Mexico City after police entered to reinstate a mayor run out by opponents.

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Tlalnepantla repression update

19-01-2004 18:42

FYI the situation is deteriorating. Three human rights observation
missions tried to enter Tlalnepantla yesterday to look for refugees living in the hills above the town.

One group was small, and was able to pass, but as they walked through the woods a police helicopter was following them, (hovering only 100 feet above ground) and so the refugees ran away.

The other group contained people from Atenco, and was greeted by 200 riot police. Without warning, they were attacked, tear gassed, and bones were broken. I was almost arrested (and would have been deported) but was able to escape when the police were distracted.
One German international observer was detained and we believe he was deported.

The third mission arrived at nightfall. We sent only women, and so the police were obliged to let them pass. However, they were heavily escorted by police. They delivered food to women and children hiding in
their homes, afraid to turn on the lights or go outside. Their husbands are missing. One baby died because medical care was unavailable. My wife, a doctor, was able to treat some people.

This story is simply not getting the attention it deserves. It is worse than Chiapas, where the people and their allies are at least in a position to defend themselves.


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New Video & speaking tour by Martin Shaw, climber injured by swiss police

19-01-2004 12:59

Martin Shaw the climber injured by the swiss police when they cut the rope he was hanging from, is touring the UK showing a video of the incident. He will be putting this action and it's consiquences in a political context of the recent respession of political actions. The authorities want to divide and scare us how are we going to respond to this repression as a community?

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Iraqi Civilians Increasingly Killed by Accidental U.S. Gunfire

19-01-2004 06:55

Innocent Iraqi civilians are being shot at, bombed, and killed at a quickening pace in recent weeks, but not by Saddam or "terrorist" forces. U.S. soldiers, increasingly nervous and afraid of imminent attack, have systematically followed a "shoot first, investigate later" policy.

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Riot Police Storm indigenous autonomous town, south of Mexico City

18-01-2004 23:06

State of Morelos, Mexico
January 15 2004

Last January 11, the inhabitants of the municipality of Tlaneplanta in the state of Morelos gathered in the public square for the setting up of the People’s Autonomous Council.

It was following several repressive acts and the violation of common law by the State authorities that the inhabitants, gathered in assembly, decided the appointment of said council.
However, and despite the fact that the State governor, Sergio Estrada Cajigal, had declared publicly that no display of public force would take place, yesterday (14 January) at least 800 operatives forced their way into Tlaneplanta to take the Town Council. In the confrontation that ensued at least 1 rebel died and another 12 people were injured.
Article extracted from “La Jornada de Morelos”.

Translation of the feature from Chiapas Indymedia Centre.

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Putin's KGB against Russian Anarchists

18-01-2004 11:59

The Federal Security Service is about to imprison the members of "The Autonomus Action".

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17-01-2004 22:55

Seattle Police at June 2, 2003 LEIU Protests...
In a time when Seattle is in deep need of money for its schools, affordable housing, etc., we are paying $250,000, and rightly so, to protesters who were grotesquely violated at the WTO protests in 1999. And Seattle did not learn from that riot, as it produced two more unnecessary police riots in 2003, which still need to be addressed properly by officials, and perhaps the courts.

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Hunger strike protest in Seven Sisters

17-01-2004 17:19

This is a press release on the 27th day of a hunger strike in Seven Sisters, Haringey, London. It is one of a number of similar protests in Europe against prison repression in Turkey. It is to continue for 45 days, and a rally is planned outside the hunger strike tent on Saturday the 24th.

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Europol document on "anarchist terrorism"

17-01-2004 15:16

Terrorist activity in the European Union - situation & trends report. Europol document that discusses terrorism in the EU, particularly the threat of anarchist groups moving towards terrorism. Its a great read!

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Reverend Billy Jailed in Berlin For Speaking to Strikers

16-01-2004 17:44

Rev Billy Preaching at the London NikeTown (
Reverend Billy, who appeared in London's Buy Nothing Day festivities last November, was arrested in Berlin for preaching during a multiple-university strike against education cuts.

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Police 'Abused Power' by Barring Anti-War Protesters

15-01-2004 12:29

Police 'Abused Power' by Barring Anti-War Protesters
By Jan Colley, PA News

The police were guilty of an “abuse of power” in barring three coachloads of protesters from a demonstration against the war on Iraq, the High Court heard today.

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Corporate Coverage of Fairford Coach Judicial Review

15-01-2004 09:47

Monitoring press coverage about the Judicial Review:

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Turin Samba Player freed

14-01-2004 17:59

Expecting to end the day behind bars .......

Turin Sambista walked free from Horseferry Rd Magistrates Court in London on Tuesday 6th January.

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Cambridge man in Palestine

14-01-2004 14:06

A press release from Cambridge Students Against the War

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WE, THE PEOPLE, want justice and democracy

14-01-2004 02:29

WE, THE PEOPLE, want justice and democracy !
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