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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Iran's state murder of gays

20-04-2006 09:54

Victims framed for kidnap and rape
"Deportation would be a death sentence"
Asylum urged for gay Iranian refugees

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Riots in the Solomon Islands

19-04-2006 03:16

Cars and buildings were set alight
Riots broke out in the Solomon Islands after Snyder Rini was declared prime minister. However, there are claims that votes were bought by Mr Rini's financial backers. "Not only promises but gifts of money. So how can you fight that?" said Francis Billy Hilly, a spokesperson for the opposition. It has been reported that an angry crowd threw stones at the Parliament building, resulting in tear gas being fired by the police. Cars and buildings were set alight in Honiara and several Australian and New Zealand police officers were injured.

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Are Griffin and the BNP still working together?

18-04-2006 23:42

A closer look at Griffin's role as leader of the BNP

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New Zealand government extends Afghanistan military operations

18-04-2006 23:00

NZ imperialism
As with Australia, one of the chief purposes of New Zealand’s support for the “war on terror” was to get the support of the US in particular for the predatory activities of NZ imperialism in the Pacific. Clark and Peters now appear to have won explicit approval from both the US and Britain for the country’s expanding role as a regional policeman. At the end of British Prime Minister Tony Blair’s trip to Auckland last month, he and Clark issued a joint statement declaring that New Zealand would increasingly become “the ears and eyes for Britain” in the Pacific as Britain’s presence waned and China’s increased.

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Support the Nepalese uprising for democracy on 25th April

18-04-2006 17:07

The Nepalese people are rising up for democracy and a new constitution, show your support for them in their fight

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Audio Report From Palestinan Prisoner Day

18-04-2006 15:33

April the 17th is the annual day when Palestinians commemorate their friends and family members imprisioned inside Israeli Gaels. Listen to a report recorded on Prisoners' day with the head of the Bethlehem Palestinian Prisoner Society discussing the Israeli policy of Administrative detention.
For more information please visit

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Pics from European Alternative Resistance Sound System Parade Demo

17-04-2006 16:58

EAR Sound System Parade
Some collected pics from the Strasbourg european anti-repression demo held on saturday 15th april.

The demo was against the repression against free parties, festivals and squats - and in particular last summer's brutal attack by czech riot police against the Czechtek tekno festival.

Up to 3000 people attended the demo, including some from the uk.

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Irish Anarchists Clash With Police During 1916 Commemoration

17-04-2006 12:40

While the Irish state held it's first military parade in over 36 years in rememberance of the 1916 insurrection against British rule a group of 60 Anarchists marched on a military base just outside dublin.

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Refugee Rights Protest Hits Kirribilli House

17-04-2006 07:42

Kirribili Protest
Upon arrival at Kirribilli house the police used force to push everyone off the street onto the footpath. With the few hundred people protesting it made it cramped and uncomfortable. Loud and passionate speeches took place from various people from activist groups, religous leaders and media personalities. The action ended with some street theatre from Perth activists.

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16-04-2006 16:46

Amongst the peaceful action at Kirribilli House in Sydney today, six Perth refugee rights advocates have staged a demonstration against John Howard's blatant violations of the UN convention on refugees. Over-zealous police pushed the group onto the footpath, confiscated their signage and video-taped the protest...

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Prisoner Solidarity - EVENT - Mexico-London TONIGHT 16th@LARC

16-04-2006 12:57

freedom for all political prisoners
In preparation to Alejandro Cerezo and the Comite Cerezo's Tour of the UK and 'the old continent', we are organising an event at LARC on sunday 16th. from 7 pm well be cooking and dishing out mexican food and so on. At around 7:30, the screening of "Seguir Siendo Cerezo' will start. discuss, eat, drink...

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Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill: Open Letter to MP

15-04-2006 18:38

Below is an open letter sent, on 15 April, to our MP regarding the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill which threatens to end meaningful parliamentary democracy in Britain.

The full letter with hypertext links is available via the following entry posted to the blog:

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BNPtv newsreader-exposed as Dover (Kent) teacher

15-04-2006 12:36

Published in the Dover Express. April 13th 2006. They're not online so here's just the jist of it.

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Hillsborough: 17 Years, 96 Dead: No Justice

15-04-2006 11:44

April 15th marks the 17th Anniversary of the Hillsborough tragedy and while it is easy for many to forget it with time, it is hard for the families who, despite years of campaigning, still have not seen any justice for those they lost.

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Anti-Deportation Solidarity Action at Ethiopian Airlines

15-04-2006 11:16

On Friday the offices of Ethiopian Airlines were targetted by anti-deportation activists.

Ethiopian Airlines regularly deports asylum seekers to Africa.

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A Message to the Strasbourg Cops from European Alternatives Resistance

15-04-2006 10:07

A message to the cops...
Today will see the "European Alternatives Resistance" Sound-System Parade Protest in Strasbourg...

It's a protest against the violent and brutal attack by Czech police
against a techno festival last summer, and against the repression of free parties, festivals and squats across europe.

Sound systems and party people from around europe (including uk) will gather for the parade which starts at 1400hrs. Following the demo there will be several parties around strasbourg.

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