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support for Taksim and Turkish people in London

04-06-2013 10:50

Last night hundreds of people gathered in Trafalgar Sq to show their support for the people of Turkey as they face the onslaught of state repression.

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Solidarity with Bradley Manning in Bristol and Cardiff (round-up)

02-06-2013 18:53

Banners in Bristol...

Bradley Manning's trial starts Monday 3 June and this weekend activists around the world have been taking action in solidarity, including in London [Photos here | Links to reports etc. here] where around 250 people from all over gathered outside the US Embassy to hear speakers including Peter Tatchell, Vivienne Westwood and Craig Murray, music including David Rovics. There was also an ill-fated banner drop in Bristol [Report here], a smaller one with a replacement banner in Carmarthen and a presence in Cardiff and Haverfordwest. This is a brief report with some photos from Bristol and Cardiff.

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In honour of murdered activist Juan Vázquez Guzmán

01-06-2013 21:07

Convocation for the Week of Worldwide Action:
“Juan Vázquez Guzmán lives!
The Bachajón struggle continues!”
Tuesday, June 25 to Tuesday, July 2, 2013

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Full statement : Newcastle 14 anti fascist defence campaign

31-05-2013 23:13

Arrested campaigner
On Saturday 25 May 2013, 14 anti-racist protesters were arrested outside the Haymarket metro station in Newcastle. The 14 were arrested shortly before the beginning of a counter demonstration against the racist English Defence League (EDL), which had been organised by a coalition of Labour Party councillors, Trade Union officials, and members of the Socialist Worker’s Party (SWP), under the banner of Newcastle Unites. This is Full Statement of what happened.

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Free Bradley Manning! Free Bradley Manning's banners! (Welcome to Bristol)

31-05-2013 17:22

over the m32 in bristol earlier yesterday

The big pink 'FREE BRADLEY MANNING' banner has been displayed, without incident, all over the place in the past 18 months or so: Wrexham, Cardiff, Bala, Haverfordwest (where members of Brad's family still live), Chester, Liverpool, Oswestry, north Yorkshire, London, the summit of Snowdon. It's designed to be re-used, attached to railings with easy-to-undo tapes.

In Bristol yesterday, at the start of a five day solidarity effort leading up to Bradley Manning's trial which begins in the US on Monday, this banner and another - 'TRUTH ON TRIAL' - were seized by cops who told me they would be destroying them. In fact they had already badly damaged the banners by hacking them off the railings with a knife and ripping them instead of undoing the bows, having refused my offer to remove them. Since the incident led to an arrest and threat of summons, the banners are now in police custody as exhibits A and B, with the arresting cops announcing as they escorted me to the exit door of Trinity Road police station: ' and when it comes to court we're going to apply for a destruction order.'

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Direct Action Training/Skillshare this weekend - Brighton

28-05-2013 14:43

Stop G8 is running a direct action skillshare this weekend (1st & 2nd June) at the Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton, to prepare people for the Stop G8 week of action from 10th-14th June. On Sunday there will also be a fundraising BBQ from 2pm to raise money for Stop G8.
Spread the word and see you at the Cowley!
Timetable below:

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Brighton squat trial - longer update

27-05-2013 20:48

One squatter convicted, two walk free. An appeal for the one has already been launched...

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1 June International Day of Action for Bradley Manning: Join Cor Cochion in Cardiff

26-05-2013 07:01

Banner at Cardiff Castle

Saturday 1 June is an international day of action for Welsh-American WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning, facing Court Martial on over 20 charges including 'Aiding the Enemy' and a possible sentence of life without parole or even potentially the death penalty if convicted. The trial starts on 3 June and is expected to last over two months. Bradley Manning dared to reveal the truth about US-led wars, US interference around the globe and much more, hoping that this information would trigger "worldwide discussion, debates, and reforms... if not... then we’re doomed as a species." He went on to say "I will officially give up on the society we have if nothing happens."

Brad still has many family members living in Wales. Cardiff Reds Choir/Cor Cochion Caerdydd is organising a solidarity event in Cardiff on 1 June. In London, there will be a protest outside the US Embassy . Worldwide events listed at

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Support Sireen Sawafteh - Abducted by Israel on the 14 May 2013

24-05-2013 17:18

Last Tuesday Sireen, a 24 year old woman from Tubas, was detained by the Israeli occupation forces. She is currently being held in Al Jalameh, an Israeli prison. Her family and friends fear for her safety. She has been denied access to a lawyer and she has not been allowed to make any contact with her loved ones since her abduction.

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Free Counselling for Activists, Campaigners and Social Changers

24-05-2013 12:44

Counselling for Social Change (CSC) are offering free phone counselling and rural retreats for activists, campaigners, and social changers. Phone support is ongoing and can last as long as needed. The retreats will be in a low-impact shepherd's hut in rural West Cornwall, and can last between a weekend to a week, and can be supported through phone counselling before and after the retreat.

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Hurley tramples on half a million Chechens

23-05-2013 15:31

Please let Elizabeth Hurley know what you think of her and another scumbag french actor Gerard Depardieu going to Chechniya to make a film.

We don't know how much she's been paid, but half a million dead Chechniyan people killed by its present president will have put most actors from touching Ramzan Kadyrov with a barge pole.

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Brighton squat trial resumes tomorrow

23-05-2013 14:28

The squat trial which began in April resumes tomorrow in Brighton, come down to see s144 get the bashing it deserves.

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UG#641 - The Making Of The National Security State (The Power Principle 2)

23-05-2013 02:46

We continue where we left off last in episode #640, with a radio adaptation of the remainder of the most recent of Scott Noble's 2012 film, The Power Principle. This half focuses on the sequence of fears used by the ruling elite to keep the 99% submissive and afraid, whether of communists, nuclear war or Muslim fundamentalists. Insiders and other commentators reveal a bigger picture of US Foreign Policy driven by an aggressive and ruthless clique using organisations such as the CIA, the arms industry and big media to exploit and oppress the 99% both at home and abroad.

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Children's Art from Gaza: Report on talk by Rod Cox in Wrexham

22-05-2013 15:55

Rod Cox with the Exhibition [photo: Stillshooter]

In the final week of the 'Loss of Innocence' Exhibition of Children's Art from Gaza at Wrexham Cathedral, Rod Cox came to speak about how he collected this artwork in early 2009 as part of the Aid Convoy in the wake of the 'Operation Cast Lead' bombardment of Gaza by Israel, about the children who created the artwork, their trauma, injuries, lost families, destroyed homes and shattered lives, as well as their hopes for a peaceful future free from fear.

The Exhibition has now moved on to the local Yale College of Further Education where it will be open for viewing by students and the public in the Learning Resource Centre (library) for the next two weeks. From 4 June it will move again to St. Christopher's School in Hightown.

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UG#639 - Grave Reflections on Technology & Freedom (Techno-totalitarianism)

19-05-2013 01:35

We hear the voices of three now deceased authors on the topics of technology and Social Control. First a vintage 1962 recording of Aldous Huxley speaking on the prospects for technototalitarianism. Next it's a more relaxed interview with science fiction author Kurt Vonnegut and we conclude with a musical collage of 1970's wisdom from E. F. Schumacher.

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The fraud of the Leveson Inquiry

17-05-2013 17:14

I was just about the perfect witness for Leveson because I had been grossly abused by the press twice, failed utterly by the PCC and had evidence of corrupt practices involving the police and the mainstream press. Yet Leveson not only refused to call me as a witness, refused to allow me to be a core participant and failed to use any of the evidence I had supplied, he was so desperate to write me out of the script that I was omitted from the list of those who had supplied information to the Inquiry when he published his report.

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Operation Eleveden, Piers Morgan and an incriminating letter

17-05-2013 16:48

In January 2013 I supplied Operation Elveden with a letter from Piers Morgan when editor of the Mirror to the PCC in which he admitted receiving information from the police in circumstances which can only have been illegal.I also provided other information about Morgan's perjury before the Leveson Inquiry. Four months after the supply of the information there has been no action by Operation Elveden.

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Wrexham: Solidarity with Guantánamo Hunger Strikers

17-05-2013 10:37

fliers for this morning
Today, 17 May, is the 100th day of the current Guantánamo hunger strike, with most of the 166 remaining prisoners now refusing food, including British resident Shaker Aamer. Like most of the others, he has not been charged with any crime and has been cleared for release, but with no prospect of actually being freed. Aamer has been held at Guantánamo for 11 years and joined the hunger strike in March. Over 30 prisoners are now being brutally force fed. Some are close to death. A global emergency three days of action has been called.
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