UK Repression Newswire Archive
The unsavoury flavour of the depth of police corruption
29-11-2009 18:54
The following gives the unsavoury flavour of the depth of corruption. The second article goes into greater detail concerning official corruption in this case. It is time honourable Members of Parliament took up the baton and demand answers. The behaviour of police and the judiciary is typical of the Middle Ages, not of the 21st century!Skelmersdale council tenants fight for their houses
29-11-2009 18:23
A group of council tenants and council home owners in West Lancashire is fighting plans to demolish their homes and replace them with apartments for private sale. Why do so many regeneration plans do so little for the less well off?Cross channel protest against the UK Border Regime
29-11-2009 14:14

Another shoplifting copper caught with their trousers down
28-11-2009 19:25
Chief Inspector Kim Molloy of Notts police was arrested by her colleagues after a suspected shoplifting incident at a Tescos Extra. A "rising star" of the force, she is alleged to have been trying to get an unofficial 'discount' on her make-up.Berlin squat evicted
28-11-2009 17:23
Taken from mainstream press, full article on signalfire.orgTamil Heroes Day of Remembrance, Excel, London -pictures.
28-11-2009 13:23

Political prisoner educational and fundraising calendar project
28-11-2009 12:00

Filipino Workers Condemn Maguindanao Massacre
28-11-2009 02:34

Venezuela: anti-police impunity activist assassinated
27-11-2009 21:11
In just the latest attack on social movements in the country. unidentified gunmen shoot dead a 24-year-old cameraman involved with the Comité de Víctimas en Contra de la Impunidad (CVCI) in Barquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela. Below is the translation of an official communiqué from Caracas-based anarchist newspaper El Libertario.Hurried Steps
27-11-2009 15:04
Based on eight Amnesty International cases, Hurried Steps, written by Dacia Maraini, directed by Nicolette Kay and performed by New Shoes Theatre, is a deeply moving play of violence on women. It had its UK premier at the Mill Studio in Guildford on 26 November 2009 to coincide with tenth anniversary of International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women two days previous.Philippines: Abduction and killings of journalists, politicians and civilians
27-11-2009 00:11

Order Out of Chaos: CIA, Blackwater Responsible for Bombings in Pakistan
26-11-2009 08:51

Public Meeting to oppose Points Based Immigration
25-11-2009 22:29

Climate Camp G20 Policing - Judicial Review Hearing Granted
25-11-2009 11:26
Climate Camp Protestors win battle for High Court scrutiny of G20 PolicingProtestors who were ‘kettled' and beaten during the Fossil Fool's day protest outside the Climate Exchange on 1st April 2009 have won the first round of a battle to hold the senior Metropolitan Police officers involved accountable. Granting permission for their judicial review to proceed to a full hearing, Administrative Court Lead Judge Sir Andrew Collins commented that the claim concerned, "issues that can properly be regarded as suitable for the Administrative Court", including the decision to deploy force which was made minutes after officers had noted a "party like atmosphere" at the demonstration.

HMIC Policing Protest Report Published - Police Tactics Condemned
25-11-2009 11:08
The long awaited second report by Denis O'Connor, the chief inspector of constabulary, is critical of many aspects of public order policing which alienate the public and infringe the right to protest.
The report "Adapting to Protest – Nurturing the British Model of Policing" looked at the now infamous policing of the G20 protests in london as well as the Climate Camp protest at Kingsnorth and other mass demonstrations.
See Full Report:

In related news, campaigners from Climate Camp have won their legal battle to secure a full hearing for a Judicial Review around the brutal policing of the G20.
Danish Police Warn Cop15 Protestors Not To Publish Legal Advice
25-11-2009 09:46
Believe it or not that's the latest message being conveyed by the Danish media this morning.The Copenhagen Post reports that Mogens Lauridsen, deputy chief superintendent of Copenhagen Police, has made a statement on advice for protestors published on the Internet.
The advice for protestors includes an explanation of laws which the police may use against them as well as their legal rights under Danish law. Such legal guides are often published ahead of protests to inform demonstrators of the risks they may face and advice about how police may act towards them - during protests and if they are arrested. They are of particular relevance where protestors are coming from other countries where laws and police procedures differ.
The Danish police force, like all police forces, does not have an unblemished record when it comes to the treatment of protestors.
Recently a letter signed by members of several British NGOs including Friends of the Earth, Jubilee Debt Campaign and Christian Aid was sent to the Danish embassy (and published in the Guardian) highlighting concerns over the curtailing of legitimate protest around the Copenhagen climate summit after new repressive public order legislation was proposed. The legislation proposed includes an extension of pre-emptive detention from 6hours to 12 hours.
National differences in public order laws also led a mainstream NGO coalition to ask for clarification over whether its members wearing panda costumes would be arrested on the streets of Copenhagen, since in Denmark the wearing of masks (or even the assumed intention to wear a mask) can be an arrestable offence.
The people from around the world planning to protest at the Cop15 climate summit deserve to know how the police may treat them, and no civilised society should object to such information being published.
Jump the Channel!
24-11-2009 14:58
Transnational protest against the border regime! Whatever side of the channel you live on, join us on Saturday! Protest outside the 'Joint Centre for Intelligence' Bouverie House, (Folkstone police station) Bouverie Road West, 3pm..Citizens in Defence of Rights and Freedoms – Project Justice Gonçalo Amaral
24-11-2009 06:48

UN conference: Denmark threatens protesters
24-11-2009 00:54
Before the UN conference in December in Copenhagen, the Danish government wants to tighten the right to demonstrate - even against peaceful protesters.