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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Inquiry into British torture a shambles

05-08-2011 07:01

This public relations exercise will actively avoid digging, shed no new light on anything, and hold no one accountable.

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An Open Letter To City of Westminster Police

03-08-2011 15:39

Suspicious anarchist activity in Westminster, 20th July 2011
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing in response to recent communication from your 'counter-terrorism desk', which asked people to share information about anarchists. According to your info - which I note you cut and pasted from the first line of the 'Anarchism' Wikipedia entry - "Anarchism is a political philosophy which considers the state undesirable, unnecessary, and harmful, and instead promotes a stateless society, or anarchy." If that is your definition, then it's a fair cop guv, I am an anarchist, so I am doing my duty as a citizen by reporting myself to you, as requested.

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UK Detention estate: 3 dead in one month, the tip of the iceberg

03-08-2011 13:14

Colnbrook IRC
The three deaths in detention bring to the fore the continued suffering of migrants in Europe

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Eviction callout from ZAD (occupied area against airport construction, France)

03-08-2011 12:44

Callout for support, to come, to the occupied area of Notre Dame des Landes (france) to organise against the coming evictions....

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Second death in 3 days in UK migration prisons

03-08-2011 10:09

Another man died in a UK migration prison yesterday, Tuesday 2 August. According to fellow prisoners at Campsfield IRC he killed himself rather than be deported. This follows the death at the weekend in Colnbrook IRC. How many more must die?

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New Leeds ABC Pamphlet

02-08-2011 11:41

A Passion For Freedom: An Interview With Jean Weir

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Jens David Breivik son Anders

01-08-2011 19:52

Henry Ford with Nazi-Orden
Norwegian diplomat Jens David Breivik son Anders Behring Breivik ..... Norway massacres – zionist inspired „cultural conservative“ terrorism to take Europe to civil war ......... After the Oslo bombings the western society seems to be peculiar unwilling to take notice of the background of the attacks. Geir Lippestad, lawyer of Anders Behring Breivik, son of the retired Norwegian diplomat Jens David Breivik, who just killed 76 people in Oslo, told the Australian Associated Press on July 26th that „the whole case indicates that he’s insane“ and that he „has a view on reality that is very, very difficult to explain“.

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Defend Crays Hill travellers site in Essex

01-08-2011 11:04

Cray Hill travellers site in Essex near Basildon is home to over 100 families and is facing eviction at the end of this months. Most of the residents have been there for many years and have absolutely nowhere else to go. People have agreed to move if the council offers an alternative site but they have offered nothing.

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Report Your Local Anarchist

31-07-2011 10:23

I doubt many people have heard of Project Griffin. It is a joint initiative between the City of London Police and the Metropolitan Police, set up in 2004 and based at the City Police's HQ, which has spread its network to police forces around the country and seeks to "advise and familiarise managers, security officers and employees of large public and private sector organisations across the capital on security, counter-terrorism and crime prevention issues".

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Two escape from Morton Hall migration prison

31-07-2011 09:20

Two men successfully escaped last Thursday from Morton Hall IRC in Lincolnshire. Report from local newspaper. Freedom!

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Colchester Council Hates Gypsies

29-07-2011 19:30

With the eviction of Dale Farm looming, the local papers around Essex seem to be filled with anti-gypsy stories right now. Not to be left behind in the racism stakes, Colchester Council are getting in on the act to...

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The war on Libya : An imperialist project to create three Libyas

29-07-2011 13:01

Diplomats from 32 countries attend Libya Contact Group Meeting,Istanbul,15-07-11

The division of Libya into three separate countries is part of the US-NATO imperial design. It is part of a project shared by the U.S., Britain, Italy, and France.

The NATO war launched against Libya in March 2011 was geared towards the breakup of the country into three separate entities.

The NATO led war, however, is back firing. The Libyan people have united to save their country and Tripoli is exploring its strategic options.

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Interview With Roisin Lynch - Free Brendan Lillis Campaign

28-07-2011 06:02

An interview like interview was undertaken by Street Voice with Roisin the Lynch the partner of Brendan Lillis the Irish political prisoner being held captive by the British State and It's agents.

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Free activists detained at nonviolent action at military training area in Sweden

27-07-2011 10:26

War Resisters' International is calling for the release of ten activists who were detained by Swedish police during the “War Starts Here” nonviolent action at the North European Aerospace Testing Area (NEAT) near Vidsel, Sweden. The test site – covering an area the size of Belgium – is used for testing a range of innovative weapons, including planes, missiles and “drones” (remotely piloted weapons). Despite its size, NEAT is a little known site – even in Sweden – yet plays a crucial role in multi-national preparations for war.

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Rote Flora: "Access all areas" - International Day of Action

26-07-2011 17:32

The squatted Rote Flora with a topical billboard for the support of Kukutza III
A proposal for a International day of action towards the end of the year against capitalist urban development and gentrification

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2011: the year we took on the unaccountable elites

25-07-2011 22:20

The people are fighting back - even Charles Moore wonders if ‘the Left may actually be right’

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Why the Scottish SP is opposed to reopening the case of Tommy Sheridan

25-07-2011 21:58

Andy Coulson, former editor of Rupert Murdoch’s News of the World and one-time aide to British Prime Minister David Cameron, is under investigation by Strathclyde Police into “allegations that witnesses gave perjured evidence in the trial of Tommy Sheridan and into alleged breaches of data protection and phone hacking,” Chief Constable George Hamilton has confirmed.

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Dale Farm info night

25-07-2011 20:55

Dale Farm, Essex, is the UK?s largest Travellers? community, consisting of nearly a hundred separate properties, owned mainly by travellers of Irish heritage and Romani families, lying well outside the village and made up of extended family plots or yards on an ex-scrap yard.

Dale Farm, Essex, is the UK?s largest Travellers? community,
consisting of nearly a hundred separate properties, owned mainly by
travellers of Irish heritage and Romani families, lying well outside
the village and made up of extended family plots or yards on an
ex-scrap yard.

Caving in to racial prejudice, Basildon District Council (BDC) has set
aside 9.2 million pounds to demolish the homes in the back 52 plots
and have asked the Home Office for 10 million more. The council have
consistently rejected planning applications and several
is the time for action…

the resistance camp. People from Bristol will be going through out
August. Come to the Factory, 2-8 Cave st, 830, Tuesday 2nd August, to
find out more and get involved! Or email

For more info…see

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State's case against Abahlali baseMjondolo collapses (South Africa)

24-07-2011 15:10

In September 2009 the South African shack dweller's movement Abahali baseMjondolo (which has strong links to the London Coalition Against Poverty) was attacked by an armed ANC mob in Durban. Twelve AbM activists were arrested after the attack and were detained for eight months. The state's case against the 12 has now fallen apart completely and clear evidence of a state frame up has emerged. This report is from the radical legal NGO that represented the 12.

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No Borders Demonstration in Haywards Heath, Sat 30 July

24-07-2011 13:23

Croydon NoBorders is calling for a demo in Haywards Heath on Saturday 30th July to protest against a new detention centre for children and families which is due to open in late summer at nearby Pease Pottage.

Please join us on Saturday 30th July with banners, placards and instrument to call for an end to detention and deportation. Gather at Muster Green park in Haywards Heath at 1pm.
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