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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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07-07-2006 09:38

Such is the conclusion of the official inquiry into the murder of Zahid Mubarek, a 20 year old Asian prisoner who was beaten to death by his racist and mentally disturbed cell mate at Feltham Young Offenders Institution six years ago.

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Review of Milan Rai's "7/7" (London Bombings)

07-07-2006 06:35

Below is a book review of Milan Rai's new book, "7/7: The London Bombings, Islam and the Iraq War". The article juxtaposes 7/7 with 9/11, in part because I am an American writer-journalist living in England, but mostly because both Americans and Britons are demanding answers to legitimate, unanswered questions which their governments have tried to obscure.

The piece is available with hypertext links via my blog:

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The African Prison Project

07-07-2006 04:12

Kenyan prisoners
An inspirational project set up in Nottingham.

The prison is severely overcrowded. Congestion precipitates the spread of infectious diseases that prevail due to malnutrition and a lack of hygiene, clean water and adequate health care. Prisoners exist in squalor without even the most basic of necessities. However, what the prison is perhaps most notorious for is its problem of gang rape, the existence of which, though frighteningly common-place, is often denied because of attitude towards homosexuality in East African society.

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International Protest Day calls for the end of Guantánamo Bay

07-07-2006 03:04

International Protest Day calls for the end of Guantánamo Bay

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7/11 tree planting invite Leeds

06-07-2006 19:05

3 trees will be planted in Cross flatts park Beeston Leeds a a "symbolic gesture." of solidarity with the Beeston community

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Srebrenica Memorial

06-07-2006 17:34

On the 11th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre, in which 8000 men and boys were killed over a 5 year period, the Bosnia and Herzegovina UK Network would like to invite you to a commemorative event.

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Journalist in Tommy Sheridan libel trial infiltrated G8 'anarchist' camp

06-07-2006 13:32

Investigative journalist at heart of Tommy Sheridan libel case infiltrated G8 'anarchist' camp in 2005

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Invasion of Gaza - Sheffield Emergency Protest

06-07-2006 13:13

Saturday July 8th 2006
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Sheffield Town Hall Steps

Please join our protest against the illegal actions of the Israeli Government and army. We are also protesting about the British government’s refusal to condemn Israeli actions and its continued failure to help the Palestinian people or help build towards a just peace.

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The Great Swindle: 'This is not the tale of Salvador Puig Antich'

06-07-2006 09:53

The Catalan anarchist Salvador Puig Antich, murdered by the Francoist regime on 2 March 1974, is to be the subject of a film 'Salvador' starring Daniel Brühl. 'This movie is manipulative and tinkers with the real history which was insulting and terrifying to all of us who, male and female, who fought and lived through those years.'

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Call for UN intervention

06-07-2006 02:10

I give you Peter Beattie
It can be frustrating dealing with the upper echelon of the ALP - they seem to prefer licking the hand of the Shock Jockery.

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We are not a Colony, Sir Menzies!

05-07-2006 19:48

The leader of the British Liberal and Democrat Party, Sir Menzies Campbell, today issued a statement to the Guardian Newspaper and insisted the growing tensions inside of Iraq, can only be resolved by a peace-process led by the United Nations.

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Palestine Today

05-07-2006 18:15

Palestine Today a service of the International Middle East Media centre, for Wednesday July 5th 2006

Army invades, arrests three residents from Nablus , Army invades Jenin and its refugee camp , Army injures child in Gaza strip and invades Qalqilia and arrests several residents, Army invades Beit Sahour and arrests Niveen Douka, 22, after searching her family home. The israeli Army breaks into an orphan relief society in Salfit village
Those stores and more coming up stay tuned.

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8th July: Birmingham City Centre - VIGIL AGAINST ISRAELI WAR CRIMES

05-07-2006 09:47

With the crisis in Gaza worsening we are protesting in Birmingham:

Saturday 8 July
Between 1pm and 3pm
At the top of New Street by the Victoria Square steps.

Bring Palestinian flags and placards

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fascist email going around

05-07-2006 09:43

A typically facist nationalistic email is being forwarded around Sheffield ( and beyond I guess ). It plays on Fear Uncertainty and Doubt, makes sweeping conclusions from unsupported anecdotal statements.

I hope that

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Fingerprinting School Children

05-07-2006 09:07

I wonder what they'll do with the records?
Until recently, the State only fingerprinted criminals. As parents at a primary school in Cambridge, we were horrified to learn that all this is changing.

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Americans on Hunger Strike over Iraq War

05-07-2006 08:28

The war supporting collaborating media mostly use the expression 'Stars' to indicate that those people - which are well known and now on hunger strike - are different from other human beings: that it is some kind of 'whim', a caprice, a sudden desire or impulse by the 'stars' who want the global genocide to stop.

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Terroist attacks covered up ?

04-07-2006 21:47

Are terrorist attacks getting covered up ??
Debate !!

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Appeal for witnesses/video/pictures - anarchist bookfair 05

04-07-2006 12:52

This is an important appeal for witnesses, video and photographic evidence! Please help if possible!

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Australian government escalates its military involvement in Iraq

04-07-2006 05:26

“Coalition of the Willing”
In other words, Labor differences with Howard are purely tactical. It believes that the “national interest”—that is, the interests of the Australian corporate establishment—would be better served by concentrating military activities in the region, where substantial oil, gas and other strategic interests are at stake.

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Sick ALP hypocrisy

03-07-2006 23:20

The democratic socialist parties of the UK, USA and Au look sick - this could be terminal.
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