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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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19 arrests at eviction of occupied forest!

09-08-2006 12:26

Picture of part of the actioncamp
At 8am, Wednesday 9th of August, the eviction of the action camp in Borsbeek (near Antwerp in Belgium) started. GroenFront! fears of a violent eviction were correct. The police have refused to accept a security coordinator from the activists, despite the offer of an experienced activist who had offered to be present to prevent the situation from escalating dangerously. Police have also tortured the people out of their lock-ons using pain holds on pressure points.

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latest rampART news, films, meetings, debate, get involved

09-08-2006 10:45

Last week we reported that the block of buildings that includes the rampART social centre had been put up on the market. There is no further news on the sale of the building or any way to forcast the eventual eviction of the rampART but there are plenty of things going on in the building and plenty of opportunity to get involved...

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Former medical student to stand trial in kangaroo court!

09-08-2006 05:07

Not constitutionally valid!
Lawyers for the 23-year-old argue the charge is not constitutionally valid because they say the laws cannot cover alleged acts committed on foreign soil which do not have an Australian connection.

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Burrell sentenced to life for Whelan murder?

09-08-2006 03:25

There wasn't a shred of forensic evidence?
In his defence, his lawyers argued that the prosecution case was based on speculative and intrinsically flawed circumstantial evidence. What's more, Bruce Burrell's lawyers pointed out there wasn't a shred of forensic evidence linking him to the crime. Not a single hair, not even a microscopic trace of Kerry Whelan's DNA was ever found, despite extensive searches of his cars and property. But the jury's guilty verdict demonstrates that a strong circumstantial case can be sufficient to ensure a conviction?

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Genecide - first test WA then the rest - Your DNA, Your Private Rights,

09-08-2006 03:11

Your Private Rights
Fastracked NAZI Fascist Data your bloodline marked identified crossmatched for what purpose ?

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Liverpool Echo In Red Scare

08-08-2006 16:21

Tonight's Liverpool Echo article - 'Cops on Red Alert' - is whipping up controversy where there was none before, over plans by Merseyside TUC, Stop The War Coalition and Liverpool Friends of Palestine to protest at Liverpool FC's Champions League match with Israeli side Maccabi Haifa.

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08-08-2006 12:51

The massive human rights violations of the Arroyo regime in the Philippines have been universally condemned by Amnesty International. UN Human Rights Committee, Asian Human Rights Commission, US National Lawyers Guild, International Association of People's Lawyers, Reporters Without Borders, and other civil-society groups. UK citizens should demand that their government halt any aid or assistance to the Arroyo regime unless it releases all political prisoners and halt the warrantless arrests, abductions, enforced "disappearances," and extrajudicial killings of its citizens.

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More from Hiroshima Day in Melbourne - part 1

08-08-2006 06:20

Hiroshima Day in Melbourne
The annual commemoration of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in effect merged with the fourth week of protests over Israeli attacks on Lebanon and Gaza ...

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Choosing Sides

07-08-2006 23:38

Capitalism hiding behind the veil of democracy, herding people into capitalism hiding behind veil of religious etremism - the black vs white division, the call to war - a battle that deletes any possibility of humane and socialist principles to find a voice and momentum either in the West or Middle East.

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Bono buys a slab of Forbes empire

07-08-2006 19:41

Arch activist and side kick of Slob Geld Wolf (as known in Holland) Bono has bought himself a slice of the Forbes media group. maybe him and geldwolf will be able to organize their own psuedo G8 protests in future instead of hijacking the real thing. This creep should be pelted with rotten eggs and seasonal veg as often as possible.

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National Extremism

07-08-2006 17:25

The updates to the NETCU (National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit) Watch website just seem to keep on coming as the agents of the state try desperately harder to brutally suppress the rights of people legally protesting within the UK.

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In Tribute to Fidel Castro

07-08-2006 05:08

Part I, "In Tribute to Fidel Castro", lists some of his extraordinary, truly astonishing achievements. Part II asks, "How can We best Honor Him?", and answers with an Action Plan designed to defeat the Corporation-Government-corporate Mass Media axis that threatens all of us with an international Fascist strait-jacket.

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An Open Letter to Shell Defamation Lawyers

06-08-2006 17:48

Readers may be interesting in the latest developments in the defamation action brought by EIGHT companies in the Royal Dutch Shell Group against a former Shell employee of 29 years standing. Dr John Huong, a Shell geologist, blew the whistle on the Shell reserves scandal, described on a BBC TV show as the biggest corporate fraud in history.

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Democracy is becoming a dirty word

06-08-2006 15:39

Smile nicely for the camera
How the concept of democracy is being used by neofascist leaders in order to justify a capitalist system that is falling apart at the seams.

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Stopping support for war by Velvet Revolution

06-08-2006 14:19

The role of mass protest in bringing positive change

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Refusenik jailed

06-08-2006 12:16

First israeli refusinik jailed - many others refuse to fight

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M&S Pickets - 29th July and 5 August

06-08-2006 10:19

Saturday 29th July
Marks and Spencer are Britain's biggest corporate sponsor of Israel and Zionism. So on the 29th July and 5th August, pickets of Marks and Spencers in Manchester were held, in support of the Palestinians and Lebanese who are being murdered by the racist Israeli state.

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Lebanon London peace demo pics

06-08-2006 02:58

huge crowds at start
With the psychopathic Israeli regime carrying out ethnic cleansing and mass civilian murder in Lebanon on an industrial scale, another A to B march would never seem enough. However the turnout was fantastic for such a short notice demo - must have been 100,000 but predictably the now blatantly pro-israel bbc is claiming a downright insulting 20,000.

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heavy-handed policing at stop the war demo in london (pics)

06-08-2006 00:49

bush and bliar
between 8,000 and 150,000 people (depending on who you believe) marched in london on saturday afternoon, calling for a ceasefire now. police seemed often heavy-handed and out of control, and there were at least a dozen arrests.

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Parliament Street Die In protest about Israeli Aggression

06-08-2006 00:40

Death outside the gates of Downing Street
Protestors took part in a sit down, and dead, protest outside Downing Street. With a group of demonstrators lying down as dead, with many stopping to sit and join them. The protest ended with members of the last groups of activists being arrested.
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