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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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UG#636 - Bilking The Afflicted (Addiction, Drugs & Capitalism)

11-05-2013 15:33

This episode we turn our attention to the 'War on Drugs', which as addiction specialist Gabor Maté points out is of course a war on drug users. We start with a hour on "The Science of Drug Politics" by former UK Government Chief Drugs advisor, Professor David Nutt whose testimony clearly suggests that scientific considerations were of minor interest to the politicians he was supposed to advise. Next we hear Dr. Maté who touches on some of the reasons why the War On Drugs may not be failure after all...

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Hunger and thirst strikes in the Netherlands

10-05-2013 01:15

public indictment against the system of repression we call Fortress Europe.

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German Actor Til Schweiger shuts down 21 Websites

06-05-2013 13:24

Via his lawyers "Kanzlei Eisenberg Berlin" German Actor Til Schweiger has gained a court injunction against to surpress a blog article dealing with a paintball attack on his house in Berlin.

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Leeds residents in Bedroom tax Trap:

06-05-2013 09:30

Leeds residents in Bedroom tax Trap:
Residents of Leeds City Council ALMO managed properties (Council houses)
Are claiming they have been trapped in to an automatic eviction system by the council and have no choice but to face eviction.

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At Your Service (Tales from Community Service)

30-04-2013 17:32

Article written by contributor who is currently serving a 120 hour community payback order, in which they are required to do a program of unpaid work for the terrible "community"1. This Article forms the First part of a short series detailing different aspects and analysis of the community payback program, from thinking about the actions being performed and their implications to offering a kind of insight into what this shit is actually like. Please distribute to anyone you know who might be about to get sentenced to community payback.

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attack on bristol security firm

30-04-2013 09:49

No peace for the defenders of commodity-society. Their security = a joke once again. Our latest target was Avon and Somerset Guarding, on Fishponds Rd, we broke half the storefront glass and attacked the CCTV camera, leaving an anarchy symbol tagged on the scene. Enough uniformed bastards in our lives, let's trash the control apparatus. Shouts to anti-fascist of action Jock Palfreeman, held in Bulgaria - love for our comrades, hate for their jailers. That's all for now

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Protest in London

28-04-2013 17:56

Demand for an End to the Attacks on the Zapatista Support Base Community of San Marcos Avilés

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Attacks in Chiapas

28-04-2013 17:53

In Chiapas there is a latent threat of forced displacement against the Zapatistas, and there has been a new political assassination.

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Further aggressions in San Marcos Aviles

24-04-2013 19:34

Caravan of human rights observation attacked and threatened. Human rights violations include: attacks against the autonomous families: seizure of land, robbery of crops and animals, sacking of coffee fields, death threats, false accusations, suspension of electric service and attacks with arms and rocks.

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Athens: Cops detained comrades during solidarity action with Athens IMC and 98FM

24-04-2013 19:23

In the morning of April 24th, as part of solidarity actions with counter-information media that were recently gagged by the Greek State with the aid of the rector of the National Technical University of Athens, Simos Simopoulos.

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Decade of Darfur Demo, London : Sunday 28 April

24-04-2013 09:30

* March to Remember, a Decade of Darfur *

Sunday 28 April 2013

Meet 12.30pm
@ Sudanese Embassy
3 Cleveland Row, London, SW1A 1DD

The march will move to Downing Street and end at Old Palace Yard opposite the Houses of Parliament.

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Private security fine the public on Public streets in Leeds

23-04-2013 10:47

Leeds Council sign cosy deal in which a Tory councillor run private security firm will fine the public on public streets in a breathtaking reduction of civil rights.

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s144 - Damned Lies and No Useful Statistics

20-04-2013 22:29

To tie in with the courtcase starting Monday in Brighton, when three squatters are going on trial under s144 and will not be pleading guilty, here's some analysis of the criminalisation of squatting in England and Wales..

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Residential Squatting trial coming up!

18-04-2013 15:35

3 People have been charged in Brighton with squatting a residential building. The trial starts on Monday 22nd April. Come and show your support!

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Tomorrow: emergency demo in Solidarity with Guantánamo Hunger Strikers

17-04-2013 09:22


The London Guantánamo Campaign invites you to an emergency demonstration

outside the US Embassy, Grosvenor Square, London, W1A 1AE
(nearest underground: Bond Street/Marble Arch)

on Thursday 18 April
at 6-8pm
open mic and banners - feel free to bring your own

in support of the Guantánamo Hunger Strikers
now in their third month of protest at
11 years of torture, abuse and arbitrary detention

The current hunger strike at Guantánamo Bay, now in its 11th week, turned nasty at the weekend, when new orders were issued to separate prisoners, resulting in an invasion of their cells and plastic bullets being fired at prisoners allegedly putting up resistance, in spite of being weakened after 11 weeks without food. Their lawyers report that some have lost over 30lb in weight in that time and the US Defense Department states that at least 13 are being force fed. Nearly all the prisoners are on hunger strike. Most have been held without charge or trial for over 11 years with little prospect of release.

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Radiozones of Subversive Expression

17-04-2013 05:58

Athens IMC and 98FM radio station are under repression by the State

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Hero, Actor James Cromwell, Arrested In Animal Rights Action

16-04-2013 20:07

In the U.S., actor James Cromwell, star of Babe and many other movies, has been
arrested at the University of Wisconsin for speaking out against cat torture there.
The University of Wisconsin has also been involved in primate torture, tasering of pigs for the US Justice Department, and furthering the enslaving of cows for their milk.

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„Solidarity Clause”: EU secret service to be reinforced?

16-04-2013 07:07

The „solidarity clause“ regulates the use of police, secret service and military means in case of a crisis within the EU

The EU Commission and the EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy issued a proposal for the structuring of the so-called „solidarity clause” [1]. The document refers to article 222 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) [2].

The EU institutions respectively the member states of the EU are to be bound to assist each other in case of a damaging event. This includes the use of police, secret service and military means. The „solidarity clause” determines that engagement in the territory of another state shall only be allowed at the „request of its political authorities”.

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Public Copy: Request for Action and Support

15-04-2013 23:17

Damaged car near home in Bristol (1 of 5 or more) accompanied by junk/voicemails
Public copy of request for action and support regarding ten years abuse of rights in Britain and its background in criminal methods, commercial media and politics.

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Possible police raids ahead of thatchers funeral over the next 48hrs

15-04-2013 18:10

From the London Evening Standard:
"Known troublemakers are set to be held in dawn raids by police ahead of Baroness Thatcher’s funeral on Wednesday. The activists will be rounded up as part of a huge security operation involving more than 4,000 officers."
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