UK Repression Newswire Archive
Google Earth fingers CIA rendition flights?
19-01-2006 21:52

Urgent appeal from Homeless activists in Osaka, Japan
19-01-2006 12:03
Immediate Email / Fax / Letter protests needed to prevent violent eviction and detention of Homeless people in Osaka! The average age of those affected is 55! Please make an effort to address your concerns to the Japanese authorities, any international pressure means a lot to the unemployed dispossessed of Osaka!CIA AIRCRAFT FLYING INTO SCOTLAND: Dossier to MP
19-01-2006 07:16
19-01-2006 03:03

East Timor counts its dead
19-01-2006 02:05
A United Nations Report reveals the extent of Indonesian atrocities in East Timor.The QUICKTIME REPORT 19/1/06 - SEE and LISTEN GLOBALLY!
19-01-2006 01:50

socpa court case adjourned today at bow street
19-01-2006 00:42
the trial at bow street magistrates court today of mark barrett was adjourned to the end of march amidst some confusion. he was in court for taking part in an unauthorised demonstration outside parliament on 28th august last year.Hackney STWC public meeting and DVD screening
18-01-2006 19:18

Chair of the national stop the war coallition Andrew Murray will be present and we will be screening the new DVD from Decembers' International Peace Conference.
18-01-2006 17:24
his is a signal historical event for it clarifies that Dajjal Bush CAN indeed be held to civilized standards by the judicious application of armed force. The official policy of "non-negotiation with terrorists" has fallen flat on its face and now enters the dustbin of history. It is now time for the mice to demand more cookies to end the torture camps for good.Human Relations. Execution Style.
18-01-2006 10:41
An eminent international scholar, Mr. Igor Dubenco, was denied a teaching job at the only educational institution of higher learning in Transnistiran Moldavian Republic (TMR), Transnistria State University (TSU), the degrees from which are accepted by one country only, Russia.Landmark Speech by Al Gore Cites the Tashkent Telegrams
18-01-2006 09:29
A speech by ex Vice President Al Gore on Monday called the US to action to protect its constitution. He cited documents banned by the UK government but published by Craig Murray to reinforce his demands that extraordinary rendition and torture have to stop.911 – the need for an independent investigation
17-01-2006 16:07
11 September 2001, the day the world changed forever. If ever there was a time of innocence it was no longer.Leave or die say protesters
17-01-2006 15:22
Protests escalate after decades of struggle in the face of Shell OIl...Pictures of Dalkeith Park Top Site Eviction
17-01-2006 11:00

A lot of people cycle, do walking and train their dogs in the park, too.
Dalkeith town is crossed by the A68 leading to Jedburgh and the Borders.
Government plans for ID nation defeated ? (again)
17-01-2006 01:36
Not an issue that ever seems to stay dead, the governments ID card scheme has today suffered another major defeat - but don't hold your breath, it will probably be back on the table soon enough...ICOPA XI
17-01-2006 01:33

Colombian army murders social activists
17-01-2006 00:38
The Colombian army is increasing its attacks against different sectors of the social movement throughout the country. Below are two Urgent Actions regarding army murders of civilian activists in the Peace Community of San Jose de Apartado, and indigenous communities in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Please take the time to read the appeals, and send messages of protest to the Colombian authorities.Another victim of the regime
16-01-2006 12:12
In December 2005 editor-in-chief of Adalat (Justice) newspaper Khudaiberdy Kurbandurdiyev was sentenced to 8 years imprisonment.