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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Anarchy and Gnosticism

24-12-2005 16:23

Since Ashcroft is invoking Christianity [circa 2003], I thought this synopsis of the philosophy of early Christians, the Gnostics, might be useful. This mystic message of Jesus's teachings has nothing to do with warmongering.

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corporal punishment in singapore

24-12-2005 06:00

video of corporal punishment in malaysia and singapore(warning:not for the faint-hearted)

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No room in Bethlehem for peace campaigners, UK activists in jail for Christmas

24-12-2005 04:45

Peace campaigner hospitalised while in detention in Israel. Delegate prevented from attending a peace conference in Bethlehem.

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Police Arrest Devotees for Chanting Hare Krishna on Oxford Street

24-12-2005 04:39

London Kirtan
(A True Christmas Story from London) Police Arrest Devotees for Chanting Hare Krishna on Oxford Street

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Stunning Insights into Bush's lies about illegal domestic spying....

24-12-2005 03:29

To scoff is to remain ignorant in the face of profundity! Blindness is always the result!
Let wisdom's seventh chapter unseal the symbols.

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Sydney's racial violence: a warning from Sri Lanka

23-12-2005 19:04

Regressive economic and social program
Who was the main beneficiary? None other than Prime Minister John Howard and his Liberal government, which is notorious for stirring up anti-immigrant sentiment and fears of terrorist attack to divert attention from its own regressive economic and social program.

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23-12-2005 18:32

The Trustees of Interpal, the UK-registered Palestinian relief charity, have today concluded a successful out-of-court settlement of libel proceedings brought against the Board of Deputies of British Jews over allegations published on the Board's website in September 2003.

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Spying on the US Government

22-12-2005 22:59

Countermeasures for US and Globals Citizens

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The class issues behind Australia's race riots

22-12-2005 22:18

Muslim Australians have been the target
The racialist violence at North Cronulla beach erupted under conditions where the Howard government has confronted widespread opposition to an avalanche of regressive legislation--from the imposition of draconian anti-terror legislation to the full-privatisation of Telstra and far-reaching changes to industrial relations legislation. The cultivation of racialist tensions is aimed at cutting directly across the class solidarity between workers of all backgrounds that has characterised recent mass rallies and protests against the Iraq war, the IR laws and in defence of living standards.

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Jack Straw on gays,human rights and any action about Iran

22-12-2005 16:51

Reply received from Foreign Sec, Jack Straw to a letter from a constituent of former Tory leader Micheal Howard.

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Deployment of 'energy' weapons in iraq

22-12-2005 16:27

US military/industrial complex development team is urging immediate deployment of a "non-lethal, counter-personnel directed-energy weapon", a transmitter that produces an energy frequency of 95 GHz and an antenna to direct an invisible beam at a target. Once the energy reaches the subject, the light beam penetrates the skin by less than 1/64th of an inch. Within seconds, the target experiences an intolerable heating sensation. The sensation would stop if the target moves or the system is turned off

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Racist Abuse of Prisoners

22-12-2005 13:29

The disproportionate imprisoning of young black people has always been an inevitable result of a criminal justice system inbuilt at every level with racist attitudes and an antipathy towards the black working class community.

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The PCS, the Immigration 'Service' and the Scottish Protests

22-12-2005 01:02

The following statement was issued, by the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) executive committee, on 24 November 2005 with regard to the on-going protests against the dawn raids aimed at refugees in Scotland. Bear in mind when reading it, that this is the only union in Britain which has an absolute majority of socialists - mostly members of the SP and SWP - on its executive committee

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police clearly told to ignore carol singing protest in parliament square

21-12-2005 22:51

carol singers
police pointedly ignored investigating possible crimes this evening in parliament square when the 'serious organised crime and police act' was once again challenged by brian haw, maya evans and others. the event was called by tim ireland ( and raised money for 'medical aid for iraqi children'.

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Parliament Square carol service mentioned on Radio 4 news

21-12-2005 18:46

BBC Radio 4 6pm news gave a few minutes to cover tonight's carol singing in Parliament Square:

No arrests so far apparently...

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Peace workers denied access Bethlehem

21-12-2005 12:13

Latest news 9pm: lawyer says Israeli authorities will try to
deport the 3 early tomorrow morning before she has a chance to file a court request to freeze the deportation and pursue the
matter in court. Their phones seem to have been taken away and they are incommunicado.

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URGENT - Protest against eviction on Broadway Market 6pm today

21-12-2005 11:43

Francesca's Café in Broadway Market, Hackney has been evicted today from 7am. There will be a local show of solidarity against the eviction outside the Café at 6pm this evening, please come and show your anger and support.

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Parliament Square, 6pm today - will we be arrested for singing Christmas Carols?

21-12-2005 10:00

Will Tony Blair arrest us for singing songs of peace and goodwill in Parliament Square? Christmas Carol concert will test the limits of government free speech ban.

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Season's Greetings and pass the amunition

21-12-2005 08:45

Armed police were again out on the streets of Nottingham city centre yesterday
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