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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Talk/Discussion on F.I.E.S & Italian repression at Cowley Club, Brighton

31-10-2005 03:57


Repression and resistance in Italy.



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Critical Massive

30-10-2005 15:28

The police tried to ban Critical Mass

We showed them who runs London

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Wiped off the map

30-10-2005 09:31

Has Israel's stated intention of keeping Palestine off the map “indefinitely” caused Britain and the US any of the concern expressed this week at the remarks of the Iranian President?

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Preventive Detention: A Shield or A Sword?

30-10-2005 03:19

Preventive detention is an unnecessary evil
Yet there are no bombs being thrown any where in the country. If anything, it was only the 'smoking gun memo' and troops off to wage war that occasionally pervaded the atmosphere in Australia.

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Proposal for the Australian Sedition Act

30-10-2005 02:57

Shall be punished by imprisonment
Australia, Statutes at Large, Canberra, A.C.T., 2005.

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More Wapping homophobia

29-10-2005 22:21

Sun's homophobic sniggering over George Takei in an article by US editor Emily Smith

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Familys of Police victims march in London.

29-10-2005 20:01

The wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, children,
cousins, grandparents and friends of those who have died at the hands of
the British Police and legal system gathered in London today to remember
the dead.’
I have not bothered to caption the pics below as they speak for themselves.

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Titnore protesters defy police - but one arrest

29-10-2005 18:55

A PROTEST against the destruction of Titnore Woods in Durrington, Worthing, went ahead this afternoon (Saturday October 29), despite police attempts to crush it.
One man was arrested but at the time of writing is not known to have been charged with any offence.

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Bristol solidarity ride a success

29-10-2005 18:35

Around 200 cyclists and others answered the callout for a Halloween ride in Bristol on Friday night. The ride was held in solidarity with the reported clampdown on the 12 year-old monthly London critical mass ride, and to celebrate the sustainable culture & economics of cycling. The callout was issued by an ad hoc collection of individuals involved in peace, transport, climate change and anti-capitalist campaigns.

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Amazing turnout on "banned" critical mass

28-10-2005 22:47

View of just some of those at start
Despite their threats of critical mass being illegal, the cops were totally ridden over tonight. Amazing turnout of massers, must have been over a thousand? Well done to all the people who must have been networking very hard. The paltry 20 or so cops present were all on push bikes and could only "facilitate" in the most minor way. The haloween themed ride seemed to go pretty much where it wanted with no intervention - Trafalgar Square, Buck House, Victoria, several laps around Parliament Square with much banging and crashing from the now mobile samba band. I left everyone ranting outside Downing Street when my battery expired.

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Remembrance procession UFFC and Jean Charles de Menezes: Saturday 29 October

28-10-2005 18:28

Jean Charles de Menezes: his life was taken aged 27
Please join the family campaigns from 1pm until around 3pm, Trafalgar Square to Downing Street. We want legal justice for the families of all of the people, more than a thousand who died at the hands of the police. The police must be accountable when they commit crimes. We are opposing a shoot-to-kill policy which Parliament never approved, and Blair is trying to justify execution by the British government of innocent people like Jean Charles de Menezes. We want you to join us in remembering those who have died, and to oppose this Blairite policy.

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29 day of hunger strike for Turkish conscientious objector in military jail

28-10-2005 16:49

Turkish gay conscientious objector Mehmet Tarhan, now on 29th day of hunger strike in military prison, after being sentenced to four years for refusing to serve

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Dale Farm Eviction Racist says Commission

28-10-2005 11:43

The UK Commission for Racial Equality will
tell the High Court in London next month that
Basildon council's decision to bulldoze Dale
Farm, Britain's largest Gypsy settlement,
is racially motivated.

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29 day of hunger strike forTurkish conscientious objector in military jail

28-10-2005 11:26

Turkish gay conscientious objector Mehmet Tarhan, now on 29th day of hunger strike in military prison, after being sentenced to four years for refusing to serve

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Greece: Letter of anarchist prisoner Giorgos Kalaitzidis from prison

28-10-2005 10:43

Against the terrorlaw! Freedom to G.Kalaitzidis, P.Karasarinis, P.Aspiotis!
At the 7th of July G. Kalaitzidis and P. Karasarinis were arrested, having in possession broken pieces of police shields, taken away after an attack to a riot-patrol wagon. A few days later, P. Aspiotis was also arrested. Having exceeded the time limit of the "manifested guilt status" for 12hrs, the public prosecutor and the investigator overcharged them, by applying the harsh anti-terrorist law. Thus, through a procedure of juridical alchemy, the detainees stand as the scapegoats of 200 molotov blasts (specified as "explosive" instead of "inflammatory" material), as many as the total of the ones shot in Athens since 1998! The three detainees are kept in separate prisons (Koridalos, Amfissa, Nafplio).

The recent arrests and detentions-until-trial of Giorgos Kalaitzidis, Panagiotis Aspiotis and Petros Karasarinis according to the law for organized crime (terrorlaw) is an attempt of the repressive authorities to encircle the anarchist-antiauthoritarian space by legal means and to exterminate it by practical means. This will be a beginning of a generalised attack against everyone who resists, in society in general and among the workers more specifically. That's why this case doesn't concern only the anarchist-antiauthoritarian space but everyone who resists and criticizes the brutal enforcement of the dominance of the state, the crushing of individual and social rights, the rights of workers and immigrants.

The antiauthoritarian practices of extra-institutional action which attain rights and even more freedom for the social resistance in general, are criminalised through institutional adjustments and changes in legislation in order for the state to define the way of struggle of either the anarchist-antiauthoritarian space or the general antiglobalisation movement or even the workers.

Comrades, right now the environment of dominance in Europe wishes to demolish any kind of threat or potential threat. This is confirmed by the wave of arrests and raids in Italy and Spain. This fact together with the arrest of the three renders the space a target of multinational repression (which is already institutionalized) and the discussion about combating the new reality has to begin.

[please forward as widely as possible! the comrades are still imprisoned]

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The Lords of the Lies

28-10-2005 09:29

British Bill bids to block Internet access: a group fronted by MPs keeps trying to get more control over the Internet. None of the criminals concerned likes publicity, and the everywhere used sneaky excuse - to start with and further censorship - is, as was thought: 'to stop pornography.'

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The race that doesn't stop the nation

28-10-2005 07:14

The Anti-Terrorism Cup
The race that doesn't stop the nation

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27-10-2005 17:09

Hppier times
Thousands of low paid workers are being made homeless by the implementation of John Prescott's Decent Homes Standards.

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PLEASE TAKE ACTION: Iraqi trade unionists denied entry to Germany

27-10-2005 14:44

A major tour of Germany, supported by hundreds of peace groups, is under threat, as the German authorities have refused visas for the speakers from the General Union of Oil Employees, Basra, an anti-occupation, anti-privatisation union. Please fax, email or otherwise contact your local German embassy in order to protest. Info about local embassies is at the bottom of this article.

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Talk/ Discussion in Brighton about F.I.E.S Struggle and more.

27-10-2005 13:44

Tuesday 1st Nov. 7pm
The Cowley Club
12 London Road
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