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SOCPA Karaoke LIVE @ Sequani Labs Friday 29th Feb!

28-01-2008 12:02

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Join us for SOCPA Karaoke outside Sequani torture labs in solidarity with the Sequani 6.

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Private Investigator, Server Threatened for serving Federal Court Judgments.

28-01-2008 04:35

Deyanne Dusty Harrison served a federal Court Injunction on Placer County on December 29,2007 to free Alvin from malicious kidnap. The Federal Injunction was transfered to Nevada USDC on January 25, 2008, and "Dusty" a Placer County court officer was threatened for performing her duty and turned on her client.
Thia happened with P.I Floyd Smith in 2005 whom we paid over $20,000.00 he was threatened and abandoned.

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Sequani Campaign - New Email List - Join Today!

28-01-2008 02:54

Keep up to date with the campaign against Sequani torture labs in Ledbury, Herefordshire!

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Respect the right to protest - Don't harmonise its criminalisation

27-01-2008 22:57

Response to the Home Office consultation on managing protest around Parliament

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Gaza demo pix.

27-01-2008 19:14

Huge mobilisation of mainly Palestinian protesters in Whitehall outside Downing street.

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Anniversary Vigil: A year of witness to the horrors of Guantánamo - 8 February

27-01-2008 17:37

For the past year, the London Guantánamo Campaign has maintained a regular presence outside the American Embassy in Mayfair on Friday evenings to protest against the ongoing arbitrary detention, torture and abuse of international law by the American government in Guantánamo Bay. Meeting regularly at 6-7pm outside the entrance to the Embassy come rain or shine, campaigners have held a peaceful vigil against the shameless brutality of a system that has paved the way for human rights abuses elsewhere in the world for the past 6 years under the “war on terror”.

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Save Sulukule! Rroms in Turkey

27-01-2008 17:22

Urgent campaign to save Sulukule (Turkey) and protect the oldest Rrom community in the world.

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Why Palestinians Are Fleeing Apartheid Israel’s Gaza Concentration Camp?

27-01-2008 14:05

About half the Occupied Palestinians are children and three quarters are women and children. Any person who knowingly ignores, denies, minimizes, excuses, obfuscates, supports, advocates or is other wise complicit in the gross abuses of woman and children has crossed the line between decent humanity and proto-Nazi barbarism. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity.

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A second visit to Hoole TOTAL petrol station in Chester

26-01-2008 20:45

Crossing at the pedestrian crossing
Wrexham Women for Peace and supporters held another demo at Hoole TOTAL petrol station today in support of the people of Burma.

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The war on scientology.

26-01-2008 19:40

When and Where
You may have heard in some of the news outlets that a group of "Hackers" have declared war on Scientology. Firstly, we're not hackers. We are an autonomus group of individuals who have come together to fight a common cause. It is our aim to make people aware of the wrongdoings and cult-like nature of this organisation, and ultimately reduce their ability to take and destroy lives. We are known as Anonymous.

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Furrier ordered to pay protesters' legal fees

26-01-2008 19:17

A federal judge this week described Portland furrier Gregg Schumacher's failed lawsuit against a rabble of animal-rights protesters an "extraordinary abuse" of the civil courts and directed him to pay $96,870 to cover his foes' legal fees.

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Haiti: Vanessa Redgrave Joins Appeal For Kidnapped Human Rights Activist

26-01-2008 19:08

Acclaimed actress Vanessa Redgrave joins a growing list of prominent people worldwide who have expressed concerned with the safe return of Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine, the missing human rights activist kidnapped in Haiti on 12 August 2007 after meeting with a visiting US human rights delegation.

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London Critical Mass January ride.

26-01-2008 09:34

A subdued start to a good ride, held up by a massive traffic jam in the Strand, but it livened up later with a bike high in Piccadilly Circus and taunts to impatient car horns. Joyful chants of 'More bikes less cars' and 'Whose streets? Our streets'.

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New Sequani campaign building momentum + new job openings for security staff!

26-01-2008 00:09

Demos every day at Sequani torture labs, workers shamed in and out of work! Now up to five security guards for five protesters as new campaign builds up momentum!

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Fit Watch Delay Start of Police March

25-01-2008 23:29

Okay – maybe for only five minutes – but at least we got to obstruct 20,000 cops, which might be a record.

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Chiswick protest against Total Oil support for Burma dictatorship

25-01-2008 22:30

Twelve protesters held a demonstration at the West Four Total Oil petrol station at 137 Chiswick High Road on January 24th, calling on the company to stop giving the brutal military junta hundreds of millions of dollars a year, as the largest western supporter of the military regime.

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Escape from Gaza or Voluntary Transfer?

25-01-2008 19:34

Forget everything you've read about the “Great Escape” from Gaza. It's thoroughly misleading, most probably cooked up in an Israeli think tank as way to rid Palestine of its indigenous people.

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US Passport Cards to contain RFID chips

25-01-2008 17:25

The US will begin issuing Passport cards for frequent travel between the US and Mexico, Canada, the Carribbean, and Bermuda. These cards will contain Radio Frequenqy Identification Chips linked to government databases.

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Harassment at CDG continues

25-01-2008 16:22

CDG, Careers Development Group, run New Deal 'boot camps' on behalf of Job Centres.

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Justice For Atenco!!!

25-01-2008 15:37

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