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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Open letter from Glasgow Women's Activist Forum to Occupy Glasgow

01-11-2011 17:35

Below is an open letter from Glasgow Women's Activist Forum to Occupy Glasgow. If your organisation would like to sign the letter, please email

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Solidarity from Canada for Census Resister Judith Sambrook

01-11-2011 08:16

Judith Sambrook from Shrewsbury refused to complete her census in protest at the involvement of deadly weapons manufacturer Lockheed Martin in the data processing under a lucrative contract with the government. She will appear at Wrexham Magistrates Court on 11/11/11 (Remembrance Day) at 10.30am where a demonstration and vigil will be held in solidarity with Judith and all census resisters, and against Lockheed Martin, all those involved in the arms trade and all wars. These messages of support have arrived from Canada, where Lockheed Martin is also involved in the census.

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Trial date set and bail conditions removed

31-10-2011 14:29

The three defendants in the Lib Dem Banner Drop case appeared in court this morning for a committal hearing to set a court date and hear arguments to remove bail conditions.

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"To End War - The People Must Go On STRIKE"

31-10-2011 12:10


30th NOVEMBER 2011
From Midnight Thursday 29th November - 12 Noon Saturday 3rd December 2011

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Racism gives Australia one of the worlds' worst deaths in custody records

30-10-2011 09:40

Australia has one of the worlds' worst deaths in custody records - prison and police custodial - however this country's social wealth is envied by most of the rest of the world. Therefore, how is it possible that Australia, with its social wealth, perpetrate the most horrific statistics in terms of custodial deaths, in terms of the rate of deaths and in terms of crude totals? How is it that the Aboriginal peoples of this nation are disproportionately borne with the brunt of deaths in custody and borne with disproportionately wild incarceration rates? Aboriginal incarceration rates are five times the rate when compared with apartheid South Africa, and West Australia's Aboriginal incarceration rates are eight times the rate when compared with apartheid South Africa. In any other country these types of targeted incarceration and deaths in custody rates would have led to a civil war or en masse confrontations.

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First Meeting of the Traveller Solidarity Network

29-10-2011 01:19

This is to announce the first public meeting of the Traveller Solidarity Network which will attempt to formalise some of what the network might do and how it will be organised.

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Libya S.O.S!: Important Campaign

28-10-2011 22:13

Dr. Abuzaid Omar Dorda - SOS!
IMPORTANT CAMPAIGN CONCERNING LIBYA! ... Lizzie Phelan, an independent journalist from Britain, who was reporting from Libya during the NATO bombing and the fall of Tripoli, informed the public about Dr. Abuzaid Omar Dorda, the senior Libyan official, a former UN ambassador who is currently being held and tortured by NTC members, his life being in grave danger. Thus, we are urging international community, humanitarian organizations, UN and CoE to promptly demand the release and guaranties for the life of this respected man, whose human rights are grossly violated, by the 'new democratic' Libyan regime.

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Call Call UoB Guild of Students to complain suspension of the VP Education

28-10-2011 12:15

It is coming up to a month since Edd Bauer, the University of Birmingham Guild of Students Vice President of Education has been undemocratically suspended.

We are calling on individuals to call the Guild Today 28/10/1011, between 9-5 to complain about the undemocratic suspension of an elected representative and demand his re-instatement.

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LSX Occupation: What is this Machine?

27-10-2011 16:09

The Machine: What the hell is this?
This is a little late considering the London Occupation of Paternoster Square happened about 2 weeks ago; however the image of the machine in the picture, wheeled in by the Met during the demo, keeps nagging me. What the hell is it?

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Telegraph & Daily Mail OLSX smear based on "rubbish science"

27-10-2011 13:29

A military scientist specialising in camouflage and thermal imaging techniques has confirmed that The Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail claims smearing OLSX are based on "rubbish science"; while Daily Express hack Matt Wilkinson ( has libeled OLSX protestors as "a rabble who succeeded where Hitler failed" and launched an extraordinary smear campaign against OLSX protesting ex-Tory councillor Robin Smith -

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Occupy West Midlands Police HQ 4 Justice

27-10-2011 13:01

From 5th to 7th November 2011, we will be occupying West Midlands Police Headquarters in support of the Burrell family. To date they have been waiting 6 months to have Kinglsey Burrell's body released for burial due to the IPCC investigation. They say they are still interviewing witnesses.

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Homeless Debacle in North America

26-10-2011 22:27

Millions of North Americans are threatened with record homelessness. Bankrupt governments are not responding. Could you hack it? Alex interviews homeless advocates in New York City, San Francisco, Washington D.C. and Vancouver, Canada.

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Remembrance procession in London against deaths in custody - Saturday 29th October 12:30pm

26-10-2011 20:47

List of individuals who have died in custody (as of October 2006)
A silent procession in memory of people who have died in custody will be held in London on 29th October 2011. The United Families and Friends Campaign, the organiser of the procession, is inviting all to join what will start as a silent procession along Whitehall followed by Noisy Protest at Downing Street.

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Protesters condemn Nigerian support for mass deportations

26-10-2011 19:46

A crowd gathered outside the Nigerian high commission in London on Wednesday to protest their assistance to the UK authorities in deporting Nigerians. The demo coincided with a mass removal flight to Nigeria on which over 40 women were removed, some with outstanding legal cases.

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Report On The 2011 Observation And Solidarity Brigade To Zapatista Communities

26-10-2011 19:18

In response to the increasing levels of aggression and harassment they are experiencing, we went on the Brigade of Observation and Solidarity with the Zapatista Communities from the 27th August to the 2nd September 2011.

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Plans afoot to criminalise squatting in residential buildings

26-10-2011 17:49

Despite the respondents to its very own consultation overwhelmingly supporting squatting, the Government is still moving full steam ahead to criminalise a solution to emptiness. It's a farcical situation! But one which may have far-reaching consequences...

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Reclaim the night on Friday

24-10-2011 18:20

The 2011 Oxfordshire Reclaim the Night march takes place this Friday evening, 28 October, meeting 6.30pm at Gloucester Green. We'll march around the city centre making a noise about violence against women, and tying decorative labels with messages about violence against women - and the phone number for Oxford Rape Crisis - onto railings and streetsigns. Bring your selves, your passion, your favourite chants, and placards and banners.

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Down with the Stalinists! Down with the Bureaucrats!

24-10-2011 12:10

About the 48-hour general strike demonstrations of 19-20/10 in Greece, the change of the police doctrine towards a "softer management of demonstrations" and the role of the stalinists in "self-policing" the protests

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Occupy Melbourne violently attacked by Police (for Queen's visit)

24-10-2011 11:44

Attack on Occupy Melbourne: Police Tactics from above
After six days of peaceful occupation of the city square, and five days before the Queen is due to visit Melbourne, Lord Mayor Robert Doyle warned that if the protestors didn't leave today they would be forcibly removed. The eviction was carried out by 400 police including riot police and dogs. Horses and capsicum spray were also used to attack the crowd at various times. (Repost from IMC Melbourne)
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