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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Zimbabweans call demo against mass deportation this Saturday (16th)

14-09-2006 11:33

Blair and Mugabe are on the same side
Thando Dube, who was recently freed after 12 months detained in Yarlswood after joining a hunger strike among Zimbabwean detainees, will join a demonstration against the deportation of Zimbabweans in Leeds this Saturday 16 September.

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14-09-2006 10:46

LEAVE THEM KIDS ALONE (Anti school fingerprinting campaign)

News Release: For immediate release: 14th September 2006


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Civil society groups denounce Singapore government, IMF-WB for barring activists

14-09-2006 10:33

12 Sept 06 - Protest against World Bank at Makati Shangri-la
Jubilee South and the Freedom from Debt Coalition of the Philippines, two of the proponents and lead organizers of the International Peoples Forum vs the IMF and World Bank, denounce the latest move of the Singapore government to prevent the exercise of freedom of speech and peaceful assembly.

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The Art of War

14-09-2006 10:15

Likud threatens Latuff

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A Worlwide Call To Arms

14-09-2006 06:53

Please help save the life of a grandmother

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SOCPA - superintendent terry on trial tomorrow

13-09-2006 22:42

barbara tucker takes superintendent terry to court tomorrow morning, and perhaps to the cleaners. horseferry road magistrates will sit for her 'abuse of process' hearing in reference to police arrests, reports and summonses in the socpa zone. she will show that the police have acted unlawfully by not authorising her one-person ongoing protest and instead embarking on a campaign of harrassment, intimidation and violence.

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Two Axioms of 9/11

13-09-2006 20:08

The War on the American People – that psychological operation against our minds and emotions that began with the demolition of the World Trade Center and has continued unabatedly for five consecutive years – has been reinvented and redeployed, its army of lackey journalists, talking heads, government institutions and authoritarian politicians eager to spread the language and images needed to resurrect emotions and feelings, spreading the filth designed to manipulate our fears and hatreds, conditioning us into accepting the dictates of the state and the corporation along with the reality of a world of perpetual war and perpetual terror.

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Another Political Prisoner Murdered in Iran

13-09-2006 08:30

A second political prisoner in Iran is murdered and the world stays silent.

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'Path to 9/11' Obscures Real Terror Network

13-09-2006 08:15

Thankfully, the “docudrama,” the Path to 9/11, thought to be a documentary by some people—likely to the glee of neocons, especially former Marxist David Horowitz—has come and gone, or at least half of it has. Now we are roiling in the political aftermath.

In order to make a long and tedious story short, it appears Horowitz had a guiding hand in the production of the eminently forgettable miniseries, consisting basically of little more than prolonged and orgiastic Clinton bashing.

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The Anglo-American empire’s 9/11 atrocity: criminality’s zenith

13-09-2006 07:24

To accept any aspect of the US government’s account of 9/11, whether it is the brutal deceptions of the Bush administration (and the equally complicit neoliberal faction of the US elite), the limited hangout and cover-up of the 9/11 commission, or any of the incoherent “anti-conspiracy” ramblings of Left progressive “intellectuals," is to condone murder, and the absolute rule of criminals.

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SOCPA - finally some good news!

12-09-2006 23:26

superintendent terry stands trial under socpa
in brian haw's court case this morning, he won the right to a judicial hearing over police conduct, thus putting superintendent terry in the dock. his own criminal case has been adjourned pending the review although a pre-trial hearing has been set for the 28th september.

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Swift Brian Haw Update

12-09-2006 22:44

Brian's trial adjourned...

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The Colder War

12-09-2006 18:25

An old article - but worth revisiting. This is a little disseminated story about how America - under Prez Carter - created, funded and trained the Taliban. This is the selfsame Taliban who violate women's and human rights, and against whom the war of terror - sorry! war on terror - is perpetrated, killing untold thousands of innocents in the process, reversing human rights and civil liberties in the name of freedom, etc., when meanwhile, back at the ranch - this was an enemy bought and paid for by the Americans. This needs to be widely circulated and the leaders of the so-called "democratic" and "freedom-loving" nations called to account for their atrocities.

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First Wessex plan takeover of Portsmouth housing

12-09-2006 16:55

First Wessex Housing Group, consisting of Pavilion Housing Association and Atlantic Housing Association, are planning to takeover Portsmouth Housing Association.

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Roof of St.Pauls Cathedral occupied to commemorate 9/11

12-09-2006 14:21

I case you were wondering 9/11 is not just the anniversary of General Pinochett's US backed coup which installed a fascist government and murdered 30,000 people. Nor is it just the day that the people of New York discovered what it is like to be Palestinian.

It is also the day that Gandhi announced his strategy of peaceful non violent direct action. A way of doing things that would eventually see the liberation of an entire continent and inspiration for many of the great civil rights movements of the last 100 years.

Whether or not such tactics could work now is a matter of debate. One of the first things that US troops did when 'liberating' Iraq was to gun down 'peaceful non violent' demonstrators demanding jobs from the 'Coalition' government. Personally I think that if Gandhi was alive now he would be carrying an AK47 and dedicating his spare time to making roadside bombs.

Anyway, yesterday was the 100th anniversary of Gandhi's declaration. So to remember the great man and his work, 3 women occupied the roof of St.Pauls Cathedral and dropped a banner. Below is their press release.

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Women in Burkas Surround Afghan Embassy in Washington DC

12-09-2006 10:32

American Women Chained to Afghan Embassy on 9/11/2006
American Women Demonstrate in Chains and Burkas Against Afghan Embassy on 9/11

"America did not invent human rights. In a very real sense, it is the other way around. Human rights invented America." - President Jimmy Carter

Following that credo, on September 11, 2006, American women handcuffed and chained themselves to the Afghan Embassy in Washington, DC to protest against Hamid Karzai's oppressive government. A spokeswoman stated that this was "just the start of demonstrations against the Afghan Embassy in Washington to protest President Karzai's illegal imprisonment of innocent Americans and treatment of Afghan women." The women also announced that demonstrations will take place at the Afghan embassies in Washington and London on October 12th, 2006.

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Australia: Typical CIA planted story: Whose ABC?

12-09-2006 02:23

Shadowy figures
Former JI leader warns of further attacks this year? Terrorism: Noordin Mohammad Top has ordered his supporters to carry out attacks every year since the 2002 Bali bombings ABC (file photo). (AFP)

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NATO in disarray over military crisis in Afghanistan

12-09-2006 00:20

Bitter combat and inevitable casualties
With the prospect of months of bitter combat and inevitable casualties fighting an entrenched and popularly supported insurgency, however, no country has stepped forward as of yet to provide the additional troops. Less than two months after taking over operational control of the southern promises, NATO forces are sinking into the same quagmire as their American counterparts.

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Classroom assistant suspended for anti-Blair protest

11-09-2006 22:19

A London classroom assistant has been suspended for helping to organise a protest against Blair when he spoke at his school last week. Please support the campaign to defend his job and workers' right to protest.

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STOP PRESS - brian haw court case venue changed

11-09-2006 19:40

brian haw's court case over alleged breach of conditions imposed on his demonstration has been moved to horseferry road magistrate's court at 10am tomorrow morning, NOT marylebone as previously reported.
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