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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Egypt: A mandate to kill!

28-07-2013 16:43

The popular street mandate for the Egyptian military to prosecute a 'war against terror' opens up the path for further reactionary developments. The absence of a strong left in Egypt to counter this development is not something unique to the Arab World and the Arab Spring. It is a symptom of radical left weakness which is endemic throughout the world. A global crisis of the capitalist mode of production requires a global response which has yet to develop.

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Occupy Firgrove: Destruction of the trees

26-07-2013 22:30

trees in the morning
Wednesday morning, police, private security, fencers, tree surgeons, arrived to end the occupation of Firgrove Green and destroy the trees.

The planners lied, said the trees were in poor state of health. The trees had to go, as they showed the planners lied. Green space, the only green space in town, earmarked for destruction for an 80-bedroom Premier Inn hotel.

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UG#656 - Secret Wars Of The CIA (A Classic Speech by John Stockwell)

26-07-2013 09:38

This time a radio adaptation of the video, "Secret Wars Of The CIA", by winner of the CIA Medal of Merit winner turned CIA whistleblower, John Stockwell. In this vintage video, before the advent of WWW, an earnest Stockwell gives an overview of CIA activity and cites dozens of books to supporting material by other researchers.

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Jason Bishop – new allegations of undercover policing of protest

26-07-2013 08:40

Netpol has been asked to publish the following statement on behalf of former friends of an activist known as Jason Bishop, who they now believe to have been an undercover police officer.

Netpol have published this statement as we feel it adds important information to the debate about undercover police officers.

This is the latest in a long line of disclosures relating to the infiltration of protest groups by specialist units of the Metropolitan police including the Special Demonstration Squad and later, the National Public Order Intelligence Unit.

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When God Became the Terrorist: Traces Of The Authoritarian Nature of the Three

24-07-2013 21:36

A free e-book on political philosophy of law and government related to religion for today’s world—worthy to read and share. Note: There are several reasons why a new understanding of the psychological politics of the Judeo-Christian Bible is necessary for today’s politics. Here is one such book. It is time to face the reality of the authoritarian nature of the Old Testament and New Testament—that is the psychology of fear and terrorism.

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Opening the Box: Sarah Shourd on Humane Release for Herman Wallace

20-07-2013 17:47

Herman Wallace, out of solitary, no shackles, on bike.
On July 10, Amnesty International launched a campaign directed at Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, calling for Herman’s immediate release on humanitarian grounds. "After decades of cruel conditions and a conviction that continues to be challenged by the courts, he should be released immediately to his family so that he can be cared for humanely during his last months," said Amnesty USA campaigner Tessa Murphy. A special UK action link is below.

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Coach companies used by Newcastle EDL

20-07-2013 05:55

Newcastle EDL waiting for the bus at St. James Park
This is the coach company who carried the EDL to the Birmingham demonstration from Newcastle on Saturday 20.07.2013

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Solidarity with the Temuco 12!

19-07-2013 20:31

Twelve Mapuche warriors facing trial under the antiterrorist law need international support. Three anarchist comrades also framed under the antiterrorist law by the Chilean state still being held hostage.

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20 July Newcastle 14 March Against Political Policing

19-07-2013 15:53

Join us to march in support of 14 anti-racist protesters who were unjustly arrested as they were about to join 'Newcastle Unites' march against the fascist English Defence League (EDL). The arrestees (the youngest of who was aged 15) were held in police custody for up-to 10 hours, interrogated about their political activities, their homes raided, and their phones and computers seized, their privacy violated.

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Police Spies Fashion Show

19-07-2013 08:14

It was recently revealed that eight women involved in social and environmental activism were deceived into having long term relationships with undercover police.
This is an exclusive invitation to The Police Spies Fashion show. A bold and sexy catwalk display featuring the Metropolitan Police’s most provocative new look line up.

The State Repression Collection!

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UG#654 - State Crimes Against Democracy (The Secret Government's War Of Terror)

19-07-2013 08:06

Most of the show is an interview with Lance deHaven-Smith, author of "Conspiracy Theory In America", who coined the term "State Crime Against Democracy" (SCAD) as a modern replacement of what used to be called a "high crime". Both speakers share an exasperation of the apparent credulousness of most of the US public, noting that November 22nd will mark a half century of emerging evidence about John F Kennedy's assassination, which the US government continues to maintain was the work of a 'lone nut'.

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Boycott workfare Brent

12-07-2013 09:44

Picket Sainsburys Homebase Willesden, London NW10

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Support for Bradley Manning in Wrexham. Support needed everywhere Sat 27 July.

11-07-2013 21:48

Some news from Bradley Manning's ongoing trial, expected to continue into August, a report and photos from yesterday in Wrexham, and a call-out for solidarity everywhere on Saturday 27 July, which has been called by the Bradley Manning Support Network as an International Day of Action.

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NSA, It's the end of your world as you knew it and I feel fine

11-07-2013 09:13

Catholic Workers from Giuseppe Conlon House London have been sustaining a solidarity vigil for Bradley Manning three times a week throughout his trial. We head to Camden Mon. Wed. Fri. 4-6pm. We have also included an Edward Snowden placard since the hunt for him has begun.

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Jimmy Mubenga: Heathrow deportee 'unlawfully killed'

09-07-2013 15:30

A man being deported to Angola on a British Airways flight was unlawfully killed by guards who were restraining him, an inquest jury has found.

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UK protest against the murder of Juan Vázquez Guzmán

08-07-2013 18:38

Representatives from groups from around the UK delivered a letter to the Mexican Embassy in London yesterday protesting against the assassination of Juan Vázquez Guzmán and the continued harassment of indigenous peoples in San Sebastián Bachajón in Chiapas, South East Mexico.

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Julian Assange - "42 not out!" all to play for! Solidarity with Snowden & Manning

04-07-2013 16:05

This following report on the ongoing trial of Bradley Manning is instructive on what issues are at play.

VID (9 mins) [YouTube]

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OathKeeper Movement Ignites U.S. White House Fireworks Freedom Anyway

03-07-2013 21:52

American citizens planned revolt is set to begin on its "Independence Day" July 4, 2013 that was cancelled by the U.S. President for the first time in recent history so, this likely ignited tensions in what could easily turn into a day of bloody insurrection for The Colonies that will live in historical infamy once again.

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02-07-2013 21:42

Dignity not Destitution!
The first Leeds Dignity for Asylum Seekers protest was fantastic! It was part of a national day of action, which saw protests in Bristol, Sheffield, Bradford, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow and Cardiff. There was a great atmosphere with special thanks to our friends from Bassa Bassa for all those fantastic tunes. It was great to see so many faces and let's continue to build on this.
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